Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

I've been away for a few weeks and goodness! Took me forever to catch back up!

Meyer Wellie, Rue, look at that comb!

My Meyer Blue Cochin Sage. I love photographing her.
my CCL's Poppy (L) and Pepper (R) lookin all grown up and gorgeous.
Aww you have an Amelia too! Haha Atilla the Hen, that's great. Love the name Rue and that nail polish! Sage is bootyful! And Poppy and Pepper are stunning.

Our Amelia laid her second egg this afternoon. I found it on the ground in the run, thankfully not broken. I scooped it and her up and showed her me putting it in the nest box. She seemed to whimper understandingly, haha how's that for anthropomorphizing? It's another pinkish white bloomed brown round egg. Funny how I was really wishing for a pink egg layer as two of the three chicks I have planned for the spring are brown layers.
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I've been away for a few weeks and goodness! Took me forever to catch back up! :D

Welcome back, love your girls, they are all gorgeous and are the same age as ours.

@ autumn - I realized today with 23 hens I may never know who is laying what. Just want to know on the first few and waiting for various colors, any day on most based on squatting, checking out the nest boxes and red combs/waddles. Had a delli in the nest box today and poor Pepper was just siting there like hurry up. She particular. She lays in same nest box and around 10-11 in am.I was reading that BR will lay every 25 hours.

I checked back and Pepper was in there so let them be, checked a bit ago and one little hard egg. Thinking the added oyster shell was the difference.
Feel free to mention my blog far & wide!

I'm going to get a length of PVC to run my hose through to protect from mowers, etc. I also found a heated hose for the winter but $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!! I only need 50 feet but that's $150 for the cheapest I found! OUCH!
My husband was just mentioning using some PVC that we already have, guess we'll dig a small ditch and bury it a little.
That is a hefty price for a heated hose. Let's us know if you find a cheaper one, I'll do the same.

Well guys, with all the speculation running amock about if you have a male or not I got smacked with it too. Except I am sure. My little Delaware, Sandy, is a He. I always noticed that Sandy had long legs but the other day I took a good look and noticed pointy hackle and saddle feathers had appeared. The long barred tail feather should have indicated it sooner but I hadn't paid attention. So now I am thinking I am going to get rid of my SL Cochin, Jazz, (last years order sexing mistake) and keep Sandy. Jazz is just too big for any of our girls. He doesn't even have to mount the girls, just stands above them with both feet on the ground. <sigh> I have no use for 4 roosters and refuse to get rid of my silkies cause they are very easy on the girls and do not even look at me twice.
On a side note my EE, Reagan, came for a visit yesterday. The minute I pulled up the phone to take pics it was like she became a statue.

OH! and I got a new call duck yesterday (I know it is not a meyer baby but she is too cute not to share!!)
Oh no, sorry about Sandy the roo.
Reagan is so adorable!
She is a cute and sweet looking duck.

The tops are $7.25 each at Lowes, well worth it! It is actually 2 pieces. You snap on the whole lid. The outer part stays on the bucket tight and the inner part screws up.
Thanks for the pricing. I may end up using them more for storage instead of a waterer. I think we're getting one of the Chicken Fountains soon.
Thanks everyone.. mine look like the small white rocks, but I don't know what is in them because it comes in a plain paper bag... I am going to try to experiment with a few kinds and see what the girls like... I don't like giving the girls something in bulk that I don't know what it is... I could call and ask, I suppose...
Nothing is ever easy...
I give mine all of our egg shells now too but they also get some oyster shell, but seem to avoid it, but I don't find it later so they may eat it when I'm not looking.

So I finally did it. Next week will be my one year anniversary of having chickens and I broke an egg while it was in my pocket. The worst part is that I didn't even realize it because of the heavy rain until I went to take the egg out. Oh geez!
Ha ha that's so much fun reaching into your pocket and that feeling!!! Been there done that!
The part where it runs down your pants leg, just awesome! Bleh!!!

We picked up our second horse finally

Gilfy, our bantam EE (from Meyer), finally laid her first egg at 28 weeks old.
Here it is next to our SLP egg (from Meyer). It's almost the exact same color as our LF EE. A nice minty green.

We've had a hawk do a couple fly overs the last week. Yesterday we came home and he was sitting on the fence that separates our backyard and the chicken's free range area. The dogs were out and he didn't care one bit. The flock was free ranging but he had his back to him and all chickens were accounted for. DH shot a pellet gun near him to scare him off. Today we come home and he was sitting on top of their enclosed area. DH couldn't shoot that direction due to things in the background so I went out there to scare him off. I got pretty close before he finally flew away. I went out to do a head count and a bunch were under the tack room so I couldn't see everyone. I was about to walk away and noticed the gate to the extra area we have was open so I thought I'd better check in there too. In the corner I could see a ton of feathers and what looked like parts of a chicken. All I could see was maybe a wing. My heart dropped and I didn't really want to go over to it but did. As I got closer I saw more feathers and blood on the rocks. I found our little BLRW tucked between a couple large rocks and the gate. Once I got over to her I could see she was at least all there, which isn't what it looked like to start. She had a bloody back but was alive and alert. I took her inside and we cleaned her up, put some antibiotic on it and wrapped her up. She is now in the hospital cage in our bathroom. The wrap has since slipped off so now she just has gauze on it. It is much less severe than our other hawk attacks. We're hopeful she'll pull through pretty quick. She is missing the skin off her back right above the tail, and has one puncture on the thigh.

And here is a good shot of our CCL pair, now 13 weeks old.
Congrats on the horse. He is beautiful! Your chickens are growing fast too! I am so sorry for the BLRW, poor thing, good that it was not any worse but still.

Anyone want to play - Guess this chick?
(He) came with the Fry Pan Bargain - appears to be blue splash something? Clean legged.

Maybe a Splash Andulasion? I have one but she has less speckles. Just a guess.
Oh my I know all about hawk attacks! Did you put any blukote or anything on it? Our one golden buff looks exactly the same as your blrw. We have put blukote on it and she looks horrible but her back is covered with it so no one picks on her.

I put antibiotic cream on it yesterday and today sprayed it with Granulex. That is the best stuff ever and I credit it with saving the life of our EE when she got attacked. She was completely ripped up from chest to tail. We sprayed that on her after a couple days of antiobiotic ointment. It helps skin regrow and supposed to keep flies off. We put the EE back outside before she was completely healed and even though the area had a ton of flies, I never saw one land on her. It's oily and stays put well. You don't have to spray it every day.
Sadie, the BLRW, is in our bathroom right now so she doesn't need blukote on. No one will be picking on her. She won't go outside until she has at least scabbed over.

I've been away for a few weeks and goodness! Took me forever to catch back up! This years Meyer babies are 20 weeks old now and my breeder CCL's are 22 wks. Question to those of you who got breeder CCL's- how old were they when they started laying? I saw someone posted about a 18 or 19 week old laying I think. Both Poppy and Pepper have huge red combs and waddles. Neither had squatted yet for me, but today Pepper sort of did
so maybe she's close. I was beginning to worry bc both the CCL girls and one of my Meyer Welsummers have super red combs and I am worried they had a secret nest somewhere...
Here's a few pics of my crew since I haven't been on forever and I've snapped a few good ones this summer!! First 4 are my older flock not from Meyer
Amelia the smiling EE, Ethel the BO (not thrilled with the nestbox paparazzi)
Atilla the Hen (BR) and Nori the Ameraucana. This was before they all dust bathed my herb garden to death...

Meyer Wellie, Rue, look at that comb!

My Meyer Blue Cochin Sage. I love photographing her.
my CCL's Poppy (L) and Pepper (R) lookin all grown up and gorgeous.
edited to condense the pictures a bit

Beautiful birds

How's the recovery going? She looks like a real sweetie and like she's taking it in stride.

She seems to be doing well. She won't let me put anything on her back so it's just granulex now. She is active and alert and ate a plate full of egg this morning.
Aww you have an Amelia too! Haha Atilla the Hen, that's great. Love the name Rue and that nail polish! Sage is bootyful! And Poppy and Pepper are stunning.

Our Amelia laid her second egg this afternoon. I found it on the ground in the run, thankfully not broken. I scooped it and her up and showed her me putting it in the nest box. She seemed to whimper understandingly, haha how's that for anthropomorphizing? It's another pinkish white bloomed brown round egg. Funny how I was really wishing for a pink egg layer as two of the three chicks I have planned for the spring are brown layers.
My Golden Buff lays a almost lavender egg too sometimes. It's also the biggest egg from my whole flock of 21.
Would something like this work? It's a heated wrap for a pipe and much cheaper than the heated hoses.
Oh wow, thanks! That is a much better price! I put it in my wish list already on Amazon!

I put antibiotic cream on it yesterday and today sprayed it with Granulex. That is the best stuff ever and I credit it with saving the life of our EE when she got attacked. She was completely ripped up from chest to tail. We sprayed that on her after a couple days of antiobiotic ointment. It helps skin regrow and supposed to keep flies off. We put the EE back outside before she was completely healed and even though the area had a ton of flies, I never saw one land on her. It's oily and stays put well. You don't have to spray it every day.
Sadie, the BLRW, is in our bathroom right now so she doesn't need blukote on. No one will be picking on her. She won't go outside until she has at least scabbed over.

She seems to be doing well. She won't let me put anything on her back so it's just granulex now. She is active and alert and ate a plate full of egg this morning.
Granulex? I have not heard of that one, I'll have to check into that.

I hope she improves soon.

Everyone is doing well in my flock right now, but I think there has been a little more conflict then usual. My Blue Andulasion, Andi seems to be arguing a lot with the Splash Blue Andulasion, Splash. I have seen them battling a little and chest bumping. Andi gives up and ends up just sitting in the coop on the roost. She is molting and I think she is being picked on because of that. You would think those two would get along the best since they're the same breed, but I guess not. There is always something happening with these chickens.
Sometimes I wish I knew what they were thinking, then of course many times I am glad that I don't know.

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