Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

That is so neat to be able to breed your own EE's! I'd be interested in following your new project. Plus all you plans for coop/run remodeling. I like what you did to your fireplace by the way. (Maybe it was my computer but I had a little trouble seeing some of the pics, just FYI- probably just me though)

Thanks! We are really happy with it. It is amazing how different it makes the room look and feel. We are thinking of putting a wood stove in the basement and doing this same stone on the wall behind it. That's way down the line though! I still have our bedroom to paint (it's a dark blue right now and feels so dark), a half bath to remodel, a kitchen to paint, and a guest bedroom to paint (it's purple!). And of course that's on top of all the outside stuff that needs done - garden plans, coop, barn, etc. One day it will all be great. ;)

Is Miss Amelia a Golden Buff? She's pretty!

I know... some day I will get a Leghorn! Snow was such a lady!! Don't forget the Cream Brabanters... white eggs from them too!!!
here is my sweetie... Eva today...

Her tail is just coming back after what I think is their last juvenile molt!

Chicks coming this week. I asked for them to put a heat pack in the box because the last batch didn't have one and I'm sure that was the problem. It's going to go down to the 60's at night here and only low 80's during the day. The customer service rep told me she would put a note on my order but said they know what they're doing in the shipping dept so I really don't know what will happen. We'll see!

I'd love to see the BCM roo over CCL and EE's I bet they'd be really pretty!!! And great eggs :)

I wish we had swaps here... I have to put mine on Craigslist. Hope someone wants them!!

I really want a brabanter! Don't forget Polish for white eggs too. That's where we get ours. I love our SLP. :)
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The weather is not cooperating with my plans! The rain is slowing progress but I think the expansion and brooder will be ready by the time the new babies outgrow the Rubbermaid brooder.

@trsturself I love your fireplace! My DH and I bought a foreclosure a few years ago and every spare minute and dime is put into a project. It's so nice when the effort pays off. You guys are doing great work!

@autumnhearth Just when I think I am done collecting chickens, you post your beautiful golden buff. I might have to have one. ;)

Babies arrive in 4 days!!!
:jumpy :jumpy :jumpy
I was wondering how I missed fireplace pics then realized it was on your blog! You guys did a fantastic job a stone fireplace with a barn beam mantle is my dream! And to bring it back round to chickens, after tucking the girls in I observed some tension again, but not from Baby this time. Amelia the GB was nuzzling her neck under Clara the EE's breast and Clara clearly didn't like it, she pecked at Amelia but the more Clara pecked the more Amelia burrowed into her, closing her eyes. I'm not sure if that was her way of trying to get Clara's space or what, but as soon as I saw a head feather fly (I was watching from the coop window) I went back in and intervened, stroking them both and talking to them. Neither budged and after some calm I headed inside. Neighbors behind us were having a pool an have music going outside so I hope that doesn't irritate the girls too much.
Thanks! We are really happy with it. It is amazing how different it makes the room look and feel. We are thinking of putting a wood stove in the basement and doing this same stone on the wall behind it. That's way down the line though! I still have our bedroom to paint (it's a dark blue right now and feels so dark), a half bath to remodel, a kitchen to paint, and a guest bedroom to paint (it's purple!). And of course that's on top of all the outside stuff that needs done - garden plans, coop, barn, etc. One day it will all be great. ;)

I really want a brabanter! Don't forget Polish for white eggs too. That's where we get ours. I love our SLP. :)
Are Polish eggs about medium size? I assume that's what my Brabanters will be. They seem kinda small bodied but I guess Leghorns are small too and they put out some pretty big eggs.
Your fireplace is gorgeous!! GREAT job!!

The weather is not cooperating with my plans! The rain is slowing progress but I think the expansion and brooder will be ready by the time the new babies outgrow the Rubbermaid brooder.

@trsturself I love your fireplace! My DH and I bought a foreclosure a few years ago and every spare minute and dime is put into a project. It's so nice when the effort pays off. You guys are doing great work!

@autumnhearth Just when I think I am done collecting chickens, you post your beautiful golden buff. I might have to have one.

Babies arrive in 4 days!!!
MINE too!! Maybe our OE's will be sisters?

I was wondering how I missed fireplace pics then realized it was on your blog! You guys did a fantastic job a stone fireplace with a barn beam mantle is my dream! And to bring it back round to chickens, after tucking the girls in I observed some tension again, but not from Baby this time. Amelia the GB was nuzzling her neck under Clara the EE's breast and Clara clearly didn't like it, she pecked at Amelia but the more Clara pecked the more Amelia burrowed into her, closing her eyes. I'm not sure if that was her way of trying to get Clara's space or what, but as soon as I saw a head feather fly (I was watching from the coop window) I went back in and intervened, stroking them both and talking to them. Neither budged and after some calm I headed inside. Neighbors behind us were having a pool an have music going outside so I hope that doesn't irritate the girls too much.
Awww, hate tension. Hope they calm down. Maybe sing to them LOL
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Thank you everyone. :)
DH and I love these kind of projects. We've always bought houses that need work. We like making it our own (and a profit). It's funny, we've probably looked at close to a thousand houses over the last 6 years, and we'll go into a place that's been redone and usually turn right around. We have yet to find one that was redone the way we would do it, and we certainly aren't going to spend the extra cash on it. We wouldn't want to tear out something new. What a waste. We leave those houses for the non-DIYers. We don't buy something that needs more than cosmetic stuff though. Some of you may remember when we were looking for our house w/ land and came across our dream piece of land but the house was small and strangely built. That house had too much wrong with it for even us to take it on. Even with dream property.

We're planning for this to be our last house so we are taking our time deciding what we want and where to put our limited $$.

I'm glad you found good homes for your chickens Nancy. We've never had a problem getting rid of chickens. Hopefully our luck will hold when we start breeding.

Our SLP lays a medium white egg. You can see it here (4 o'clock position) compared to the rest. This is on the smaller side for her, but not by much. Makes me sad to see Marble's egg here and know we'll never get another one. :(
Thank you everyone. :)
DH and I love these kind of projects. We've always bought houses that need work. We like making it our own (and a profit). It's funny, we've probably looked at close to a thousand houses over the last 6 years, and we'll go into a place that's been redone and usually turn right around. We have yet to find one that was redone the way we would do it, and we certainly aren't going to spend the extra cash on it. We wouldn't want to tear out something new. What a waste. We leave those houses for the non-DIYers. We don't buy something that needs more than cosmetic stuff though. Some of you may remember when we were looking for our house w/ land and came across our dream piece of land but the house was small and strangely built. That house had too much wrong with it for even us to take it on. Even with dream property.

We're planning for this to be our last house so we are taking our time deciding what we want and where to put our limited $$.

I'm glad you found good homes for your chickens Nancy. We've never had a problem getting rid of chickens. Hopefully our luck will hold when we start breeding.

Our SLP lays a medium white egg. You can see it here (4 o'clock position) compared to the rest. This is on the smaller side for her, but not by much. Makes me sad to see Marble's egg here and know we'll never get another one. :(
I know what you mean about missing a girls' egg once she's passed... I remember using the last egg from the firs girl we had to put down, Junior the CM, they were the prettiest eggs too! Almost purple in color on each end and then darker in the middle. I could never get a good pic of it. So sad. That's a great looking plate of eggs! Whose is in the middle?
I know what you mean about missing a girls' egg once she's passed... I remember using the last egg from the firs girl we had to put down, Junior the CM, they were the prettiest eggs too! Almost purple in color on each end and then darker in the middle. I could never get a good pic of it. So sad. That's a great looking plate of eggs! Whose is in the middle?
We don't even get to use her last one. I gave it away on Wed. :(
That is our D'Uccle's. Once we get a full set again I'll take a new pic with both bantam eggs.
Are Polish eggs about medium size? I assume that's what my Brabanters will be. They seem kinda small bodied but I guess Leghorns are small too and they put out some pretty big eggs.
Your fireplace is gorgeous!! GREAT job!!

MINE too!! Maybe our OE's will be sisters?

Awww, hate tension. Hope they calm down. Maybe sing to them LOL

Can you double click on a pic once you've quoted it? Does anything pop up? I just set the height or width to 100.
@NotableNancy - I mostly use a Kindle Fire to log on to BYC and I can't shrink pics either. In fact, I can't even see them in the editor when I include a quote (just their URLs). I do have a Mac laptop, so next time I'm on it and think to check BYC I will try shrinking pics in a quote and let you know how it goes.

@trsturself - my husband and I have the same problem -- we're looking for a house with property (for more chickens, etc) but keep finding houses that have recently been redone not to our taste, or houses we like that don't have the property we want. Or property we like with a house that just won't work. Like you, we're happy to do work on a house, within reason, but haven't found a good option for that. Very frustrating. Lovely fireplace, by the way.
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Thank you everyone. :)
DH and I love these kind of projects. We've always bought houses that need work. We like making it our own (and a profit). It's funny, we've probably looked at close to a thousand houses over the last 6 years, and we'll go into a place that's been redone and usually turn right around. We have yet to find one that was redone the way we would do it, and we certainly aren't going to spend the extra cash on it. We wouldn't want to tear out something new. What a waste. We leave those houses for the non-DIYers. We don't buy something that needs more than cosmetic stuff though. Some of you may remember when we were looking for our house w/ land and came across our dream piece of land but the house was small and strangely built. That house had too much wrong with it for even us to take it on. Even with dream property.

We're planning for this to be our last house so we are taking our time deciding what we want and where to put our limited $$.

I'm glad you found good homes for your chickens Nancy. We've never had a problem getting rid of chickens. Hopefully our luck will hold when we start breeding.

Our SLP lays a medium white egg. You can see it here (4 o'clock position) compared to the rest. This is on the smaller side for her, but not by much. Makes me sad to see Marble's egg here and know we'll never get another one. :(

Can you double click on a pic once you've quoted it? Does anything pop up? I just set the height or width to 100.
LOOK at me!!!! I did it!!! THX!!! The double clicking worked
It's the little things that make me happy.

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