Meet Midgie ~ My Dwarf Barred Rock Roo...


12 Years
Mar 25, 2007
Erda, UT
I have fallen head over heels for this little guy. I hatched some Barred Rocks from SpeckledHen last fall and I ended up with 6 Barred Rock Roo's. Well this little guy has turned out to be a dwarf chicken. He has no legs, they are so short, and I was holding him last night and really looking at his feet and his toes are only about 1/2 the size of his hatch mates. He is the cutest little thing ever, and is really quite sweet.

Here is Midgie......


This is Max, one of his brothers. He is huge, and he is turning out so handsome!!!


Here is a picture of Max & Midgie next to each other so that you can see the size difference..

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Well, Steff, you are the first ever recipient of a dwarf BR from my flock! This is an absolute first! Even his comb and wattles are way too tiny! Genes are the wildest things sometime. A friend of mine has a dwarf Silkie, so it does happen out of perfectly great bloodlines on occasion. Just never happened to me! Wow, this is very interesting. Wish I knew which girl was his mama.

Max is so handsome!!! That is the usual type from my bunch.
I am just floored. At first, both myself and Steff thought he was a pullet because the comb and wattles were not growing, but later, we saw those saddle feathers coming in. I"m just blown away. I wonder if anyone knows what causes dwarfism in a previously normal line of birds?
See!!! I am not the only one with Gender issues

We thought Shaq was a boy because of his feet , but the color was too dark.

I would be curious too on dwarfism in chickens. Maybe TLC will do a new show

"Little Chicken, Big Coop"
He is adorable. I think you should find a little lady for him and raise a whole flock!
There is such a huge difference in him and his brother... Thanks for sharing..Dixie

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