Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

We've had a hawk do a couple fly overs the last week. Yesterday we came home and he was sitting on the fence that separates our backyard and the chicken's free range area. The dogs were out and he didn't care one bit. The flock was free ranging but he had his back to him and all chickens were accounted for. DH shot a pellet gun near him to scare him off. Today we come home and he was sitting on top of their enclosed area. DH couldn't shoot that direction due to things in the background so I went out there to scare him off. I got pretty close before he finally flew away. I went out to do a head count and a bunch were under the tack room so I couldn't see everyone. I was about to walk away and noticed the gate to the extra area we have was open so I thought I'd better check in there too. In the corner I could see a ton of feathers and what looked like parts of a chicken. All I could see was maybe a wing. My heart dropped and I didn't really want to go over to it but did. As I got closer I saw more feathers and blood on the rocks. I found our little BLRW tucked between a couple large rocks and the gate. Once I got over to her I could see she was at least all there, which isn't what it looked like to start. She had a bloody back but was alive and alert. I took her inside and we cleaned her up, put some antibiotic on it and wrapped her up. She is now in the hospital cage in our bathroom. The wrap has since slipped off so now she just has gauze on it. It is much less severe than our other hawk attacks. We're hopeful she'll pull through pretty quick. She is missing the skin off her back right above the tail, and has one puncture on the thigh.

Oh my I know all about hawk attacks! Did you put any blukote or anything on it? Our one golden buff looks exactly the same as your blrw. We have put blukote on it and she looks horrible but her back is covered with it so no one picks on her.
So Amelia our Golden Buff was up to mischief yesterday morning during free range time.

She flew up on top of the nest boxes

Jumped on top of the run door

Then easily stepped onto the coop roof

I think she was feeling restless about her first egg.

She had been making this soft by high pitch rather eerie note that she drew out, quite haunting and beautiful starting the day before. An hour or so after free range time I went to check on the girls in the run and both Amelia and Clara were going in and out of all three of the nest boxes both making soft but urgent noises. At one point they were in the same nest box. I was really glad they were doing this together and that they were both interested in the nest boxes, but both were still nervous and at one point I think Clara pecked Amelia.

They both went in and out of the coop a few times, Clara would always go right back in with a sense of urgency but Amelia hopped up on the perch branches in the run where her other three sisters were waiting patiently, like they all had with Clara's third egg as if that was the waiting room and the coop was the delivery room. So Amelia flies up to the perches and starts nuzzling her head under her sisters' fluffy bellies, as if to hide under them and its clear she's looking for a safe, comfortable place to lay. So I take her off the perch and put her back in the coop, she tried out the nest boxes again but is unsatisfied and goes back out. She repeats trying to bury her head under her sisters and I take her off again. Then the third time I see her muscles begin to contract so I scoop her up and hold her close to my body and we go to sit down in the coop together, I'm petting her trying to calm her down, when Clara comes out of a nest box and over to my lap and I think oh good someone for her to snuggle with, then I look down between my legs and there is Amelia's freshly laid egg! Looking all pinkish purple with its white bloom.

Poor dear stayed on my lap for another 10-15 minutes, mostly with her eyes closed, while Clara fussed and scratched in one of the nest boxes. Finally she settled down for a few minutes, then stood up and we heard the thunk of her egg. She stood frozen and I thought she might peck me when I grabbed it, but she just tapped the egg with her beak and stayed in the nest box for a good long while as I left the coop to show my husband, who had the day off, the two eggs.

Love these colors next to each other, you can see Amelia's first egg is bigger than Clara's fourth

The husband hadn't wanted to join me in watching and said I should leave them alone and let them do their business. But I'm pretty sure if I hadn't been there Amelia's first egg would have ended up cracked on the ground and the girls would have eaten it. It's crazy that I've had both girls lay their first egg in my lap, I definitely feel like a chicken midwife now. But I am really glad Clara laid in the box this time. I've added more fluff (feathers and dried grass) in there to make it more nest like. So we'll see if Amelia lays a second egg today. Clara's been laying every other day but that might change. They are 22 weeks/5 months old.
So I'm guessing the black one may be either a Dominique or a Black Austrolorp.  The two that have some amber to them - Golden Buffs?  And the mottles one a Wyandotte?  (These are Fry Pan Bargain - so no ID)

Post 7347 on this thread - sorry I can't seem to link it  . . .

Here is the original chick photo that you posted.


In looking at the new photo, I also thought it was an Austra White, but, for some reason I thought they were sex linked and the Fry Pan Special is all roos. So, I didn't think they would send a pullet. I just looked it up and I think I was mistaken. They are not sex linked. Here is a photo of a young Austra White roo that I found online.


Looks similar to yours!
So Amelia our Golden Buff was up to mischief yesterday morning during free range time... Love these colors next to each other, you can see Amelia's first egg is bigger than Clara's fourth
Wow you have the best eggs stories and those are some gorgeous eggs, love the colors! I got some glamour shots of the girls today, they all were being hams! I think this is Mouse - yes she got her name because she killed and ate a mouse her first day free ranging.
Pepper - the first egg layer of the bunch, she is a sweetie.
Saffron the Wellie, she looks so serious here.
Left Eye being nosey and noisy!
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We ordered 3 Buff Brahma girls, and received them 7/8/14. They were in perfect health, and continue to be! (knock on wood). We lost one to a curious dog who just wanted to play. Ordered another 3, and here we are: 2 nine-week olds and 1 seven-week old at home; 2 seven-week olds joining some elderly flockmates at another location.

Our three are L'Juan, Yokey, and Peepsy.. Here they are a week ago (they currently reside in a very snazzy dog crate-turned pullet palace):

I've loved my interactions with Meyer Hatchery, and my babies are beautiful! They transition to their new home soon, and I'm a nervous mama. My hubby has been making a coop with run out of my kids' wood playset/swingset. I'll post before and after pics in the appropriate forum soon!

Crossing fingers the three above are all of the female presuasion...
We ordered 3 Buff Brahma girls, and received them 7/8/14.  They were in perfect health, and continue to be! (knock on wood).  We lost one to a curious dog who just wanted to play.  Ordered another 3, and here we are: 2 nine-week olds and 1 seven-week old at home; 2 seven-week olds joining some elderly flockmates at another location  

Crossing fingers the three above are all of the female presuasion...

welcome and cute girls!
Wow you have the best eggs stories and those are some gorgeous eggs, love the colors!

I got some glamour shots of the girls today, they all were being hams!

Saffron the Wellie, she looks so serious here.

Nice, love Dellies, Wellies and White EEs! I also love the names Saffron and Isis.

I always figured/worried one day I would come out and find a brown egg in the nest boxes and I wouldn't know if it was Amelia or Morgaine. But to have them lay right in my lap... I feel blessed with their trust.

Our three are L'Juan, Yokey, and Peepsy.. Here they are a week ago (they currently reside in a very snazzy dog crate-turned pullet palace):

Beautiful girls!
I've been away for a few weeks and goodness! Took me forever to catch back up! This years Meyer babies are 20 weeks old now and my breeder CCL's are 22 wks. Question to those of you who got breeder CCL's- how old were they when they started laying? I saw someone posted about a 18 or 19 week old laying I think. Both Poppy and Pepper have huge red combs and waddles. Neither had squatted yet for me, but today Pepper sort of did :) so maybe she's close. I was beginning to worry bc both the CCL girls and one of my Meyer Welsummers have super red combs and I am worried they had a secret nest somewhere...
Here's a few pics of my crew since I haven't been on forever and I've snapped a few good ones this summer!! First 4 are my older flock not from Meyer
Amelia the smiling EE, Ethel the BO (not thrilled with the nestbox paparazzi)
Atilla the Hen (BR) and Nori the Ameraucana. This was before they all dust bathed my herb garden to death...:th
Meyer Wellie, Rue, look at that comb!

My Meyer Blue Cochin Sage. I love photographing her.
my CCL's Poppy (L) and Pepper (R) lookin all grown up and gorgeous.
edited to condense the pictures a bit :D
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