Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

We got our first egg yesterday! Edith P, our tiny Black Copper Marans, spent the better part of an hour and a half in the nest box scratching around and settling and scratching and settling; she left the nest box twice and finally on visit three laid the tiniest, prettiest little egg.

Edith P is maybe 2/3 the size of our other Marans, and I never would have thought she would be the first to lay.

Here's Edith P (with Bernadette in the background):

MY FIRST EASTER EGG FROM MY MEYER GIRL! !!! 25 weeks old on the dot. This is my 5th layer. 5 more to go. Love these girls!
Hi everyone... I'm back from the land of no internet/cable/phone and limited power
We were hit with an awful ice/snow storm and were without power from midnight Tuesday until 5:00 Saturday! It looked (and still does) like a war zone with trees and downed wires in the roads and on houses. My neighbor's house caught fire, not as a result of the storm just coincidentally. The schools were closed for days due to no power at the school and the busses not being able to get to the bus stops. We have a generator but can only run a limited amount of items on it but so much better than nothing!
I missed reading about everyone's chickens!!

My feed store is going to ban me... hehe ... I changed my order again. I think I have to stick to it now.
The Cream Brabanter's are back on the schedule for the week of April 21st, so now my order is:
2 Cream Brabanters
2 EE's
and 3 Silkies! I don't know what color because they will be assorted. I only want 1 or 2 but I figure since they're straight run I better get 3 in case one or 2 are males. At least I have a place to send them if they are. But it seems like I won't know for months what sex they are.

here's a pic of a Brabanter:

I do hope they have a successful hatch... they are adorable

Maybe Meyer can start carrying these??????
Oh wow, that's a long time without power. I bet that was frustrating and cold! I wan tone of these too now!!! So pretty, looks like mini hearts all over her.

Oh, I love this idea. My hubby might freak when I tell him I found another chicken project.
Yeah, my husband freaks out a little each time I get my big ideas! I am going to eventually make these though.

That is AWESOME!! Now I can grow grass in their run again!! They have turned it to nothing but dirt, & mud when its wet. Its digusting!!!
That's how our run is too!

Incubating update - We have basically been gone since we set our eggs, so today (day 9) was our first chance to candle. We have 8 good ones, 4 blood rings, and 5 hard to tell (shell too dark, etc). I'll be thrilled if 8 of those make it to hatch!
Great! I hope you get lots of little healthy chicks!

Not Meyer birds, but wanted to share my EE/Lemon Cuckoo Orp mix chicks!
Wow, love that lemon coloring!

My Buff Orpington babies I purchased from Meyer back in August! All grown up and laying now!
Congrats! Cute pics and chicken too!

We got our first egg yesterday! Edith P, our tiny Black Copper Marans, spent the better part of an hour and a half in the nest box scratching around and settling and scratching and settling; she left the nest box twice and finally on visit three laid the tiniest, prettiest little egg.

Edith P is maybe 2/3 the size of our other Marans, and I never would have thought she would be the first to lay.

Here's Edith P (with Bernadette in the background):

That is a tiny egg! Congrats! Nice and dark too!

MY FIRST EASTER EGG FROM MY MEYER GIRL! !!! 25 weeks old on the dot. This is my 5th layer. 5 more to go. Love these girls!
Congrats, the others will follow soon!

So far I get one green and one blue from my Meyer EEs , I'm waiting for the others to start laying.
Congrats on the green and blue egg! How many EE's do you have?
I love my Easter Egger's eggs! It is exciting every time she lays an egg because her eggs are a defferent shade every time! So far her eggs have been olive green, lime green, green with brown spots, and bluish green.

I also love my Australorp's eggs! They are a pretty dark brown color. Right now my Easter Egger and Australorp are the only two Meyer girls that are laying. My Blue Laced Red Wyandotte and Speckled Sussex have not started yet and my Blue Andalusian has not laid since it got really cold.

This is my Easter Egger Rose.

My Australorp Violet.

And their eggs!

Oh my!! I was just out in the coop and squatted down petting on some of my girls when one of the 6 month old BOs flew up onto my shoulder!! She rode there all the way while I walked into the house to show the kids! Apparently, she thinks she's a parrot... Lol so cute!!
Congrats on the green and blue egg! How many EE's do you have?
That picture was of my two Meyer girls eggs but I'll have to go out and get good pictures of them this week. The blue layer is a chocolate/wild pattern with black beard/muff and the green layer is a solid chestnut with chestnut beard/muff.

I have 4 EEmix pullets that I hatched myself and 7 EE pullets from Meyer. Acutually, you can see the blue layer in the background of this pic
blue copper WyandottexEE lays a creamy tan egg

Pretty Girl EEmix lays beautiful xlarge green egg with tiny olive spots
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We got our first egg yesterday! Edith P, our tiny Black Copper Marans, spent the better part of an hour and a half in the nest box scratching around and settling and scratching and settling; she left the nest box twice and finally on visit three laid the tiniest, prettiest little egg.

Edith P is maybe 2/3 the size of our other Marans, and I never would have thought she would be the first to lay.

Here's Edith P (with Bernadette in the background):

That's adorable and a nice rich color!

MY FIRST EASTER EGG FROM MY MEYER GIRL! !!! 25 weeks old on the dot. This is my 5th layer. 5 more to go. Love these girls!
Yay for the EE egg... very pretty color!!

So far I get one green and one blue from my Meyer EEs , I'm waiting for the others to start laying.

NICE! I have 2 EEs that lay green but they're pretty much the same color (NOT complaining at all) LOVE that you have such different colors.
I love my Easter Egger's eggs! It is exciting every time she lays an egg because her eggs are a defferent shade every time! So far her eggs have been olive green, lime green, green with brown spots, and bluish green.

I also love my Australorp's eggs! They are a pretty dark brown color. Right now my Easter Egger and Australorp are the only two Meyer girls that are laying. My Blue Laced Red Wyandotte and Speckled Sussex have not started yet and my Blue Andalusian has not laid since it got really cold.

This is my Easter Egger Rose.

My Australorp Violet.

And their eggs!

Your girls and eggs are very pretty!

Oh my!! I was just out in the coop and squatted down petting on some of my girls when one of the 6 month old BOs flew up onto my shoulder!! She rode there all the way while I walked into the house to show the kids! Apparently, she thinks she's a parrot... Lol so cute!!
LOL, love that. Only one of my girls will fly onto my arm when I put it out. Yes, just like a parrot. She's my Barred Rock and my fav right now

That picture was of my two Meyer girls eggs but I'll have to go out and get good pictures of them this week. The blue layer is a chocolate/wild pattern with black beard/muff and the green layer is a solid chestnut with chestnut beard/muff.

I have 4 EEmix pullets that I hatched myself and 7 EE pullets from Meyer. Acutually, you can see the blue layer in the background of this pic
blue copper WyandottexEE lays a creamy tan egg

Pretty Girl EEmix lays beautiful xlarge green egg with tiny olive spots
Very pretty... I'd love to see more pics. The EE in the back of the top pic looks gorgeous!! I love those black heads/necks and lighter bodies.
Candled again today. We have 10 (out of 18) that we can tell are developing. We threw 3 more away today and 1 is an unknown because of the dark shell. Not too bad for shipped eggs so far. Fingers crossed those 10 make it all the way to hatching!
Candled again today. We have 10 (out of 18) that we can tell are developing. We threw 3 more away today and 1 is an unknown because of the dark shell. Not too bad for shipped eggs so far. Fingers crossed those 10 make it all the way to hatching!

That is not bad at all for shipped eggs! Good luck!

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