
That really is the nicest offer ever. You ARE cool!
REALLY? You want my Evil Pete? (excuse me, my daughter's Evil Pete) Oh my, i have got to tell my daughter that you'd take him. she will be very happy. he is such a hansome guy, he will look very nicely added to anyone's flock! He is aggressive though, he nailed the judge real good at the show on Saturday. Are you okay with that? (Looks aren't everything!)
Yes, absolutely, I will take him. I have PLENTY of room and my roos hardly ever fight, mostly the little bantam ones get into it.

My chickens are soooo busy with the free ranging and chasing the available hens ( i have about 80 of them) that they forget they are a problem.

I simply love game birds and I have about 10 nice game hens.

When i have a problem with a roo that flogs me, I just use the methods that rooster-red uses. Eventually they just blend into the flock and live out their lives. I have only had to relocated two roos. One was a RIR rooster that was really beating up my hens. I tried and tried to stop him from doing this. In the end I gave him to a friend that had some New Jersey Giants and they ended up taking care of the problem. Last i heard he was a perfect gentleman.

The other roo was a little bantam black racer. He was a menance. I gave him to an other friend who told me the little guy took over most of his bigger roos hens. I just had to laugh as this is what he was doing over here. Quite the little stud. He just let it go and it did eventually work out.

I did count my roos today.

I have 2 little bantam roos that just hang out.
I have one black tail that stays with his hen.
I have one cochin that stays with his hen.
I have a leghorn roo that is just a sweetie
I have a BIG cochin that has learned the lessons of rooster-red
I have two plymouth rocks, but they are very young and not aggressive at all
and they have about 6 rock hens to chase.
I have one german spangle that stays with his hens.
I have two game roos that take it as it comes
I have two really nice polish roos that chase their hens all day.
I have one golden laced roo that is one handsome boy and it looks like
I am going to have to apply the Rooster-Red methods here soon
The rest are hens, about 80 of them.
Like I said, no fights (except the bantams together), Silkie roos do not count
they are evil ya know.

Here is a pic of the Cochin roo. He is reformed


Here is a pic of the barn they all stay in.


Finally, here is a pic of the wire mesh stalls I use to keep the chicies safe at nite nite time.
The ones who can not fly and such are locked up in these. The rest go to roost in the rafters or on top of the stalls. I do a nightly search and make sure everyone is put up.


Yes, you see the stud mini in the second one. He has since been moved and the chickens have taken over the entire barn. The wire mesh goes all around now, the door has been closed and secured the pony was in. Poor guy, he lost his run.
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That would be great if some of us with aggressive roosters also didnt have small children.

When Humphrey went "rogue" I had to stop letting my daughter let the chickens out in the morning. I had to stop letting her hang out with the chickens in their run when she got home from school.
My run is tall enough for her to stand up in it, but my dh and I have to bend over. Humphrey could have EASILY gotten any one of us in the face. Luckily he only ever got my leg. I tried being "nice" to him. I tried the picking up up and holding him. But sometimes that doesnt work and you have to put your families safety first. It's called having a grip on the reality of the situation.
Edited to add- I found him a home. Dropped him off this last weekend. The guy had several other roos, whom I hope kick Humphreys butt. But if he doesnt learn. I am sure this guy will have no issues with serving the roo to his family for dinner.

It isnt cruel, mean or childish when it is self defense.
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Well today my head roo nailed me from behind again. My grandmother beet him for it an he behaved for a while, I beet him for it an he behaved for a while. He just got his 3ed strike an hes out, #4 12gage out. I probably shouldn't have been that lenient, I don't have kids but I have nephews!
i had a light sussex cockeral like that and nothing would stop him we tried everything but he was sooo big and massive we eventually had to eat him he would ven attack the horses and our welsh fox hound she eventually trod on his head and heseemed blind in 1 eye but he would still go for her everyone would have to carry a stick wenever we went outside .

we have had three other cocks from him and they are all extremely friendly hte only difference i can think of is that he was hand reared with his sister and we dont no where he came from and the others have all been raised by hens

wish you all the best with him though
starting a roo out like a "pet" and trying to be lovey dovey with them as chicks always raises the % on him being aggressive towards people,,,, he see's ya as another bird his equal,,, not as a "higher animal",,,,,our first roo is like that,,, i didnt have much to do with him as a chick,, cept clean his pen out,, the wifers ALWAYS picked him up ,, pet him,, gave him special attention,,,,,,, guess who he doesnt even think bout messing with,, and guess who's scared to go in his "yard"
I'm updating my post about my rooster tugging my pant leg! The little pecker impaled me with his beak yesturday on the back of my calf! He waited til i started to walk away and he slammed me! I wacked him and told him he's christmas dinner if he doesn't watch it! his eyes are soooo creepy and red.....he just looks at you like-----------like a big stupid bird really...His name is Hawkeye and if he doesn't watch it he's gonna have a black eye! i think i made an enemy! My MIL is house/chicken sitting for a week and my FIL has been given the go ahead to use the 22. they're in their 70's and my MIL doesn't need a talon in her leg. I still like my roo and this is the first incident of this level for him so hopefully he holds off his shananiguns till we come home!

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