Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Always love your stories and Amelia is so pretty.... I hope one of mine looks like her. Love all the white in her. I have 5 GB right now but may only keep 3 or 4. Do you have pics of her at about 8-10 weeks old? Just wondering if she had all that white in her then or did it come in later. That's when I may have to make my decision as who to keep. I'll also go by friendliness too. I don't know what else to really look for.

I can't help but think they must be so confused after that first egg comes out and then they have to be so relieved and think, ' oh thank goodness, that's over with. Hope that never happens again' and then the next day it happens to them again. Poor girls.
Your eggs are very pretty!!!
Thank you! I don't have any one really good pic of her between weeks 8 and 10 but these three are around week 9.

I agree about them feeling confused. Poor Amelia seems to be having a hard time today :(
Glad to hear Izzy is doing better. Good luck with selling her. I imagine she will sell pretty easy. Too bad she is being so mean.

It is so hard to do.

So with our latest conflict Andi is still running off to the roost a lot. I think since we no longer free range some of these high flyers are having
issues with the older chickens and against each other. Everyone else seems fine. It has been cooler here the last couple days so maybe since it is not hot in the coop she is just resting in there a lot too and avoiding the conflict.

She is molting too but I see her out eating and she does come out to the run for treats. It seems she heads into the coop when she battles with her breed sister, Splash.

When I went to check on Andi, Splash had also went in to the coop, I guess to torment Andi a little more. Splash is a conflict starter and she keeps picking battles with Olivia the older EE who is in charge and the lead hen now. Our Golden Campine (the 3rd high flying one) has been disciplined by Olivia the EE a few times too. I guess the Blue Andulasions and the Golden Campines do better in free ranged environments. I may considered Craigs List too soon.

My daughter was fussing saying it seems like all of our white chickens are mean. The White Rock, Daisy was mean to the others and now Splash too.
That's a nice big roost... do they all sleep up there or do you have others? So sad when they are having trouble like that. Girls are just so mean.

Thank you! I don't have any one really good pic of her between weeks 8 and 10 but these three are around week 9.

I agree about them feeling confused. Poor Amelia seems to be having a hard time today :(
Very cute... thanks for finding them for me!! Poor girl, I'm sure it will get better.
I am really enjoying everyone's updates. I have not been able to get good pics. Mine are only still when eating!! They are 4.5 weeks.

Hungry monsters!
Olive (lt brahma) Pumpkin (wellie), Eggplant (ameraucana). Olive is still way behind in feathering. Her stance is a little bit rooish, but I can't worry about the possibilities. Just going to wait it out.

Eggplants comb. One row of peas? Please! Desperate for an ameraucana that will one day lay eggs!

Plum - lav orp. She's actually the flightiest of the bunch.

Pumpkin (wellie) and strawberry (SS)
I really thought they'd be just brown chickens, maybe one with some spots, but I'm loving their colors and how different they look.

Sarsaparilla - cuckoo marans Such a sweetie.
Some garden and fruit shots from Colorful Colorado. The peaches come from the western slopes of Colorado, in a place called Palisade. They are known here as Palisade Peaches, they are a box of I heaven. So I have been plotting my attack, first we have been sampling lots, my cute BF ate three on the way home from picking them up.

Our Tomatoes are coming on strong now...


Our lone pumpkin, a little late but should be big, actually I think we have one more in the rocks.

We have had a blessed cooler summer and a lot of moisture of late, we even went mushroom hunting today on our property and got a large amount!
I am really enjoying everyone's updates. I have not been able to get good pics. Mine are only still when eating!! They are 4.5 weeks.

Hungry monsters!
Olive (lt brahma) Pumpkin (wellie), Eggplant (ameraucana). Olive is still way behind in feathering. Her stance is a little bit rooish, but I can't worry about the possibilities. Just going to wait it out.

Eggplants comb. One row of peas? Please! Desperate for an ameraucana that will one day lay eggs!

Plum - lav orp. She's actually the flightiest of the bunch.

Pumpkin (wellie) and strawberry (SS)
I really thought they'd be just brown chickens, maybe one with some spots, but I'm loving their colors and how different they look.

Sarsaparilla - cuckoo marans Such a sweetie.

Looks like a pea comb. :)
It was my understanding that a Lavender Orp is a color that breeds true. Your's is splash. Is what meyer is calling a lavender really just a blue orp? I'll have to research and see if I'm remembering the lavender color correctly.

Some garden and fruit shots from Colorful Colorado. The peaches come from the western slopes of Colorado, in a place called Palisade. They are known here as Palisade Peaches, they are a box of I heaven. So I have been plotting my attack, first we have been sampling lots, my cute BF ate three on the way home from picking them up.

We have had a blessed cooler summer and a lot of moisture of late, we even went mushroom hunting today on our property and got a large amount!

We have a TON of mushrooms growing all over our property. I picked one yesterday that was as large as a softball and another awhile ago that was as big as a dinner plate. We have 3-4 different varieties. Unfortunately I know nothing of wild mushrooms and have no idea if they are edible or not.
Looks like a pea comb. :)
It was my understanding that a Lavender Orp is a color that breeds true. Your's is splash. Is what meyer is calling a lavender really just a blue orp? I'll have to research and see if I'm remembering the lavender color correctly.

Yes, I believe lavender is supposed to breed true. She does look splashy, but who knows what happened in the breeding process! It will be interesting to see how she feathers out. Her head actually looks purplish, but the body looks very white.

Oh and x2 with the mushrooms. I have tons, but don't want to try them first to see if they are edible.
Yes, I believe lavender is supposed to breed true. She does look splashy, but who knows what happened in the breeding process! It will be interesting to see how she feathers out. Her head actually looks purplish, but the body looks very white.

Oh and x2 with the mushrooms. I have tons, but don't want to try them first to see if they are edible.

Yeah, I remembered correctly. Even the Meyer site says they breed true. Maybe she'll lose the darker feathers in her next set? If you paid for a Lav Orp, I'd complain since you got a blue one instead.
Yeah, I remembered correctly. Even the Meyer site says they breed true. Maybe she'll lose the darker feathers in her next set? If you paid for a Lav Orp, I'd complain since you got a blue one instead.

I'm the queen of mistaking IDs of chicks. I really think I confused the orp and ameraucana from the beginning.
Well, I'm about to run out of chick food...and my CCL are 11 weeks old while my Meyers chicks are 8 weeks old. Obviously I don't want to buy another 50 lb bag of chick food. But I don't think they are ready for layer food yet. My CCL are getting quite red combs though!

What should I do?? And what about oyster shell? I didn't think I should be adding that until they start laying, but should I add it closer to when the CCL are 18 weeks? Feeding mixed groups is difficult!!

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