Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Poopy donation to the neighbors with gardens?

So far I have not had the problem of too much. I do have plenty of areas that need the fertilizer though, so I'll move the deep litter to the compost for awhile and then spread it around those areas. If you were closer I'd come by to collect yours too.
Seriously though, there may be an avid gardener that would appreciate it around you.

You do have a lot of feeders, I have 2 different sizes from TSC, plus the long red one for the chicks. I guess if you can just figure out a way for the feed not to spill into areas that they cannot clean up. I had that problem in my last coop too.

I completely forgot about the auto sexing of the CL's, oops so sorry, still 2 blue eggs would be awesome!!

Congrats on making those decisions, sometimes that's the hardest thing to do. I look forward to seeing your new coop!
Yeah, I have a lot of garden to fertilize...I also have a lot of gardening friends....
I'm posting from work on mobile, so I'm not going to quote anyone. I'm going to get 2. They will both be female & cream legbars are auto sexing, so no surprise roos.

The breeder had confirmed he hatches chicks & will be hatching all summer. I'm going to put a deposit down, as he is a popular breeder.

I will be over my limit, but that's ok. I'm buying an urban coop company coop round top with 2nd hutch & run. They say it's enough sq ftg for 20 hens, but I'm sticking with 8

I would definitely suggest 2! I got 2 from a breeder here in Ohio and I LOVE :love them. They have the best personalities. Energetic, but when you handle them they are so calm! It's like they just melt in your hands. One of them (her names Poppy) is the most photogenic of any chicken I have ever had. She just stares into the camera when I hold her- I can even position her head how I want it haha!

Gotta love those poufy crest feathers

Ok that's enough, I literally have like 40 great pictures of her..:/

On another note, my 7-8 week old babies now have access to the big girl pen... I'm so nervous though! Guess I gotta suck it up, I've heard the integration into the flock goes smoothest at this age- big enough to be with the big gals but small enough they aren't as much of a threat. Still nerve wracking!!
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Not even a question... 2! You HAVE to get colored eggs for your son so it's a must!!
It's interesting that this time I got my chicks the same breeds really hang out with each other. The EE's are always together, the 2 CCL and the 2 Brabanters. My little Silkie hangs out with anyone. So another reason to get 2 :) But the first batch of chicks they didn't do that. Maybe because I got 15 that time?
You're going to have such a nice assorted flock both in looks and eggs.

That's great!! I gotta learn how to use power tools!!

Speaking of 'chicken nasties' what do you do with all the chicken poo in a suburban or city setting? They sure do produce a lot!

To late... I already did

We do a deep litter method then in the fall when I clean out the garden beds we layer it all on those and turn it under. By spring it's nice and broken down and ready for planting. If I have to clean the coop before then I just dump it in the run. They turn it under for me and it breaks down in there.
I know a lot of people in city areas use sand or poop boards and scrape/scoop daily. Some put it in the compost, some in the trash. I'm too lazy for that though!

I say two as well! While its very unlikely that you'll get a roo as the breed is autosexing, more blue eggs and goodness forbid something happens to one. We thought we were going to be down to 4 chickens out of our original 6 when Clara had a stroke and wasn't eating or drinking this weekend, she's bounced back but is still off balance and unable to perch which makes me worry for her. Then yesterday when the girls were free ranging they found a string of cranberries and my husband's Dorking got the floss stuck in her mouth, I was so scared, we couldn't pull it so we cut what we could and hoped for the best, she's been eating and drinking just fine. Long story short get the extra chicken. Has the breeder confirmed they will have chicks? They one near me only sells hatching eggs and juvenile pairs and trios.

Funny unrelated story, this morning after I put the girls in their pen/tractor I went to water the garden. I turn on the hose and adjust the nozzle, when I squeeze it sputters a bit and I hear this high pitched "Bawkbokbokbokbok bok baw cawk!" over and over coming from from the pen. It was Baby Buff our Orp (in my avatar) trying out her big girl voice. She had the chicken rhythm right but it was a bit honky and sounded like a goose! She's normal my soft trilling and peeping girl.

Make sure to keep watching her. Check out this thread

Awesome news! I'm so excited for you!!!

Btw, Libelle is German for dragonfly.

Ooh, I like that. I tried to look it up and got something else that didn't flow well.
Our little girls have found a way to sneak out of the run. I blocked off any hole I could find but I think they are squeezing between the poles at the gate. This morning they were all out and running around. The big girls were very jealous so I let them out too. The dogs were ignoring them like they usually do. The only dog I have to remind is our puppy. He's still learning that they aren't toys. I went back in to finish packing the kitchen. The pup follows me everywhere so I wasn't worried about him, he was inside with me. I got distracted and then ran out to go to the library and return some books, I got about 2 blocks away and my daughter called and said to come home right away. The puppy decided to play with one of the little chicks since I had left. I had totally forgot everyone was out. I would've put them up before I left had I remembered. Dang it! My daughter said our big dog was very worried and nervous, and kept poking them. Her attitude is what made her and her friend start looking around. They saw the feathers in the puppy's mouth so they knew it was him. I think our big dog will make a great farm dog.

She is alive but in shock. She has a small sore on her head and a minor abrasion on her leg. It's the head wound that worries me. It's hard to tell how serious it is. There is no blood, just a bare spot. My daughter's friend thinks the skull is cracked. I didn't want to poke around at it too much. I'm hoping it's just a patch of skin missing. We put some antibiotic ointment on it and she shook for a minute. Then calmed down. She was breathing really hard when we first put her in the hospital container but is back to normal now. She won't open her eyes yet. I can tell she's in shock. We're keeping her warm and in a calm place. In a couple hours I'll dip her beak and make her drink. The bad thing is our house is completely packed up so I don't have any medicine or vitamins, etc. out right now. I had to run to the store to get the antibiotic stuff. I have two bottles of vitamins sitting in a box somewhere! Argh! I hate buying stuff I already have!
Anyone ever heard of giving a chicken kombucha? I have some that I could give her. It's chock full of probiotics.

I hope she makes it. She's our little BO we got from a friend. :(
Thank you, will do. Update on Clara, she's improving more and more everyday. Last night she was able to perch on the low bar in the brooder, both feet on this time (the night before she kept one on the floor), though I don't think she held her spot for the night, lots of shuffling. This morning when I took them out, she flew/jumped to the top of the brooder, almost didn't make it but pulled herself up. I offered my arm for her to ride out as she used to, instead of carrying her as I have these last few days, with some encouragement she stepped on, I went very slow and she kept having check her balance but we made it to the pen and she immediately went over and dust bathed in the fresh loose dirt I added to a bare patched in the lawn. So good to see.

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