Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

We homeschool too and the chickens have been great. We only have 2 meyer birds but we love all of our chickens. We are in the process of hatching eggs right now. Chicken math will get you! We built our coop for 4 birds and now have 8 moving up to 10 this year. We have a large outside run for them so the 16sqft coop is plenty of space for them. They only lay eggs and sleep in there. If that's your case too then that is plenty big for them. We have 16ft of roost space and they all pile in to about 7ft of it. They like to smoosh together especially when it's cold out. If they will get to spend most of their time outside then I think the more important number is 1-2ft of roost space per bird. We have ours all at the same level but some people do ladder roosts. We tried that and found our girls only used the top roost on it anyway so we took it out to give them more floor space.
I think you will be really happy with your selection of birds. We have an EE, BR, and BA out of that group. We had a BO but we gave it to a friend. We like to feed our birds out of our hand and she pecked super hard and hurt! She didn't mean too I think she had a depth perception problem. So she went to live with a friend that doesn't hand feed. She actually has a lot more room now so she was a lucky girl! ;)
Chicken math
That is what I'm afraid of most.
8 x 6 will give 4 square feet per chicken, so that should be the right amount, if I am doing the math right. Just watch out for "chicken math" so you don't go over your 12. Are you building a run too?

You are right that having chickens is a great teaching tool. I got mine too late since my kids are all grown now. My one regret with having chickens is not getting them earlier when my kids were young.

Make sure you have a hands on approach and spend a lot of time with them, they'll be sweeter chickens that way.

I love all of the eggs we're getting and the garden help! So much more fun gardening now! Good luck and I'm excited for you. Can't wait to see those cute chicks!
I am very much looking forward to it. I've been planning and researching for almost a year.
Gosh... I was wrong about Amber's first egg AGAIN!! This time I'm completely positive. She lays green!!! :celebrate I got two green eggs today. One I watched Ellie lay this morning and then I saw Amber in the nest box, and when she got up there was another green egg there. So both of my EE's from Meyer lay green eggs!
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Gosh... I was wrong about Amber's first egg AGAIN!! This time I'm completely positive. She lays green!!!
I got two green eggs today. One I watched Ellie lay this morning and then I saw Amber in the nest box, and when she got up there was another green egg there. So both of my EE's from Meyer lay green eggs!
You're funny! I was the same with my two young EE's. Ellie and Greta. I was not positive until I stalked them and later also found 2 green/blue eggs on the same day.

All my brown layers are laying now but I am not positive which one laid which egg yet. It's hard to make time to stalk these new layers when you have to do those boring things like work, etc.
Accidentally had the first close interaction between my girls and my dogs yesterday. Thankfully one dog did not care about a loose chicken, the other was just excited to have something new to chase. I'm surprised the girl didn't have a heart attack. Just chasing and sniffing. Although I feel a little better, this does not mean I'll be letting them all out together at the same time.

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