Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??


:love I'm a sucker for those fluffy cheeks.
Maybe it's the sand I get (I think there are kinds with less dust, but it's more expensive), but the sand I have in the big-girl coop sure is dusty! It wouldn't bother me as much if the brooder was somewhere else, but the chicks bunk in my room until they're old enough to live outside.

And you know it! Prepare for a weekly (or more) picture update from day one on!
I can see why you are worried about too much dust with them being in your bedroom, ours are in the basement. Last time by week 4 we started having dust problems due to all the baby feathers coming out. I am hoping our new 6 will be able to move out to the big coop by 2 to 3 weeks old so maybe we will avoid the dust bowl of a basement.

Looks like a lot of people got chicks this week. Next week your turn!
My mom found everything except the Poly Vi Sol. She got something else from TSC that might work better than that. It's called Poultry nutri-drench. It says "Rapid, rich nutrition supplement for all classes of poultry. Nutri-drench is a premium, nutrient rich supplement formulated to rapidly deliver energy and essential nutrients."

She is starting to stand up on her own and she has been peeping just like all of the other chicks. We have her in the bathroom right now away from the other chicks. She is doing MUCH better than she was when we first took her out of the box. If they had been in that box another night she would have died.

I decided to name her Hope
because there is still hope that she will survive.

The rest of the chicks are doing great. They've eaten tons of food and drank a bunch of water since they've been home. Right now they are chasing each other all over their brooder. They are gonna be really tuckered out tonight! The two Campines are by far the most energetic chicks. They haven't stopped running around since we put them in there! I took some pictures and I will upload them for everyone tomorrow!
That video that pipz posted looked helpful, it was hard to watch that poor little chick, but those drops of vitamins seemed to fix the problem. I hope little Hope improves. Congrats on your chicks!
So adorable! thanks for sharing! What breeds do you have?
Mine shipped too!!!!! I thought the hatch date was the 7th, but it was for the 6th
I'm doing back flips right now!!!!! Hubby is setting up the brooder now. Has anyone used sand instead of shavings? (a little off topic, I know)
Did you get yours yet?
No :( I'm in Oklahoma though, so I'm thinking I'll get mine the 9th. I looked on USPS tracking, but the only activity it's showing is that it was accepted at Mansfield, OH yesterday????? Nothing else; no other updates. I am so very confused. It was shipped priority instead of express. I'm not sure if that's the difference or not..... I hate to think they are just sitting in a box somewhere.
I'm in Oklahoma though, so I'm thinking I'll get mine the 9th. I looked on USPS tracking, but the only activity it's showing is that it was accepted at Mansfield, OH yesterday????? Nothing else; no other updates. I am so very confused. It was shipped priority instead of express. I'm not sure if that's the difference or not..... I hate to think they are just sitting in a box somewhere.
I've found the tracking info with USPS is WAY less than satisfactory - ESPECIALLY with a baby chick order. My tracking info almost never updates until after I've already set my chicks up in the brooder - how annoying is that! I'm sure your babies are making their way across the country to you and will hopefully be here tomorrow. :)
So, for those of you who've gotten your spring chicks already and you ordered a "meal maker" would you mind sharing what breed you got if you know. I'm just curious if there's a trend. I'm noticing in the past there have been a lot of RSL and white leghorns from what I see in old threads. When I put my order in I had a couple questions so I talked with the customer service and the gal I spoke to said that for a MM that is a layer they try and provide a hen that has a good rate of lay and produces brown eggs. *shrug* don't have a clue if it's true but the RSL would certainly fit that line of thinking.
I'm in Oklahoma though, so I'm thinking I'll get mine the 9th. I looked on USPS tracking, but the only activity it's showing is that it was accepted at Mansfield, OH yesterday????? Nothing else; no other updates. I am so very confused. It was shipped priority instead of express. I'm not sure if that's the difference or not..... I hate to think they are just sitting in a box somewhere.
I'm from OK too.

I use straight garden / yard dirt in my brooder, have from day one and raised several batches of chicks w/o issues. I have no doubt studies show more e-coli if that is what the study sited showed, but any substrate you use has someone telling you why it is bad, carries disease, causes splayed legs, chicks try to eat it and impact little crops, etc....... the list goes on so I think it is pick your poison and I try to make it all as close to a hen raised chick as I possibly can.
Hope was doing much better this afternoon, and now she's back to the same as she was when she first arrived this morning. She will hardly open her eyes, and she's hardly even peeping anymore. We are still giving her nutri-drench, selenium, electrolytes, and vitamin E. I really hope she makes it through this. She is a fighter that's for sure. I just hope she'll keep fighting.

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