Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

ChickenMomma- You're so lucky you have the room to build another coop. We have an acre and would love more chickens but I think we're at our limit.

At first we didn't have the room for another coop, but we are re-homing our goats some time in the next couple of weeks, and we will be turning their pen into a coop. We are also lucky that we have a landlord who doesn't mind how much my roosters crow. Lol! We rent out house, and it's on about 5 acres of land. Most of that is woods.
Nancy - you're right I need to learn to give things time. Seems to be working out well.

Pip- Those chicks are sure are growing fast. It is amazing how big they get so soon. I also wish I had more white egg layers. I'll have a lot of brown eggs too.

ChickenMomma- Good to hear you'll be able to keep Sunni. I wish I could add more chickens too. We're limited here as well. So for now, just 19. I know nothing about having roosters or I'd suggest something. I'll learn from you and see what you do for now.
I don't know if Egyptian Fayoumis are supposed to be good layers or not, NNancy, but I do know that they're supposed to be pretty wild, and mine is not defying that stereotype. I have spent enough time with her that she doesn't mind hopping up in my lap, but she does run from my hand still.
Yeah, white egg layers don't seem to be common in the backyard chickening scene. I've gone years now with bunches of brown egg layers and a few blue/green layers, which is why I picked out a lot of white layers for this year. Now last on my list of wants are chocolate brown egg layers. :D
I don't know if Egyptian Fayoumis are supposed to be good layers or not, NNancy, but I do know that they're supposed to be pretty wild, and mine is not defying that stereotype. I have spent enough time with her that she doesn't mind hopping up in my lap, but she does run from my hand still.

My Campines are the same way. They will eat out of my hands and sit on my lap or my arm, but I can't hold them or reach out to them with my hands or they get scared. That's to be expected with Campines though :)
My little Campine seems a bit more calm--she doesn't mind my hand next to her as long as I don't touch her. :lol: The Fayoumi is the most flighty, with the light brown Leghorn next in line. I figured the Ancona and the Exchequer would be like that, too, but those two are all over me, especially my little Ancona! It was a welcome surprise for me. :) The Lakenvelder isn't as flighty as I was expecting, either.
The only chicks who aren't absolutely terrified of my hands are one of my BO's, one of the EE's, and one of the White Leghorns. A couple of the others will walk all over my hands, but as soon as I move my hand they run away. Amber (the EE I've been questioning), Sunni and one of the Campines are the only 3 who won't come near me unless I put a treat in my hand.

My RIR's and BO/RIR chicks were just like that when they were little. As they got older they became a lot more trusting. Maybe these little ones will be the same way :D
I would reply8, 8but the Ancona mentioned in my last post is on my keyboard (and likes the number 8 apparently). :rolleyes:

ETA: Okay, she's moved now. :lol: My Meyer blue splash Marans was pretty hand shy as a chick, but round about a month old, she started to come to me, and she's been my baby ever since. :love

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I lucked out with my recent Meyer easter eggers. One lays a darker moss green, one lays a green with a bluish tint and one lays a very very blue egg. Most of the time they are huge and most of the time are double yolkers. One was a triple yolker recently. And usually each gives me 6 a week.I have zero
That's great to hear!!! Triple yolker

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