Medicated feed


In the Brooder
Sep 11, 2015
Mabank tx
I have been using medicated feed on my chickens because of a sickness they all had they were having breathing problems and runny nose . Is it ok to eat the eggs or should I wait till the treatment is over I'm supposed to only use the med feed for up to 14 days
Chlortetracycline is a wide spectrum antibiotic.
Are you sure the breathing problem and runny nose wasn't from a virus, fungus, protozoa, nutrition, environmental issue or even a bacteria that can't be cured with a general antibiotic?
This drug is no longer approved for use in laying hens, and so there is no approved withdrawal time for eggs, because there will always be some level of drug residue in their eggs. Look at the site for more information. Mary
This drug is no longer approved for use in laying hens, and so there is no approved withdrawal time for eggs, because there will always be some level of drug residue in their eggs.  Look at the site for more information.  Mary

Ah yes, we just discussed this not to long ago on another thread, didn't we?

Good catch Mary :)

I searched the site posted a few back and couldn't find chlortetracycline in unapproved or no extra-label use or limited extra-label use. The link I put in above is for studies in Australia. Couldn't find USDA studies in short time of searching.

In studies on a multitude of animal species there is indeed a withdrawal period for chlortetracycline. For our purpose, the chicken, and in approved dosage (check the study in link) the withdrawal time for no detection of chlortetracycline in a chickens fat or liver is day 3.

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