mean rooster

I had to teach my daughter who's 5 how to control her rooster and not put up with ANY shenanigans.. because I didn't want to have to cull my roos.

She's been taught that the FIRST thing she does when she goes out there, is she chases her rooster around and picks him up until she's satisfied that she hugged him enough. Once she puts him down, he leaves her alone and she can get the eggs in peace.

If she ignores him, he'll kick her boots. I don't speak fluent chicken, but I think he actually gets jealous of not getting her attention, too on some level, because as long as she acknowledges him first and holds him for a while, he's fine with her when she puts him down.

He never goes after dogs, or adults, but he follows my daughter everywhere, and does seem genuinely upset if she ignores him. However, I'm not willing to have a mean rooster, so I encouraged her to make sure she reminds him she's bigger, and if he ever goes after her feet, to give him a swift kick just hard enough to punt him away from her. (Not to hurt her.)

With that said, if he decided to be evil, we'd cull him and replace him with a Roo that wasn't mean. In his defense, he's been great so far, although he did have a couple things we were working on so my daughter could be safe with him.

If your rooster has no respect for you, just eat him... if you can't stomach it yourself, have someone else cull him for you.
Invite him to supper...
That is the idea. We just need to get him away from the hens. DH used to work in a meat dept. He knows what to do. I just don't want to stress out the rest of the flock.

DH says that rooster has a place...on the table beside the mashed potatoes.
While we are on this subject, maybe someone can answer a question of mine. I have a BEAUTIFUL blue Orpington roo that i bought as a chick (was suppose to be a hen but is not) who is not any problem with people, other birds or my little Rat Terrier dogs. BUT, when i catch him and am holding him he pecks at me ferociously, drawing blood on my holding hand numerous times. I will still keep him, and just not try to hold him, unless i can get some tips to make him stop. I've thumped him on his break and head but that doesn't help.
Is there a need to hold him? I suspect he's pecking you because you're scaring him and that's his self defense. Most animals will fight back when feeling threatened.

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