Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Olivia my EE is back to laying light green eggs. It looks greener in person, the day light made it lighten up in the camera. I had 5 eggs today!! Four from the older girls and just one still from my young leghorn. A few more are squatting, so soon even more eggs!!!!!
Olivia my EE is back to laying light green eggs. It looks greener in person, the day light made it lighten up in the camera. I had 5 eggs today!! Four from the older girls and just one still from my young leghorn. A few more are squatting, so soon even more eggs!!!!!
LUCKY YOU!!!! Very pretty and 5 eggs is great.
I sure hope nothing is wrong with my green egg layer, Izzy. I have no idea why she's still not laying. But I did get 8 eggs yesterday and 8 today also. I was only getting 4-6/day for about a month so this was a treat!
Olivia my EE is back to laying light green eggs. It looks greener in person, the day light made it lighten up in the camera. I had 5 eggs today!! Four from the older girls and just one still from my young leghorn. A few more are squatting, so soon even more eggs!!!!!

Yay! I can't wait until my Easter Egger starts to lay.

So far my Blue Andalusian that laid her first egg on Christmas day is the only Meyer girl who is laying so far. I am very happy with her laying. Despite the cold she is laying as well as my Barred Rock that is a month older then her!
Right now I'm nursing one of my Meyer Barred Rocks back to health. She was very lethargic and her crop was big and squishy. Brought her to the vet. Sucked up some of the stuff in her crop. Gram stained it to see gram negative rods. So I have her on an antibiotic and reglan to get the crop moving. I've also had her drinking electrolyte water before I brought her to the vet which she was downing. After her shot of antibiotic and a dose of reglan last night she perked up a lot. This am she's still with us. Her crop is still soft and squishy, but not as big. But still not normal. Got her abx down her and reglan and shes drinking the electrolyte water. Her tail feathers are starting to perk up too.

I'm really praying the rest of the flock doesn't get this. They are 19 weeks old (20wks on Monday) none of them laying. Will her being sick affect her laying in the future? Will I have to slowly integrate her back into the flock as if she's a new hen? Or will they remember her?

Thanks! I've learned so much from all you feather-smart people!
Once again if we complain enough we get what we want

Izzy laid an egg this morning!!!!!

Always hard to see the pretty green in the pics.

Above left is my BB (NB) Stella's spotted egg then Izzy in the middle and I don't know who lays the egg on the
right but it is a gorgeous cream color; the lightest color of all my girls eggs. I thought it was Cleo my EE but
now I'm thinking it's a different EE.

We got 8 inches of snow last night and it's a whopping 12 degrees! The run was filled with snow because of the wind and the girls didn't want to come
out of the coop. Pipsqueak my CW was the only one to come out so my wonderful husband went out and shoveled a path for them to the food and water.
They reluctantly went out but they clearly aren't happy about the new snow. I gave them some BOSS and corn and they didn't go crazy over it. I'm going to
bring them some warm scrambled eggs later. That should cheer them up!
Right now I'm nursing one of my Meyer Barred Rocks back to health. She was very lethargic and her crop was big and squishy. Brought her to the vet. Sucked up some of the stuff in her crop. Gram stained it to see gram negative rods. So I have her on an antibiotic and reglan to get the crop moving. I've also had her drinking electrolyte water before I brought her to the vet which she was downing. After her shot of antibiotic and a dose of reglan last night she perked up a lot. This am she's still with us. Her crop is still soft and squishy, but not as big. But still not normal. Got her abx down her and reglan and shes drinking the electrolyte water. Her tail feathers are starting to perk up too.

I'm really praying the rest of the flock doesn't get this. They are 19 weeks old (20wks on Monday) none of them laying. Will her being sick affect her laying in the future? Will I have to slowly integrate her back into the flock as if she's a new hen? Or will they remember her?

Thanks! I've learned so much from all you feather-smart people!
So sorry this happened and I wish I could help but I've never dealt with this yet. Luckily you have a vet that will treat chickens. I've asked around but haven't found one yet.
If you post your questions in the Disease/Injuries section I'm sure you will get some responses. Hope she keeps improving!
We were down to -14*F last night and got about 8 inches of snow yesterday. I made warm outmeal for everyone this morning and was generous with the whole kernal corn treats. Poor babies, you know its cold when both of the waterers had frozen rims and they were still running. Never had that happen before. It was -5*F this morning when I did chores before work, I had to take my gloves off for something and then almost got them stuck to the metal handle of the coop!
Ugh....can we go back to single digit lows now?!
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