Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

@autumnhearth I couldn't figure out how to reply to your comment on Olive's picture so I'll just reply and attach pics here! My girls did great over the winter, I don't use artificial heat and only had a few with large combs that got a teensy bit of frost bite on the very tips of their combs but it was just superficial, it scabbed and healed right up. Olive the speckled sussex didn't have a problem. Here's some recent pictures of her...

She really turned out to be a lovely hen. I love her shape (she's really proofed up due to the cold in the middle pic so don't judge that one lol). Her feathers are so shiny and the black in them highlights a gorgeous green. She's a little less speckled than I'd hoped but I've heard new speckles come in at their first adult molt

What a beautiful bird! Speckled Sussex is on my wish list, but probably not until next year... I wouldn't mind having one like yours though!
COChix, your Wellie girls are gorgeous, too! I love how you can really see the pencilling in the close-ups. I wonder if mine will have that nice pencilling, as well.

And Finnie, I'm jealous your feed store has such great variety! I just called our Tractor Supply, and they said they just get straight run chicks (I'm in the city, no roos allowed), mystery breeds, and you have to buy a minimum of 6. :( I'd love to be able to pick up BLRW chicks at the feed store! I'm partial to the lightest/splash ones myself.
Hi folks! I am a Meyer chicken owner now so I thought I would subscribe to this thread.

Here are my two Blue Splash Marans chicks I picked up from there last week:

Peppermint and Aggie
Welcome! Your splash babies are precious! Have you tried going to just the images in this thread? (click view all). I don't have any of those breeds but I know others on here do. I'll see if I can find some.
And Finnie, I'm jealous your feed store has such great variety! I just called our Tractor Supply, and they said they just get straight run chicks (I'm in the city, no roos allowed), mystery breeds, and you have to buy a minimum of 6. :( I'd love to be able to pick up BLRW chicks at the feed store! I'm partial to the lightest/splash ones myself.
Yes, this store is a little boutique that caters to the people in the city who raise chickens, goats and honeybees, or who are into "sustainable living". There are no Tractor Supply stores that far into the city, so there was a niche market for a small feed store. I was excited when I found out they also get chicks in. :) And they are lucky to be not a chain, so they can special order from Meyer, and not be limited to whatever "corporate" sends them.

It is a really good thing for me that TSC's requirements prevent me from going in and buying a random chick here and there!

This way I am able to get my chick fix in a tiny dose, and also stick to what's on my Chicken Wish List. I'm very thankful! And they are a far enough drive (40 minutes), that I don't just randomly stop in there, which could get dangerous!
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Yes, this store is a little boutique that caters to the people in the city who raise chickens, goats and honeybees, or who are into "sustainable living". There are no Tractor Supply stores that far into the city, so there was a niche market for a small feed store. I was excited when I found out they also get chicks in. :) And they are lucky to be not a chain, so they can special order from Meyer, and not be limited to whatever "corporate" sends them.

This way I am able to get my chick fix in a tiny dose, and also stick to what's on my Chicken Wish List. I'm very thankful! And they are a far enough drive (40 minutes), that I don't just randomly stop in there, which could get dangerous!
That sounds lovely! We have a local nursery that also orders from Meyer and while they do carry some nice breeds, all sexed female, we are so picky with our breeds (Marans, Brahmas, Dorkings, Welsummers) and can drive to Meyer anyway. I'm also really picky about feed and supplies so I really only buy straw, sunflower seeds, grit and oyster shells from them, but it's something.

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