meat bird project chicks update/pics

Hi guys, was gone for the weekend.

The breeds aren't a secret, we've discussed them a lot on here, just didn't want to get all into that again on this thread. Yes, one day I will be selling them, I was thinking maybe next spring, but some surprises last week are making me think I have at least another year to go . . .

Very funny Jeff and Steve, you both know farrrrrr more than me! Goobers! I think Al has the best starting stock and mentors. Jeff you by far have the most experience and Steve you blow me away with your genetics knowledge; I'm the freshman in the ring for sure.

My laying breed project is coming along so much faster and easier, these meat crosses seem to have a surprise around every corner.

egg size, well these came out of what they would call in the store Jumbo. Not too huge

My goal is 6-8 lbs at 15 weeks, I think these guys will hit that sooner which will most likely lead to them getting to large to live long or breed sucessfully. The roo they are out of had a heart attack while I was gone this weekend. I was NOT expecting that . . .

I only hatched 2 in this batch just to see what I would get with this particular cross. I put 4 in the bator, one was infertile and one was double yolk that developed to pip but then couldn't make it - gross. The double yolks are a problem I am having with this batch of hens.

No uniformity to brag about yet, although I will make this one observation: Really big roos over GIANT hens are producing large chicks. Giant roos over really big hens are producing GIANT chicks.
KatyTheChickenLady said
The roo they are out of had a heart attack while I was gone this weekend. I was NOT expecting that . . .

Sorry to hear that Katy . Was that the big red fella ?​
It really surprizes me that he died so early because I was just sure the crosses would lead fairly normal lives . I sure hope you have others to replace him and rest all do much better .
I lost TWO!!!! one day after the other. I had kept four so now I'm down to just two. The two that kicked the bucket were the nice upright reasonably sized ones . . . ???? I still have the big guy and he is active, but now I'm worried.
Conish X crossed with a Black Copper Maran

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