Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

As always beautiful girls! Hey is that a TARDIS shirt I spy? Love Kit-kit's puffed out chest and Violet is really lovely, they are all lovely, just appreciating her as a breed I've never seen.

Wow, sure is! One of many. ;)

Yes, Violet is my little oopsy bird. I don't remember if I mentioned it here or not, but I was supposed to get two Legbars and ended up with one Legbar and the Bielefelder. I can't blame the breeder, though, because these two looked identical when they were young, maybe just a shade difference of brown in their chick down, and plus he didn't realize there were any more Bieles in his brooder. I'm happy, though. I had heard of Bielefelders before, but didn't put much research into them until it became clear I had one. The most interesting part to me is that the city in Germany that they are named after, Bielefeld, is literally just south of where my ancestors on my dad's side lived before immigrating here to Indiana. :D

Love your coop, by the way! I might be looking into building a smaller coop and I loooove seeing pictures of coops, especially inside! I've rearranged my coop so many times after looking at others' coops that it's amazing my girls know where home is! :lol:

I think we need more pictures! LOL

Well, obviously! :lol:
This group is great!

It sounds like you have a of thinking and re-organizing to do, who knew chickens would be so complicated!

I know, PR's are not commonly broody and hatchery chickens are not "supposed" to be, it's "supposed" to be bred out of them. Oh well, she is back in her cage. I'm glad she worked it out with the broody CM to make sure there was a vacancy in the broody cage before she booked it!

Nice coop. You guys did an awesome job. We're looking at panels for the run roof, we'll have to see the pricing and size of the rubber ones.

It's great that your chicks are now outside, you'll have to update us on pictures of them in their new place.

Nice. How's the new place working out? All settled in?

We love the new place. There are too many projects to tackle at once though! I finally got the kitchen fully unpacked and cleaned the other day. That felt good. Even better when DH came home and walked in there and said Wow. He doesn't usually react to stuff. :)
I tackled our bathroom the next day and got about 60% done. Today I worked on cutting out these huge juniper bushes in front of the house. DH and I both hate them and getting rid of them makes me hate them even more! I have tomatoes, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, grapes, blueberries, and lots of bulbs waiting to go into the ground. I am trying to find a place for them. I had hoped I could put them where the bushes are coming out but just learned that juniper bushes make their own natural herbicide so it will take awhile before the soil can sustain anything else. That explains why the mint grew near the bushes but stopped in almost a straight line and didn't get any closer.
We bought an ATV yesterday to help move things around and it's winch came in handy today pulling up that bush! We have some fences to fix and a barn to fix up before we can buy a horse. Luckily the chicken area didn't need immediate attention!

I went to check on the girls water yesterday since it was pretty hot, and there was a little ground squirrel in their run!

Our cat got in a fight with something the other night. He earned the name Rocky! It hasn't stopped him from going outside though. Luckily nothing got infected and he is nearly back to normal now (except for the patches of missing fur).

The coop is great!! I'm sure they will love their new house and it will be a lot less work rounding them up each night!

Wow... that's fantastic!!! You have some great breeds!

I know... hard to wait. I'm already thinking that if I get new chicks in Sept then I should wait an entire year to get new ones after that. But you just never know I guess. If my girls would just lay more I'd be happy but I have ten 15 month old hens and only get 3-6 eggs/day. It honestly seems like it should be much more.
Most days it's 4-5 and only sometimes 6. I have a lot of slackers.
That doesn't sound like much at all! I get 3-4/day with 6 hens.

@autumnhearth nice coop setup!

Here is the website to the breeder's page:

I got to "meet" the English Orp breeders including the Isabel & the Chocolate - GORGEOUS!!, The French Maran's were hanging out too,
Oh dear, they have Isabel Orps, Jubilee Orps, BCM, and Olive eggers?!?!?!
Aaaand my Ameraucana, Poe, is trying to go broody right now? Aaaaand I will be in Kentucky in 2 1/2 weeks?? Oh my it may be hard not to get a few more chicks this year...I am going to try to be tough and just remember that breeder for next year
Those four breeds are pretty high up on my wish list though. I think next year I may be getting all my chicks from breeders... There's a farm in northern Ohio that has Silver Pencilled Rocks and Lavender Orps I will probably be contacting next spring. I guess it will be a gamble though since they are straight-run...

My CCL's are starting to get their grown up chicken voices, its quite comical bc they sound like squeaky teenage boys! I cant believe the "babies" are 10 and 11 weeks old already

snapped a few good pics of Ophelia (EE)

and the ever-photogenic Poppy I thought I would share
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I know... hard to wait. I'm already thinking that if I get new chicks in Sept then I should wait an entire year to get new ones after that. But you just never know I guess. If my girls would just lay more I'd be happy but I have ten 15 month old hens and only get 3-6 eggs/day. It honestly seems like it should be much more.
Most days it's 4-5 and only sometimes 6. I have a lot of slackers.
I get 13 to 17 eggs per day, every once in awhile I get 18 to 19 on higher count days but not often and every once in awhile I get 12 eggs a day. Usually I get a really high count day right after a really low count one. But I guess if you average all the days out it is 15 eggs a day from 21 chickens.

Mine are slowing down though, I did average 17 a day for awhile. I think as they reach a year they start slowing down. My 16 month old chickens lay less then they used to the first year that they started especially my 2 BR's and 1 older EE. I imagine the 16 almost 1 year old hens will slow down when they get closer to a year and a half too. Which will be winter time.

I really need to figure out a good rotation schedule for my chickens and typing it all out here makes me wonder if maybe I should get more chicks to bring up my winter egg supply?
One of the main reasons I am waiting is if I add more chicks I need to also get rid of more chickens. It wasn't so hard "taking care of" Daisy, the mean WR, but I really care for these others, especially my very first ones. I need to work on not getting attached, so hard.

Wow, sure is! One of many.

Yes, Violet is my little oopsy bird. I don't remember if I mentioned it here or not, but I was supposed to get two Legbars and ended up with one Legbar and the Bielefelder. I can't blame the breeder, though, because these two looked identical when they were young, maybe just a shade difference of brown in their chick down, and plus he didn't realize there were any more Bieles in his brooder. I'm happy, though. I had heard of Bielefelders before, but didn't put much research into them until it became clear I had one. The most interesting part to me is that the city in Germany that they are named after, Bielefeld, is literally just south of where my ancestors on my dad's side lived before immigrating here to Indiana.
Some of those "oopsy" birds are the best ones.

We love the new place. There are too many projects to tackle at once though! I finally got the kitchen fully unpacked and cleaned the other day. That felt good. Even better when DH came home and walked in there and said Wow. He doesn't usually react to stuff. :)
I tackled our bathroom the next day and got about 60% done. Today I worked on cutting out these huge juniper bushes in front of the house. DH and I both hate them and getting rid of them makes me hate them even more! I have tomatoes, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, grapes, blueberries, and lots of bulbs waiting to go into the ground. I am trying to find a place for them. I had hoped I could put them where the bushes are coming out but just learned that juniper bushes make their own natural herbicide so it will take awhile before the soil can sustain anything else. That explains why the mint grew near the bushes but stopped in almost a straight line and didn't get any closer.
We bought an ATV yesterday to help move things around and it's winch came in handy today pulling up that bush! We have some fences to fix and a barn to fix up before we can buy a horse. Luckily the chicken area didn't need immediate attention!

I went to check on the girls water yesterday since it was pretty hot, and there was a little ground squirrel in their run!

Our cat got in a fight with something the other night. He earned the name Rocky! It hasn't stopped him from going outside though. Luckily nothing got infected and he is nearly back to normal now (except for the patches of missing fur).

That doesn't sound like much at all! I get 3-4/day with 6 hens.

It sounds like you are getting settled in well. It is nice when the DH or even the kids actually notice our hard work isn't it?
I've been trying to battle the garden tasks here too, not easy. We have the vine borer in some of our squash plants, makes me so mad!
We have blueberries, grapes and blackberries in now too along with the veggies but since we got them late in the season, I think they will not produce until next year, if they survive through the winter.

Our dog is now free in the yard and is no longer on a runner leash and so the squirrel population has gone down. She actually achieved her life long goal and caught a squirrel. Poor squirrel, I kinda felt sorry for it. We were having them in the run all the time, but not since Maxie has been scaring them all away or catching them.

Oh dear, they have Isabel Orps, Jubilee Orps, BCM, and Olive eggers?!?!?!
Aaaand my Ameraucana, Poe, is trying to go broody right now? Aaaaand I will be in Kentucky in 2 1/2 weeks?? Oh my it may be hard not to get a few more chicks this year...I am going to try to be tough and just remember that breeder for next year
Those four breeds are pretty high up on my wish list though. I think next year I may be getting all my chicks from breeders... There's a farm in northern Ohio that has Silver Pencilled Rocks and Lavender Orps I will probably be contacting next spring. I guess it will be a gamble though since they are straight-run...

My CCL's are starting to get their grown up chicken voices, its quite comical bc they sound like squeaky teenage boys! I cant believe the "babies" are 10 and 11 weeks old already

snapped a few good pics of Ophelia (EE)

and the ever-photogenic Poppy I thought I would share
Ooooh, I am so jealous all those breeders near you. It is so hard to find a place near us, but I am still looking.

I love your EE and Poppy, they are both so beautiful!
Nice coop. You guys did an awesome job. We're looking at panels for the run roof, we'll have to see the pricing and size of the rubber ones.
Thanks :) Honestly unless you are planning on having a plywood board underneath them, they probably wouldn't work as a run roof, they have to be nailed down at all the edges and probably quite a bit in the middle, its both floppy and heavy so I could see major sagging and possible collapse if not nailed down to a solid, flat piece.

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