Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Our silkie/egger we got from someone local recently wasn't doing good this morning. She was all fluffed up and not moving. It was pretty cold out last night. I was thinking maybe she got pushed to the outside of the group. I picked her up and she was cold. I brought her in and put her on a heating pad and forced her to drink water and eat some yogurt (she had no interest and just wanted to sleep). We had to leave the house so I put the ecoglow outside for her and put her under it. We came back and she was off with her friends but still fluffed up. I brought her back to the little chick area and put food in front of her. She started chowing down. I put her friends in there and stuck her under the eco glow again. Checked on her again a little while ago and she was off again with her friends all fluffed up. I stuck her under the eco glow again. She's at least walking around and eating though.
While she was inside she pooped once and it was pure, bright, red blood. Not like poop at all. It was the strangest thing. Her next poop was yellow. I started everyone on a round of corrid just in case. I'm going to put all the little ones in the big coop tonight. It's time for them to get integrated.
How is she today?
She didn't make the night. And this morning her 3 flock mates are all feeling bad. I brought them inside and gave them corrid water, yogurt and crumbles. Came home a couple hours later and one had already died. The other two are mostly sleeping under the heat lamp but will drink every time they wake each other up and they are chirping so hopefully they'll pull through. They are our favorite... the legbar we hatched and the BLRW. I can see them from where I sit and they are both drinking right now.

They were already sharing the same space, just not sleeping together so I wasn't worried about integrating them. Whatever it is they have all been exposed to it. I think it was just that these 4 are a couple weeks younger and we've had a couple cold nights suddenly. I think it lowered their immune system enough they couldn't fight this off like the bigger girls could. No one else outside is showing any symptoms. But I'm keeping them all on corrid just in case.
She didn't make the night. And this morning her 3 flock mates are all feeling bad. I brought them inside and gave them corrid water, yogurt and crumbles. Came home a couple hours later and one had already died. The other two are mostly sleeping under the heat lamp but will drink every time they wake each other up and they are chirping so hopefully they'll pull through. They are our favorite... the legbar we hatched and the BLRW. I can see them from where I sit and they are both drinking right now.

They were already sharing the same space, just not sleeping together so I wasn't worried about integrating them. Whatever it is they have all been exposed to it. I think it was just that these 4 are a couple weeks younger and we've had a couple cold nights suddenly. I think it lowered their immune system enough they couldn't fight this off like the bigger girls could. No one else outside is showing any symptoms. But I'm keeping them all on corrid just in case.

They are much more active now. One is still a little fluffed but the other is acing like a chicken again. Eating and scratching. Now we just need the other one to start being better. :)
I'll definitely keep them inside for awhile. Weather says we can get up to 10 inches of snow tomorrow. I'm not putting them out until it's in the 70's again.
I'm getting my new shipment of Meyer birds in about month (my first shipment was last year). I thought I'd post to see if anyone who has received one of their new olive eggers from this year could post a pic of what they birds are looking like more grown up. I've seen a few people's chick pictures, but was hoping by now some people who got chicks at the beginning of the year would have pullet pictures. I would love to see what they look like now. I would also be interested in hearing when someone gets their first egg to know if they are indeed laying olive colored eggs. My other birds in my upcoming Meyer order are a silver laced polish and a blue laced red wyandotte. Thanks everyone!!
She didn't make the night. And this morning her 3 flock mates are all feeling bad. I brought them inside and gave them corrid water, yogurt and crumbles. Came home a couple hours later and one had already died. The other two are mostly sleeping under the heat lamp but will drink every time they wake each other up and they are chirping so hopefully they'll pull through. They are our favorite... the legbar we hatched and the BLRW. I can see them from  where I sit and they are both drinking right now. :fl

They were already sharing the same space, just not sleeping together so I wasn't worried about integrating them. Whatever it is they have all been exposed to it. I think it was just that these 4 are a couple weeks younger and we've had a couple cold nights suddenly. I think it lowered their immune system enough they couldn't fight this off like the bigger girls could. No one else outside is showing any symptoms. But I'm keeping them all on corrid just in case. 

They are much more active now. One is still a little fluffed but the other is acing like a chicken again. Eating and scratching. Now we just need the other one to start being better. :)
I'll definitely keep them inside for awhile. Weather says we can get up to 10 inches of snow tomorrow. I'm not putting them out until it's in the 70's again. 

Aw, sorry you had some trouble with those little ones. I hope you caught it soon enough that the rest will be feeling great shortly.
I just ordered my 1st chicks from Meyer's...I paid for & was going to have them ship in July, but just realized that I'm 4 hrs away. Now the question is whether to take the day off & drive up there & pick up in person. Hmmm....
I just ordered my 1st chicks from Meyer's...I paid for & was going to have them ship in July, but just realized that I'm 4 hrs away. Now the question is whether to take the day off & drive up there & pick up in person. Hmmm....

I took off work and drove 5 hrs round trip in April to pick my chicks up! I felt it was more than worth it for the babies to only have to ride for 2 1/2 hours rather than who knows how long in a USPS truck.... I know you'd have a much longer trip but I say go for it :)

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