medicated food and eggs


9 Years
Apr 5, 2013
Kingston, WA
My younger chicks just got put in with my older laying hens a few weeks ago. I just realized that the grower feed that i switched everyone to; so the non laying chicks won't get too much calcium from the layer feed, is medicated. Are the eggs from my laying hens safe to eat or not. Kinda freaking out cause i'm pretty sure some people have already eaten the eggs. I was in the hospital at the time having my second baby and my mom was nice enough to get me some more chicken food and i guess the feed store gave her medicated food. oops
Assuming the medication is amprolium, Purina has a notice on its website that eggs are safe to eat while the hen is eating feed medicated with amprolium. This medication mostly stays in the gut where its interaction is with cocci, rather than the hen.

I've eaten a number of them, myself.

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