Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Please tell me I'm not the only already starting a wish list for next spring. Winters are harsh around here and I lost a few birds last year so planning my replacements for spring.

I think everyone on this forum has a chicken wish list. :lol: I know I do! I just won't be able to get any of the ones I'm wishing for. I'm at my limit for chickens at the moment.
Yep, we have our wish list too but it will take us moving to a new place before we get any.

Our friend thinks one of her cochins just laid. Her's is the same age as ours so I'm hoping we'll get one soon. I checked her and she is almost 3 fingers. No squatting or squawking yet though.

Love seeing all the pics of everyone's chickens.
Moved my Meyer chicks (received Sep 17th) out to a pop up greenhouse. Covered a large pepper plant with it too so the chicks have a jungle to run around in. So far I can recommend this approach. They are locked into a large plastic dog kennel at night (with their ecoglow). So funny to see them zipping about, running and "jump flying." I heard some emergency peeping a couple of times over the weekend and went in to "save" someone who had gotten turned around behind the dog crate. Tough to get pictures of them, they move quickly.

Moved my Meyer chicks (received Sep 17th) out to a pop up greenhouse. Covered a large pepper plant with it too so the chicks have a jungle to run around in. So far I can recommend this approach. They are locked into a large plastic dog kennel at night (with their ecoglow). So funny to see them zipping about, running and "jump flying." I heard some emergency peeping a couple of times over the weekend and went in to "save" someone who had gotten turned around behind the dog crate. Tough to get pictures of them, they move quickly.

Nice pop up greenhouse. Those chicks are such cute little fluffy puff balls too.
We have Olivia all set up now in her extra large broody cage, which is actually our extra large dog kennel. We had to flip it upside down since the bottom holes are so large. She is not a happy chicken. I feel so sorry for her. I gave her wet layer food with meal worms, cracked corn and BOSS mixed in. I read that dry food is a bad idea in a wire cage since she'll just knock it over and it will fall through the wires. I feel so mean doing this, but I guess I have too. It is so cool at night now so I hope this will not take too long to break her.

How's your broody cochin? and her leg?
her leg is much better. she can put almost all her weight on it. As soon as I let her out of the cage to see how she was walking she sprinted into the coop. Soooo, yea. I guess she's still broody.
She just makes me nervous cause she's hardly eating anything. I guess I have to just wait to let this pass.

Your set up looks great. How did it go last night?
Please tell me I'm not the only already starting a wish list for next spring. Winters are harsh around here and I lost a few birds last year so planning my replacements for spring.

All I want are 2 Leghorns and 2-3 EE's. Not asking for much :)
The month is over and the tally is in:
Marble (BR) - 25 eggs
Sky (BO) - 23 eggs
Flower (D'Uccle) - 21 eggs
and Mona (Plymouth Rock) - 11 eggs (she started laying on the 14th)

Sterling is 30 weeks now, she is 3 fingers and should start laying soon
Our polish are almost 19 weeks and 2 fingers. :)

Can't wait for the rest of the girls to start laying!
My girls are 29 weeks old... I still don't think one EE or my BB (NB) are laying. Does anyone know when hatchery BB's lay? I've tried doing the finger measuring thing on my BB but not quite sure how to do it. My EE won't let me anywhere near her so that's not happening. I have seen every one of my girls sit in a nest except these 2 so I don't think they are yet.
My girls are 29 weeks old... I still don't think one EE or my BB (NB) are laying. Does anyone know when hatchery BB's lay? I've tried doing the finger measuring thing on my BB but not quite sure how to do it. My EE won't let me anywhere near her so that's not happening. I have seen every one of my girls sit in a nest except these 2 so I don't think they are yet. 

Nancy, to check the space between their pelvic bones you have to hold them under your arm so their head is behind you and their back end is facing forward, then you feel just under their vent until you find two pointy bones sticking out. Those are the pelvic bones. If the space between them is more than two fingers, that means they will lay soon. If it is less than two fingers that means they have a little ways to go yet. :)
her leg is much better. she can put almost all her weight on it. As soon as I let her out of the cage to see how she was walking she sprinted into the coop. Soooo, yea. I guess she's still broody.
She just makes me nervous cause she's hardly eating anything. I guess I have to just wait to let this pass.

Your set up looks great. How did it go last night?

All I want are 2 Leghorns and 2-3 EE's. Not asking for much :)
I'm glad your cochin's leg is looking better, I guess she needed that alone time to recover. Have you tried putting some treats in her food and wetting it? Olivia seems to be eating better today and making less clucking sounds, puffing up, etc. I let her out yesterday morning, but she eventually ran back to the nest in the coop, so she is back in the cage. I am trying 2 days now, one day did not work. I felt so guilty not letting her out with the others this morning. I hope tomorrow morning will work or I may give her a full 3 days to make sure. I'll see how she is I guess in the morning.

I want a ton of chickens too from seeing everyone's on here, but we are at our limit, well over it that is.

The month is over and the tally is in:
Marble (BR) - 25 eggs
Sky (BO) - 23 eggs
Flower (D'Uccle) - 21 eggs
and Mona (Plymouth Rock) - 11 eggs (she started laying on the 14th)

Sterling is 30 weeks now, she is 3 fingers and should start laying soon
Our polish are almost 19 weeks and 2 fingers. :)

Can't wait for the rest of the girls to start laying!
I am glad I am not the only one who tallies all the eggs that my hens lay. Once these 16 little ones start, I am not sure if I'll be able to keep up.

It looks like you got a fair amount of eggs this month, here is my counts too:
Ash (RIR) - 27
Big Mama (BO) - 20
Olivia (EE) - 19
Pepper (BR) - 13
Oreo (BR) - 25
We are down 14 eggs compared to last month, Pepper helped bring up the totals since she started the middle of last month and my broody helped bring the total back down since she's not laying.

Sterling is a late layer, our WR, Daisy is still holding out at 22 weeks and I thought that was a long wait, guess not.
My girls are 29 weeks old... I still don't think one EE or my BB (NB) are laying. Does anyone know when hatchery BB's lay? I've tried doing the finger measuring thing on my BB but not quite sure how to do it. My EE won't let me anywhere near her so that's not happening. I have seen every one of my girls sit in a nest except these 2 so I don't think they are yet.
Hopefully they'll start soon. Daisy is hard to touch too, so I'm not sure if I can try to measure her either.

Nancy, to check the space between their pelvic bones you have to hold them under your arm so their head is behind you and their back end is facing forward, then you feel just under their vent until you find two pointy bones sticking out. Those are the pelvic bones. If the space between them is more than two fingers, that means they will lay soon. If it is less than two fingers that means they have a little ways to go yet.
Thanks for that info, I wondered exactly how to do it too.
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