Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

The speed of feather growth can indicate the sex of the chick, but the tendency for slow-feathering in the male offspring has to be bred into them. I'm not sure if it's a reliable sexing method for buff Orpingtons. Honestly, I'd wait until you see more definite signs, like comb growth, before deciding if you have a little boy in your mix.
Okay thanks
I'm just being paranoid again... lol
Rooster paranoia. :lol: I get it every year with my chicks. This year, though, I'm kind of hoping my black frizzle Cochin bantam is a boy. :fl
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Thanks! :fl I'm not sure about him, because I'm pretty sure the EE bantam is a boy at this point and Po (the Cochin bantam) is smaller, has less comb growth, and doesn't stand as upright. :lol: Never thought I'd see the day I got hen paranoia.
Finally got individual shots of everyone today! :D They are 10 days old.

Easter-egger bantam:


Black frizzle Cochin bantam:


Light brown Leghorn:


Golden Campine:


Egyptian Fayoumi:


Silver Lakenvelder:


Exchequer Leghorn:



Rooster paranoia.
I get it every year with my chicks. This year, though, I'm kind of hoping my black frizzle Cochin bantam is a boy.
I get rooster paranoia with every batch of chicks - doesn't matter that I've ordered sexed females, I'm always convinced at least one of them is a roo until I get eggs lol. My current batch though, I'm really really paranoid that I have two ancona roos!

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