Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Very excited to have bumped up our hatch date to April 7th (was the 21st). Meyer customer service was very helpful in canceling our first two orders. These will be our first chickens :) We are getting one female chick each of:

Silver Grey Dorking (husband's pick)
Black Copper Maran
Buff Orpington
Golden Buff (sex-link)
and... a Buckeye!

We are keeping our eyes open for the availability of a blue-green egg layer for our son, an Ameraucana, EE or Cream Legbar. If nothing else we can get an EE the next day from our local nursery who gets them from Meyer anyway.
My 5 Meyer chickens are all about seven months old now. One of my silkies went broody for the first time last week. After researching on here ways to break broodiness, I decided to go with an unconventional method...I bought her two fertile eggs :/ She is just so cute sitting in the nest and I couldn't bring myself to pull her off!!! Someone local sold me two cream legbar eggs, so if she hatches them I'll at least know their sexes. We can't have roosters here in San Diego.
I'll try it! I'll do anything to keep her from teaching the others. If all four were egg eaters, I'd be beside myself. Thanks for the idea!
I read something on here last year about moving things around and confusing them and how sometimes something scary can bond them more. We have creek construction right near our chicken coop and the shared fear seems to be bonding them a little more each day. There's huge construction equipment around that's pretty noisy at times, they scare me so I'd imagine they scare my chickens.

I'm not sure which girls lay the speckled ones but I usually get 4 a day of them. I've been pretty busy this winter and haven't had much time to sit out in the coop observing. One of the olive eggs has speckles too, I think I might hatch my own olive eggers this year.
oooh, Olive Eggers! Nice! I want to hatch eggs now too!!!!

Her egg is pretty. I'm sure it will get bigger. I love all the shades of brown, cream, tan etc you get. I'll have to get a pic of mine to see all the shades bec. when I look at them
in person they all look the same but I guess there's subtle differences.

I got my "LynnSkelter' already!!!!! Super fast. I'll get a pic when it's filled :)

So you have 4 EE's and they all lay green right?

Uh oh, I'm afraid to ask what plan B is

Welcome and that's a great assortment!! I had no idea when I placed my order I could have kept changing it as chicks became available. I would have been a nightmare for Meyer!!
Yay for the EggSkelter!!!!!!!!! oops...LynnSkelter

I originally had two EE's from my very first order and Olivia (Haddie) is one of those, she lays a more olive green egg.

Maddie was her sister and she laid a more greenish olive egg, but she was one of the ones killed by the dog, so we did not get many from her since she had just started laying.

Greta lays a more mint green egg, she is one of the younger ones that I ordered for replacement of my flock. Her sister Ellie that I got too lays a mint blueish green egg.

So all 4 were green/blue layers, just have the three now.

Everyone talks about dogs and chickens, 13 of mine were killed by a stray dog, but I know our dog Maxie could have done just as much damage or more, so watch your chickens and lock them up. I learned my lesson the hard way.

Very excited to have bumped up our hatch date to April 7th (was the 21st). Meyer customer service was very helpful in canceling our first two orders. These will be our first chickens :) We are getting one female chick each of:

Silver Grey Dorking (husband's pick)
Black Copper Maran
Buff Orpington
Golden Buff (sex-link)
and... a Buckeye!

We are keeping our eyes open for the availability of a blue-green egg layer for our son, an Ameraucana, EE or Cream Legbar. If nothing else we can get an EE the next day from our local nursery who gets them from Meyer anyway.
I hope that you can get the others that you want too, but those are a nice selection. and earlier is great!

I'm not sure what plan B is yet, but I bet you could guess what plan C is! Lol!

Oh, my Lynn Skelter came yesterday! Woohoo!
Yay!!!! I want to see those Skelters!!!! with eggs of course!!
Our 20 rare breed assortment and 5 bantam EE's should be arriving tomorrow morning! I can't wait to see what's in the assortment. Be ready for lots of pics!

I also got my skelter already. It came quick!

I love chick time. I can't wait to see pics of everyone's orders coming in. Sounds like some good assortments.

Our youngest polish laid her first egg the other day and I'm pretty sure our cochin started laying again.

I also found lice on the birds. They haven't had a good dust bathing area with all the snow we've had. I put a tub of dirt in their area like someone on here suggested a long time ago but they don't seem to like it. Every once in awhile it looks like it was used but overall they ignore it. I just put some fresh dirt in it today hoping to spark their interest. I sprayed them all with a natural spray, cleaned out their coop and sprayed in there too. I hope it does the trick. Our poor Barred Rock has a bare patch on her back end. :(

We lost one chick from our feed store batch. My daughter said it had pasty butt earlier that morning. She had cleaned it off but thinks that may have done it in. The rest are doing good, no other pasty butts.

My daughter is giving a class today for some other homeschool families on how to raise baby chicks. It's too bad the meyers order won't be here until tomorrow. I had no idea we'd be ordering them when we scheduled the class or I would've made sure we had them. Oh well. At least we have the 8 from the feed store. I'm going to have the class setup my second brooder for me too. :)
Our 20 rare breed assortment and 5 bantam EE's should be arriving tomorrow morning! I can't wait to see what's in the assortment. Be ready for lots of pics!

I also got my skelter already. It came quick!

I love chick time. I can't wait to see pics of everyone's orders coming in. Sounds like some good assortments.

Our youngest polish laid her first egg the other day and I'm pretty sure our cochin started laying again.

I also found lice on the birds. They haven't had a good dust bathing area with all the snow we've had. I put a tub of dirt in their area like someone on here suggested a long time ago but they don't seem to like it. Every once in awhile it looks like it was used but overall they ignore it. I just put some fresh dirt in it today hoping to spark their interest. I sprayed them all with a natural spray, cleaned out their coop and sprayed in there too. I hope it does the trick. Our poor Barred Rock has a bare patch on her back end. :(

We lost one chick from our feed store batch. My daughter said it had pasty butt earlier that morning. She had cleaned it off but thinks that may have done it in. The rest are doing good, no other pasty butts.

My daughter is giving a class today for some other homeschool families on how to raise baby chicks. It's too bad the meyers order won't be here until tomorrow. I had no idea we'd be ordering them when we scheduled the class or I would've made sure we had them. Oh well. At least we have the 8 from the feed store. I'm going to have the class setup my second brooder for me too. :)
That's so neat about the class. The kids should love that.

Have you tried adding pay sand to the dirt and wood ash? My hens love to dust bathe in a combo of dirt, sand and wood ash. The ash is a lice/mite deterrent too. I use a storage crate for the bath and I'll be adding another soon too since they fight over it.
That's so neat about the class. The kids should love that.

Have you tried adding pay sand to the dirt and wood ash? My hens love to dust bathe in a combo of dirt, sand and wood ash. The ash is a lice/mite deterrent too. I use a storage crate for the bath and I'll be adding another soon too since they fight over it.

Wood ash? As in, burn wood and use the left over ashes? Does that not make them like REALLY dirty and black looking?? Lol

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