Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

YAY for Daisy... she's so pretty too!! All your girls are lovely. Love those Polish but I was reading they're not cold hardy so I think I have to cross them off my list since I'm in PA and we get some pretty good cold spells and I would rather not heat my coop. Can't wait to see how your EE's turn out.
Hows the broody breaking going?

Finally tried it with my BB and she was about 2 fingers but also did it to my BR who has laid for months and she was a little over 2 fingers so I still don't know! My EE doesn't let me near her so maybe if I can grab her off the roost one day I'll check her.
I let Olivia out yesterday and she stayed out all day, so I finally broke her from her broodiness, She is back to normal, but still no eggs from her yet.

How is your broody?

I finally got my first egg I was feeding and noticed a burrowed spot in one of the nesting boxes so I started feeling around and sure enough there it was I ran to the house to show my wife she was like it's just an egg loL. That was sat since then I've got eight more.
Yay!!!! Some of my family members are just the same, until they taste the eggs.

I just got back from feeding and got three more eggs today so that's eleven since sat
It sounds like you have a lot of hens laying now, all at the same time too, that's great! Congrats!

can anyone tell me how dark the eggs of BCMs from Meyer tend to be? thanks!
Good question, I'd like to know the answer to this one too.
Sunni laid her first egg!!
It weighed 1.3 ounces. She is 22 weeks and 5 days old. She also ate about 30 pellets on her own this morning. You have no idea how proud I am of this little girl.

Sunni laid her first egg!!
It weighed 1.3 ounces. She is 22 weeks and 5 days old. She also ate about 30 pellets on her own this morning. You have no idea how proud I am of this little girl.

I let Olivia out yesterday and she stayed out all day, so I finally broke her from her broodiness, She is back to normal, but still no eggs from her yet.

How is your broody?
Well done... mine is still broody. I don't have the space in the coop to put the cage with her in it so if I were to leave her in the cage all night she'd be out in the run. That makes me nervous so I guess she'l just stop being broody when she's ready.
Also, Izzy my only green egg layer hasn't laid an egg for 6 days so I guess she's done for the winter even though we have a light in the coop. She seems perfectly fine, eating and drinking, so I'm hoping it's just the less light in the day that's affecting her.
can anyone tell me how dark the eggs of BCMs from Meyer tend to be? thanks!

I don't have a BCM but I have a Cuckoo Marans from Meyer and it's very interesting colored... I'll try to capture it on camera and post it. It's dark on the tips but then the middle almost has a purplish tint to it. My one RIR lays an egg just as dark as my CM but I'm sure that's a fluke because my other RIR just lays a regular brown egg.
Good job Daisy and Sunni!!!

Yesterday I checked each of my 6 girls hip bones. They are 19.5 weeks now. Pearl/BA, Diamond/SS and syrprisingly Daisy/CW were a good loose finger. Bianca/WR and Goldie/BO were a snug finger. Olivia the EE wasn't even a finger.

I do have man hands... but still not too promising of an egg anytime soon.
Sunni laid her first egg!!
It weighed 1.3 ounces. She is 22 weeks and 5 days old. She also ate about 30 pellets on her own this morning. You have no idea how proud I am of this little girl.


Good job Daisy and Sunni!!!

Yesterday I checked each of my 6 girls hip bones. They are 19.5 weeks now. Pearl/BA, Diamond/SS and syrprisingly Daisy/CW were a good loose finger. Bianca/WR and Goldie/BO were a snug finger. Olivia the EE wasn't even a finger.

I do have man hands... but still not too promising of an egg anytime soon.

They'll get there.

It snowed here today. Luckily the ground is still warm enough that it didn't stick. Poor Sky (BA) got left out of the coop all night! She must have run out while I was getting the younger girls out of the nest boxes because I know she was in there when I first got there. She's lucky she didn't freeze! She's also lucky I shut up their caged in pen that surrounds the coop so a predator couldn't get to her.

It's been so wet here that the girls haven't had anywhere to take a dust bath and they are starting to show little eggs of something on them. Gave them all dust baths with some DE. We put a pile of it on the ground for them too but it snowed on it. :-/ I sprinkled it in their coop too. Hopefully it will help.

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