Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

I went online and I was able to put 2 buffs and 2 whites on an order for next week, then when I asked them to change my order she said it wasn't allowing her to put whites on there. I asked about the male only thing too since they are straight run but didn't get an answer. 
I found a local person with white silkies that we are going to pick up today. After a couple days I'm going to cancel my buff order so you can have my two. ;)
This order is supposed to ship next week so I can't answer the assorted/roo ratio. 
I don't think you have to worry about mpc taking all the girls. Meyer doesn't sex their bantams so either MPC doesn't get their bantams from them, or they sex them on their own when they get it (I'm suspecting the former). 

My ship date is in aug thanks tho! I went to add a frizzle a few days ago if it says male only I got the impression that they put it there to just fill the space cause the frizzle said male only and the lady said it wasn't available. I'm prob gonna add one cause we want to breed and I don't want to go back to the guy we got our 4 from cause everyone is related and I need dif lines. I'm hoping since there is 5 colors we might get lucky and get something other than white. Post pics of your new babies!
I went online and I was able to put 2 buffs and 2 whites on an order for next week, then when I asked them to change my order she said it wasn't allowing her to put whites on there. I asked about the male only thing too since they are straight run but didn't get an answer. 
I found a local person with white silkies that we are going to pick up today. After a couple days I'm going to cancel my buff order so you can have my two. ;)
This order is supposed to ship next week so I can't answer the assorted/roo ratio. 
I don't think you have to worry about mpc taking all the girls. Meyer doesn't sex their bantams so either MPC doesn't get their bantams from them, or they sex them on their own when they get it (I'm suspecting the former). 

MPC has their own sexing people right on site at Meyers. they work for MPC, not Meyers, so most likely when it says "males only" it's because MPC has already contracted with Meyers for a percentage of the females of certain breeds. And most certainly for most bantam females. The ratio is usually 50-50, so when they actually hatch a higher percentage of females, then at the last minute there are more available. (someone at MPC tod me this.)
We picked up 4 silkies from a local breeder (much better stock than hatchery). Got them home and realized we got varying shades of grey from white to black. Hard to tell in the pic but the one in the back left is a real light grey. So we'll wait a couple days to make sure they all make it and then cancel our meyer silkie order. We'll still be getting our 5 assorted rares though so I'm excited to see what we get.

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We picked up 4 silkies from a local breeder (much better stock than hatchery). Got them home and realized we got varying shades of grey from white to black. Hard to tell in the pic but the one in the back left is a real light grey. So we'll wait a couple days to make sure they all make it and then cancel our meyer silkie order. We'll still be getting our 5 assorted rares though so I'm excited to see what we get.

Oh my, too cute! I hope that all do well. Congrats!
We picked up 4 silkies from a local breeder (much better stock than hatchery). Got them home and realized we got varying shades of grey from white to black. Hard to tell in the pic but the one in the back left is a real light grey. So we'll wait a couple days to make sure they all make it and then cancel our meyer silkie order. We'll still be getting our 5 assorted rares though so I'm excited to see what we get.
Aww now I want more silkies! I wish it would let me post pics cause your light grey one looks like mine did when she was a baby. She will be 10 weeks tomorrow and so far she is a light grey/ blue with small light black splashes. My hubby and i want your black one! The 2 in the front will be white. I'm glad you finally got your whites!
We picked up 4 silkies from a local breeder (much better stock than hatchery). Got them home and realized we got varying shades of grey from white to black. Hard to tell in the pic but the one in the back left is a real light grey. So we'll wait a couple days to make sure they all make it and then cancel our meyer silkie order. We'll still be getting our 5 assorted rares though so I'm excited to see what we get.

awwww look at those adorable little faces!
awwww look at those adorable little faces!

I have a question for those that have/had roosters... My Buff Brahma (with the bum beak) has not crowed yet. He's 14 weeks today. Is there a chance he won't crow because of his underbite (I can re-post pics if needed) or does that have nothing to do with the crowing. I know I'm just being very hopeful here and a beak may have nothing to do with hormones/throat but I still haven't found him a home and would happily keep him if he doesn't crow. Any chance???
And when is the latest he would start to crow. Seems like 14 weeks is kind of late considering I don't have another rooster that would make him keep quiet. It is a late maturing breed so I guess that has something to do with it?
I was reading about caponizing him but apparently it's to late for that. I wish I would have read about that sooner.
Any ideas???
hello my friends,
I just couldn't wait till Monday to post more pics of my babies. These were taken at 11 days old.

what ever this breed is these boys are so friendly and don't mind being held

Still no Idea what breed this little guy is

same with this guy no clue what breed, but they are really courious about everything but don't like to be touched

The brown ones are my Partridge plymouth rocks

These little guys are starting to be bullies, but they are getting beautiful colors

the little white one is my white leghorn little girl

if anyone can Id any of these little guys please help me out
I am going to Meyer Hatchery Wed. to pick up 3 female Black Astrolorps and 1 male Black Astrolorp and a meal maker so I will post pics of these babies thurs. and will post 2 wk old pics mon or tues.of these babies

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