mean pullets?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 24, 2012
I am new to the chicken world. I have two 13 week old Leghorn/silver Dorking crosses. They have had the coop to themselves for a while. Today I got six 8 week old silver lace Wyandottes, and put them in together while watching to see how the older ones treated the younger ones. The Leghorns were so mean to the Wyandottes, they just started pecking them! I put the Leghorns out side to stop them from pecking the babies, what should I do? Is this just normal and I should put them all together and let them sort it out? Are the 8 week olds too young to be in with the 13 week olds?
Thank in advance.
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in most cases it is the older hens showing the younger ones where they are in the pecking order. although it looks mean its just their way. in some cases it is just old bitties being mean and miserable, but thats in few cases.
. T1M is right
Hi and :welcome

Yea, that's very normal behaviour. Especially as the Leghorns are probably bigger and have established their home in your coop! You should try introducing them slowly, put them in separate pens first so the Leghorns get used to the idea of new arrivals. Do expect a bit of pecking though, there will always be a hierarchy in any fairly large flock.
There's even one here, and we only have three chickens.

Good luck. I hope you find all the info you need here. :)
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! Yes, could be because of pecking order. You would do better off in a different forum, maybe "Managing your flock"? I have heard of older hens beating up the younger ones - just cause they can. Also, I think leghorns are known for their amazing egg laying and their attitude. They're supposedly really mean chickens lol .
Hello and welcome to BYC
Your chickens will need to establish their pecking order, but hopefully they'll settle down soon.

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