Mean turkey hen


Jul 12, 2022
I have a hen and a Tom turkey. They have plenty of room in the pen and a large shed. Recently the hen is beating up Tom and won't quit!!!! We had to divide the pen and can't let her near him. Tom just cowars down and won't fight back!! Any advice?
We guess around 3 yrs. Old, got both from someone who wanted them gone, hen is around 1...... Tom has been just sitting in a corner for a couple weeks now. He won't eat much or do much of anything but when we got him he was active.
I have a hen and a Tom turkey. They have plenty of room in the pen and a large shed. Recently the hen is beating up Tom and won't quit!!!! We had to divide the pen and can't let her near him. Tom just cowers down and won't fight back!! Any advice?
What size is your pen and shed. Just because you think they have plenty of room doesn't mean your turkeys think so.

Show pictures of both turkeys.

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