Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

I just picked up my Brabanters (adorable!!!) and as I was chatting with their chicken guy, he said he was expecting some Crested Cream Legbars later today Aaaahhhhhhh!!!!
They are from a breeder in the area and she just had 22 hatch and has a family emergency and can't give them the attention they need so she is selling them to the farm store..... OK, put me down for 2 and I'll be back tomorrow to get them!!

So as I was paying for my 2 chicks i hear a man yelling from the back of the store, "Nancy, they're here"

And now I don't have to drive all the way back there tonight or tomorrow!! The breeder said they lay beautiful large bright blue eggs!!

pics to come...

Can't believe it. What luck!

Here is our "broody" bunny.

My babies are four weeks old. I need opinions on gender.

The two black ones have big tails that stick straight up and the blue one's tail kinda sticks out.
I'm leaning towards boy on #1 also. But do pics in 2 weeks and it might be more obvious. They are mixed breeds? Does it matter the breed for sexing?

Thankfully we live on a mountain on the Cumberland Plateau and no one cares what or how many we have. Right now we have 10 goats (4 Nigerians, 2 Nubians, a Boer, and 3 dairy crosses) a donkey, three calves - a Hereford and 2 Jersey's, 26 chickens, 5 ducks, 16 Pheasants, 3 quail and 104 quail eggs in the incubator. After living many years in a city where you get told what you can have we are so happy to be here when we can decide for ourselves.
Wow, that's a lot of animals! (And no partridge in a pear tree????)

Your chicks are so adorable! So glad you got the ones that you wanted too!

So sorry about your silkie, that must have been hard to go through.

I would say #1 is a possible boy and the other 2 girls, but just a guess since the comb looks a little bigger with a little pink, but could still be a girl too. It'll be interesting to see how they feather out and probably too young to tell anyway. Always fun to guess though.

Lucky you!!! We actually had a conversation about moving to a nearby city that was more rural with more land, but decided we're comfortable where we are, plus I am allowed 20 here and that's enough for me with maybe a few hidden here and there since I just can't seem to count chickens correctly. 15, 20, 30? They move so fast!
Hopefully nobody comes here to count mine, if so guess I'll have to plead ignorance.

I wold love to have goats, sheep, a pony, a horse, but not here and we're too old to start over somewhere now.
I always wanted lots of animals too but after taking care of them for someone else I realize how much work it is ... I don't mind that so much but it's sooooo much money too!!

Can't believe it. What luck!

Here is our "broody" bunny.

Oh my goodness... how absolutely adorable!!! I'm completely naive but do bunnies go broody or is she just keeping her friend company?
They had the coolest looking bunnies in the feed store today. Lion head? I think. and a few other. Really cute.
Can't believe it. What luck!

Here is our "broody" bunny.

So cute! How do you feed the bunny? Does she eat different food separate from the others? Does she hang out with them all the time and free range too? This is just amazing to me!

I always wanted lots of animals too but after taking care of them for someone else I realize how much work it is ... I don't mind that so much but it's sooooo much money too!!
Agree here, they are a whole lot of work and money! I have a cousin in Maine that has a ton of goats and sheep and a full time job also. Think she is up at 4am to take care of the animals before work. Her husband does a lot too but that is so much work! She has a few horses as well. Sometimes I want her life and then I remember I really like my sleep! Now I am so jealous of her since they have baby lambs and goats being born all this week, the cutest things!
@trsturself the broody bunny is the cutest thing ever! You can probably get a few more eggs in there since there is two of them. How cute would it be to see the bunny hatch some chicks.

Thanks for the gender guesses. They are AMs. I am thinking one boy, but it helps to get people who agree. I guess you never know until they lay or crow.
If a rabbit is going to have babies they have their own kind of broodiness, this one is just trying to be with her best friend.
The bunny doesn't stay in there all day. She comes out to do her usual exploring but seems to check on her and spends a lot of time in the coop keeping an eye on her. She joins her in the evenings and sleeps with her. The nest box is covered in bunny hair which is something radius do when they are going to have babies. I haven't seen if she's pulling it out herself or if the chicken is taking advantage of the rabbit being there.

Yes, the rabbit lives with the chickens. Everywhere they go, she goes. When we feed pellets she ate the same food with a supplement if hay. Now we make our own food dh bought some rabbit food for her since he didn't think the grains and seeds were best for her. She usually eats the homemade stuff in addition to the rabbit food though. I still supplement with hay too.

I'm sorry about the blue silkie.

For the genders, at 4 weeks I'm saying all girls. But keep an eye on that top one.
Here is a pic of our roo at 4 weeks. Different breed but gives an idea.
If a rabbit is going to have babies they have their own kind of broodiness, this one is just trying to be with her best friend.
The bunny doesn't stay in there all day. She comes out to do her usual exploring but seems to check on her and spends a lot of time in the coop keeping an eye on her. She joins her in the evenings and sleeps with her. The nest box is covered in bunny hair which is something radius do when they are going to have babies. I haven't seen if she's pulling it out herself or if the chicken is taking advantage of the rabbit being there.

Yes, the rabbit lives with the chickens. Everywhere they go, she goes. When we feed pellets she ate the same food with a supplement if hay. Now we make our own food dh bought some rabbit food for her since he didn't think the grains and seeds were best for her. She usually eats the homemade stuff in addition to the rabbit food though. I still supplement with hay too.

I'm sorry about the blue silkie.

For the genders, at 4 weeks I'm saying all girls. But keep an eye on that top one.
Here is a pic of our roo at 4 weeks. Different breed but gives an idea.
I forget, is your broody (chicken) sitting on eggs?
@trsturself the broody bunny is the cutest thing ever! You can probably get a few more eggs in there since there is two of them. How cute would it be to see the bunny hatch some chicks.

Thanks for the gender guesses. They are AMs. I am thinking one boy, but it helps to get people who agree. I guess you never know until they lay or crow.
What are AMs?

So cute! How do you feed the bunny? Does she eat different food separate from the others? Does she hang out with them all the time and free range too? This is just amazing to me!

Agree here, they are a whole lot of work and money! I have a cousin in Maine that has a ton of goats and sheep and a full time job also. Think she is up at 4am to take care of the animals before work. Her husband does a lot too but that is so much work! She has a few horses as well. Sometimes I want her life and then I remember I really like my sleep! Now I am so jealous of her since they have baby lambs and goats being born all this week, the cutest things!
I like my sleep too! I would be a horrible farmer... I'm a complete night person. Does she sell the sheep/goats or is it just a hobby?
I've got another sick chicken. I think she's got an impacted crop but I guess I won't know until morning. I went to the garage to put more grit out, when I came back she was eating a soft shelled egg. She must have laid it while I was gone. She's pooping normal, but she just doesn't look right. Just like Olive looked. I've been so careful of what they are eating and what's around. I just don't get how this could have happened again. Well, I'm getting ahead of myself. I'll check her in the morning to see if it is in fact her crop. Otherwise, would the egg be an indicator of another problem? I guess at least I know she's not egg bound.

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