meat bird project chicks update/pics

So sorry to hear things aren't going your way . Has your weather been like ours with some seasonal lows then back up into the 80s ? I figure that's got to stress those big buggers .
After giving a CX cockeral a ride last week , and attempting to fly out again today on those cropped wings [ she made it up about 2/3 of the way ] , the CX pullet that flew over a 4' divider wall is gimping a little again . In fact a couple of CX pullets and one CX cockeral all made short running/flights this afternoon , apparently just for fun , and it makes me nervous ; flight , even just a foot off the ground , just doesn't look possible for them . Other than that they are doing well ; but of course they will not even be 6 months untill the last of this month .
The weather has been pretty decent here, the weekend was nice and their shelter provides plenty of shade and protection. They have been actively breeding and I am thinking they probably just had hearts that weren't big enough for their bodies. It's not the end of the world and a good indicator that even CX crosses may have hurtles to overcome. Those two huge chicks came from one of them, so now I know that I want to see them live a year before using them for breeding as I don't want those short life genes in my stock.
As for limping pulletts I have mine in a three foot tall covered enclosure to prevent exactly that.

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