I'm not being vicious, but I am establishing that my roos are not allowed to attack. "Kicking" is me merely putting out a foot to stop their forward progess. It is not me punting them across the yard.
Using the Rooster Whacker is me tapping them on the back of the head much like a senior roo would do to a subordinate. It's not me taking a baseball grip and waling away on the boys.

My roos are still young. I really enjoy them. They are full of personality and quite funny. They serve a very valuable purpose in my flock. But I will not tolerate either one of them coming at me with their feet or trying to peck me. As I generally am unable to catch them to hold them AND because me chasing them around trying to catch them seems to cause more trauma than my other methods, I feel the bamboo rod and a swift "back up" push are more than appropriate. Again, it is not me being cruel or inhumane. It's me keeping them out of the stew pot.
That was the final straw for me, too. After knocking him back several times and he was still flying straight for my face I KNEW nothing was going to work. I was literally terrified!
Generally means time for soup but I will say this... This past summer my daughter made a white cotton muslin butterfly like bag for me to catch grass clippings with for the birds. I had a few Roos that I could not catch for butchering (lost my leg catcher someplace) and so I used that bag to catch them. Its on a 3 foot pole.
After catching the roos, I noticed the rest of the flock was and still is terrified of the bag. The one roo left tried attacking me once and I started carrying that bag. When ever he saw it he hightailed it to the other side of the run. I ate the roo anyway becasue I was planning on it but I still use the white bag to herd the hens around and it works well. Becasue it is white or cause their brothers disappeared in it or what ever I dont know but maybe placing the guy in a bag and then carrying the bag will be enough of a reminder. Beats me!
If i were u i would either try to sell the roster or bring him to the Arthur sell barn on monday
well guys this has been quite the informative thread. Let me tell you happened with the latest confrontation with Pete the MEAN rooster. Pete is a beautiful redbrown 3 year old boy. he has his own pen with his girl "Argentina" . He has been housed both with her and withoout her due to showing times. he needs to look good when a show comes up and so does she. so we separate them for awhile before the shows so they don't look so pecked over.
so, I was getting ready to feed him and he just goes nutty on me so I am not takin' any of his cr*p and I scoop him up and hang him upside down. We go through this 4 more times and he actually reaches around and bites me real good a couple of times! I have heard about dunking him so i dunk him in cold water. then let him out. he is mad as a hornet now and he is ready to rumble!!!! so I grab him again and dunk him again -same result! So I figure I'll dunk him one more time and he falls into the bucket all the way!! I am thinking that I just drowned the bad boy and I turn the bucket upside down and pour him out. He gets up shakes off and then, lo and behold! he walks away from me and stays away from me! I went back out today to visit with him and he is still avoiding me!!!! Maybe it worked Crazy cock! this is Pete at the APA nationals .
If you really need to catch one for the stew pot (or any other reason), aren't you supposed to sneak up on them at night? That seems to cause less trauma to the catcher and the catchee.

Now there's someone using their brain, instead of hiding behind something and bashing it or kicking it, dispatch it and put in the freezer or pot if the football method doesn't work. You can always hold their heads while holding the body, too, the arm holding the body can always hold the feet/legs...

Off topic: Can't resist!
The way to get medicine down a toddler's throat when you can't otherwise is to lie them down backside on the carpet, arms and feet held down w/your legs while you sit above the head, pinch the nose and when they go to breath, squirt the medicine down the mouth...no is that cruel and unusual punishment? LOL

Added: b4 you decide to dispatch him, make sure you've got some fertile eggs from that beauty...​
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He seems to be doing okay right now. He didn't even try anything with me this afternoon. He is a real good lookin' rooster though.
Isn't that how it goes? the good looking ones are TROUBLE!! we'll see how he does over the next couple of days...

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