I don't believe that a modern game bird is even worth eating is it? I mean, he is so tall and skinny and I am sure "stringy". Do people eat non-meat birds regularly?
honestly..........even though he is very MEAN I can't eat him!!
My game roo attacked my grandmother (shes 82) not long after we got him an she beat the tar out of him with a peace of 1/4th inch pvc pipe. He now gives her a wide birth.

Two months ago he spurred me good. (I was bloody an steaming) Not having my revolver on my side like usual, grabbed the catfish net out of the boat an netted him up an beat the ground with him. Then let him hang upside down for a while..... Now he plays nice with everyone. Even the other game roo he free ranges with, much to the shock of my dad.
u did the wright thing
Holy cow!
I have 4 young roosters in my flock. Free range, but they are locked up every night, with the hens. I let them out each morning and give them a treat of scratch. Then do barn chores before I head out to work. They just hang out with me and the horses, in the barnyard, then head off to scour the land.
DH is home all day and goes out to give them scraps or scratch occasionally. The boys are starting to attack him. I think each one of the roo's have jumped at his back as he turns to walk away. With winter clothes on, he has not been hurt, but he is mad. I don't want him to kill my roosters! I have told him some of the things I have heard here, but he doesn't like them enough (like I do) to make the effort. I hope I don't start having roosters go missing while I am at work.
Do they ever just get over themselves?
Hmmm, good point.

I was out there with DH this morning. He threw the morning 'breakfast scratch' and then came complaining to me that the top dog, Zorro went for him. I think they are really half-hearted attacks. But still, I sympathize. I worry they will start going for me. So far Zorro just likes to sidle up very close to me (he used to fly on my shoulder as a baby).
As I watched DH, I saw him get kind of flinchy around the roosters. He actually 'gave way' to Zorro as he walked through the barnyard. I saw it and immediately pointed it out to DH, who is NOT like that with any of my other animals, including the 1200lb horses. I told him HE was to displace the rooster. Not in a mean way, but in a confident, *I* am the boss way. And to be deliberate about it. Hopefully, he will be more aware of his body language now.
I have watched and studied these boys as they grew. I just act like a big dominant rooster around them. Always. I hope my plan has continued success. If not, it will be a pot they end up in, sadly. Not until I try the water dunk method, though. I had to laugh at that one!
Yep, that's how I handle my roo, he knows I'm the alpha, and he doesn't bother trying anything with me. He's done the wing flap at me and I flap right back at him, staring him down - he backs away. He doesn't even bother trying to intimidate my DH, he's a big guy and Stumpy knows who's boss there!

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