Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

I have some tragic, tragic news for everyone. My moms dog attacked Sunni last night. She isn't doing well at all. She is better than she was this morning, but her symptoms aren't making this look too good.

The only wounds she has in a few scrapes along her beak, and a gash on the top of her head under her feathers. She was begging for treats under the dinner table with the dog, and she must've pecked him, or got too close, or something, but he started viciously attacking her and grabbed her around the head.

She is experiencing some possible brain injuries, and head trauma. My dad is on his way to the store now to get her some baby aspirin, and I have been giving her some pedialyte every few hours.

I am just sick to my stomach right now. After he attacked her, she looked dad. She was limp and her eyes were rolled back, but she came around. I think me screaming brought her back. It happened so fast, there was nothing we could do. One second she and the dog were under the table, and the next he had his mouth around her head.

@LynnEBC Your girls went through shock after your dog attack. What did you do for them? Did any of them have any head injuries?

Oh no! So sorry to hear about poor Sunni!
When my girls got attacked I sprayed their wounds with a poultry cleanser and put Neosporin on them and redid that about 2 or 3 times a day. I also gave them electrolytes in their water which I think helped. With shock they almost have to snap out of it on their own. Mine were traumatized for about a couple of days. They layed there about half dead till they snapped out of it. I kept pumping electrolytes in them and I think that helped the most. I'll be praying for you guys and crossing my fingers just in case.
I know how much these chickies mean to all of us!
Oh I forgot to say that the one chicken that got attacked the injury was half way up the back of her neck. So most likely she was shook really good, and she came out just great and is now laying eggs for me already! It's been about a month ago it happened. Just keep an eye on her and giving her electrolytes and most of all pray! I hope everything turns out ok.
I have some tragic, tragic news for everyone. My moms dog attacked Sunni last night. She isn't doing well at all. She is better than she was this morning, but her symptoms aren't making this look too good.

The only wounds she has in a few scrapes along her beak, and a gash on the top of her head under her feathers. She was begging for treats under the dinner table with the dog, and she must've pecked him, or got too close, or something, but he started viciously attacking her and grabbed her around the head.

She is experiencing some possible brain injuries, and head trauma. My dad is on his way to the store now to get her some baby aspirin, and I have been giving her some pedialyte every few hours.

I am just sick to my stomach right now. After he attacked her, she looked dad. She was limp and her eyes were rolled back, but she came around. I think me screaming brought her back. It happened so fast, there was nothing we could do. One second she and the dog were under the table, and the next he had his mouth around her head.

@LynnEBC Your girls went through shock after your dog attack. What did you do for them? Did any of them have any head injuries?

I'm so sorry to read this! :hugs

First of all, don't use aspirin if Sunni is bleeding badly, as aspirin can make bleeding worse! If she is not bleeding, though, the dosage most use for aspirin is five 5-grain tablets dissolved in one gallon of water, so about 325 mg per gallon. For shock, what I've read is to keep them in a quiet, warm place so that they can rest. I would also push vitamin/electrolyte water as Chickadee says, but I am not sure if it can or should be mixed with aspirin. Give priority to the electrolyte water as aspirin is not as vital.

Her wounds should be cleaned out and you can put some triple antibiotic ointment on them to be safe--make sure it's the kind without a -caine pain reliever as -caine type pain relievers are toxic to birds. If there are wounds near her eyes and ears, be especially careful cleaning them and applying ointment as you don't want to get anything in her eyes that might be an irritant and you don't want to get too much water in her ears.

I'm hoping for the best. :fl
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I'm so sorry to read this! :hugs

First of all, don't use aspirin if Sunni is bleeding badly, as aspirin can make bleeding worse! If she is not bleeding, though, the dosage most use for aspirin is five 5-grain tablets dissolved in one gallon of water, so about 325 mg per gallon. For shock, what I've read is to keep them in a quiet, warm place so that they can rest. I would also push vitamin/electrolyte water as Chickadee says, but I am not sure if it can or should be mixed with aspirin. Give priority to the electrolyte water as aspirin is not as vital.

Her wounds should be cleaned out and you can put some triple antibiotic ointment on them to be safe--make sure it's the kind without a -caine pain reliever as -caine type pain relievers are toxic to birds. If there are wounds near her eyes and ears, be especially careful cleaning them and applying ointment as you don't want to get anything in her eyes that might be an irritant and you don't want to get too much water in her ears.

I'm hoping for the best. :fl

Thank you everyone. :hugs Your kind words really help.

She isn't bleeding at all, and she doesn't seem to have any internal bleeding. Just some bruising. Her only wounds are very small, and they're already scabbed over. She just had two small scrapes on her beak, and then a gash on the top of her head. About the size of a pea. The one on her head is very bruised, but it has a nice healthy looking scab over it.

I have been giving her 4-5cc of pedialyte every hour. Not as much as I would like to be giving her, but it's enough that it seems to be helping. She also feels very safe and comfortable sitting on my lap under a blanket, so that's where she'll stay until she's better.

It's a good thing she lives in the house already, because I don't have to worry too much about keeping her warm. All I need is a good fleece blanket, and she seems warm enough, but not too warm. Tonight she'll be sleeping in my bed with me, so that she stays comfortable and feels safe, and so I'll know right away if something is wrong with her.

Right now all I can really do is do what makes her happy, keep her comfortable, and hope that she makes it through this. I did notice about an hour ago after testing her dilation in her pupils with lights, and watching her try to walk around, I am about 99.9% sure she is blind in her left eye. Hopefully it's just temporary. :(
I have some tragic, tragic news for everyone. My moms dog attacked Sunni last night. She isn't doing well at all. She is better than she was this morning, but her symptoms aren't making this look too good.

The only wounds she has in a few scrapes along her beak, and a gash on the top of her head under her feathers. She was begging for treats under the dinner table with the dog, and she must've pecked him, or got too close, or something, but he started viciously attacking her and grabbed her around the head.

She is experiencing some possible brain injuries, and head trauma. My dad is on his way to the store now to get her some baby aspirin, and I have been giving her some pedialyte every few hours.

I am just sick to my stomach right now. After he attacked her, she looked dad. She was limp and her eyes were rolled back, but she came around. I think me screaming brought her back. It happened so fast, there was nothing we could do. One second she and the dog were under the table, and the next he had his mouth around her head.

@LynnEBC Your girls went through shock after your dog attack. What did you do for them? Did any of them have any head injuries?
Oh poor Sunni she has been through way too much! So sorry to hear.

My BO, Big Mama is the one that was in shock after the dog attack. She also looked uninjured and didn't even have a scratch on her body. After the attack, I was picking her up from the floor of the run thinking that she was dead when I realized she was still alive. She took a long time to finally come around and even walk. She also could not eat or drink so I gave her drops of electrolyte water on and off throughout the day. She slowly starting walking after a couple days, but for awhile would just stand in any corner she could find. It seemed like she would have stayed in these hidden corners, if I did not bother her. After force feeding her moist food into her beak she final started pecking although she kept missing her food while she was pecking, so I had to force feed her longer. Eventually she got her aim right and started eating on her own. She was not herself for over a week, she used to be the chicken that was first to jump on our laps and she loved my husband. When she was going through this she seemed to not recognize us.

She had trouble with one of her eyes too it remained closed but as she seemed to gain strength in other areas her eye started opening more and more each day. The attack was June 27th and she seemed a lot better 8 days later, once she started improving, each day she was a little better. She started laying eggs about 4 weeks after the attack, but she was only 19 weeks when they were attacked. She's been great still and is fully back to her old self and hops on my husband again like before. Although now she has stopped laying because she is going through a molt.

I used this from Meyers that I purchased for the chicks when I got them: = 'VP'

All I gave Big Mama was the electrolyte water and moistened food. After a day or two of just quiet and calm time, I also encouraged her with treats. If she starts moving around on her own just do your best to keep her active and acting like a chicken and hopefully she will snap out of the shock. Plus, you probably need to keep her away from any other furry creatures for awhile so she feels safe until she recovers.

Not sure if this was helpful or not but our BO was in some sort of shock and seemed to have a brain injury and she is fine now, so it worked for us.

Best wishes for Sunni! Keep us updated!

Oh and one more thing I thought our BO was blind too, but eventually she seemed to be able to see just fine, so it could be that she had some temporary internal bruising that healed up? Who knows? But she fully recovered.
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Oh Lynn, that makes me feel so much better. I gave Sunni some baby aspirin (81 mg) this afternoon and within an hour, she was SO much better. We gave it to her three hours ago, and she is doing great. Her eyes are still messed up, but she is walking all over my bedroom (closed to keep cats and dogs out), and she wasnt nearly as dizzy. Just now when I went to grab her out of her coop after I ate dinner, she heard me talking and got really excited. I opened up the door of her coop and she came out and sat on my lap.

Now she is on my lap chattering here and there. I really have high hopes for her now after seeing her run around the house. :')
Oh Lynn, that makes me feel so much better. I gave Sunni some baby aspirin (81 mg) this afternoon and within an hour, she was SO much better. We gave it to her three hours ago, and she is doing great. Her eyes are still messed up, but she is walking all over my bedroom (closed to keep cats and dogs out), and she wasnt nearly as dizzy. Just now when I went to grab her out of her coop after I ate dinner, she heard me talking and got really excited. I opened up the door of her coop and she came out and sat on my lap.

Now she is on my lap chattering here and there. I really have high hopes for her now after seeing her run around the house. :')
Oh my goodness, poor Sunni! I'm so glad she seems a bit better and I'm sure being near you is helping a lot. What a great chicken mom you are :)
You will probably be sleeping with one eye open all night to keep watch over her. I hope she is even better tomorrow!
Poor Sunni and YOU! I'm so glad to keep reading and hear she is doing better. Fingers crossed she keeps improving. I don't know if Amber was in shock after getting attacked since we were out of town. But it did take her a long time before she was acting herself again.
Something that is really upsetting me about this, is that, I never would have thought our dog would do something like this. Sure, he has always been an angry little terrier, but usually he just barks at her or growls if she messes with him. The other night he full on attacked her. I can't even look at him the same anymore. I know it was his instincts that kicked in, but that doesn't make it right... :(

Sunni slept I'm a tote/basket with a blanket in my bed last night so I could keep an eye on her. She slept through the night from what I can tell. I woke up a few times and checked on her, and all three times she was laying down in the bottom lf the basket sleeping.

It's still dark, so she isn't up and moving yet, so I don't know much of how she's doing. I checked her pupils with a light, and her right one is back to dilating like normal. :weee Her left eye (the one she is blind in) is reacting to light a tiny bit, but not nearly like it should. But it's much better than it was. Before both of her pupils were very large and wouldn't react to light, so I had to keep her in a dimly lit room all day.

She still has a small crop of food from the day she was attacked, and it only went down about half way, and the rest doesn't seem to be digesting. So I'm going to try later this morning using a feeding tube and a syringe, to pull some of it back out. Her crop is very moist from the pedialyte we have been giving her, so it should come out okay. I am also going to try giving her some blended scrambled eggs and yogurt later today to get some food in her.
If the dog thought she was going to get her food, it's understandable that it attacked her, especially if it isn't used to sharing. Our big dog always attacks a new dog at least once or twice over food to get the message across. Funny thing is she lets the cat eat right out of her bowl and she just sits there and watches. lol!
It sounds like the dog was just teaching Sunni a lesson, not actually trying to hurt her. If she was trying to hurt her Sunni probably would be dead right now. Dogs don't mess around if they mean business.
I wouldn't pull food out. I'm sure her body will catch up and process it.

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