Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Anybody with a Silver Gray Dorking that can give me any insights to personality. Description says not good with aggressive breeds. Um.... that is about any chicken defending it's pecking order?

Our 5 girls are only 19 weeks and not laying yet but we have one Silver Gray Dorking so I'll share my observations. Victoria, my husband's Dorking, is the perfect pullet. She is quiet and friendly without being constantly underfoot or jumping up on me all the time like her sister Baby Buff. She will come over to visit and either sit next to me or look up at me questioningly before I motion that it's okay for her to sit on my lap. She has a super silky coat and is very pretty. She loves foraging and will often go off into far corners of the yard in search of the best bugs during supervised free ranging, she's not that concerned about being away from her sisters but gets along with them well and can be seen laying close to all of them sunbathing or perching.

She is somewhere in the middle of the pecking order, but I'm not really sure where. She doesn't really peck the others and they don't peck her much. Morgaine our Black Copper Marans who is the boss doesn't peck her or keep her away from treats and food like she does to the two blondes and sometimes our EE. She allows Victoria to stay right next to her even when playing with the coveted treat ball, pecking treats from right under her beak. Baby Buff our Buff Orp who I think is at the bottom will pounce at her sometimes, but she pounces at everyone nowadays, Victoria probably makes the least fuss about this, the others always flare their hackles at Baby or jump back but Victoria just stands there like whatever, doesn't run away or submit, but I wouldn't take Baby very seriously either. So I don't see an issue at all with her relationship with her sisters, we have all "docile" breeds though.

I would highly recommend a Dorking to anyone, they are just really great, calm chickens. The only drawback as a breed is that they tend to mature slowly. Victoria has the smallest least pink comb of our 4 single combed girls and will probably be the last to lay, but is the most curious about the nest boxes and blown eggs I put in them and loves oyster shells, go figure! But I think those creamy white eggs will be well worth the wait. The pic below is from 3 weeks ago, but illustrates my point nicely. Seriously silkiest feathers, I know you want to stroke her too ;)

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Wow I never heard of a bossy BO!
None of my girls were loud at all until they got close to laying; so there's still time for yours LOL t!!
One of mine is 2nd in command
and SO
She's been outgoing since she was a chick though

^It was so hot the other day, and she was persistent about laying in the hottest part of the day. She was panting so hard I ended up bringing her in

Yes... looked at a few sites, and most of them are sold out till next spring. Ideal had them and what they also call California White, which I think is like Meyer's Austra White. Has anyone here ever ordered from Ideal? I don't like they only have drawings of their birds. One thing I like about Meyer's website is that they are showing you examples from their breeding stock which I appreciate.

thanks again!
Have my first order from Ideal arriving next Thursday!
Can't speak for the chicks, but customer service has been quick to respond.

Our 5 girls are only 19 weeks and not laying yet but we have one Silver Gray Dorking so I'll share my observations. Victoria, my husband's Dorking, is the perfect pullet. She is quiet and friendly without being constantly underfoot or jumping up on me all the time like her sister Baby Buff. She will come over to visit and either sit next to me or look up at me questioningly before I motion that it's okay for her to sit on my lap. She has a super silky coat and is very pretty. She loves foraging and will often go off into far corners of the yard in search of the best bugs during supervised free ranging, she's not that concerned about being away from her sisters but gets along with them well and can be seen laying close to all of them sunbathing or perching.

She is somewhere in the middle of the pecking order, but I'm not really sure where. She doesn't really peck the others and they don't peck her much. Morgaine our Black Copper Marans who is the boss doesn't peck her or keep her away from treats and food like she does to the two blondes and sometimes our EE. She allows Victoria to stay right next to her even when playing with the coveted treat ball, pecking treats from right under her beak. Baby Buff our Buff Orp who I think is at the bottom will pounce at her sometimes, but she pounces at everyone nowadays, Victoria probably makes the least fuss about this, the others always flare their hackles at Baby or jump back but Victoria just stands there like whatever, doesn't run away or submit, but I wouldn't take Baby very seriously either. So I don't see an issue at all with her relationship with her sisters, we have all "docile" breeds though.

I would highly recommend a Dorking to anyone, they are just really great, calm chickens. The only drawback as a breed is that they tend to mature slowly. Victoria has the smallest least pink comb of our 4 single combed girls and will probably be the last to lay, but is the most curious about the nest boxes and blown eggs I put in them and loves oyster shells, go figure! But I think those creamy white eggs will be well worth the wait. The pic below is from 3 weeks ago, but illustrates my point nicely. Seriously silkiest feathers, I know you want to stroke her too ;)

Those were the only thing from Meyers that tempted me today...
One of mine is 2nd in command
and SO
She's been outgoing since she was a chick though

^It was so hot the other day, and she was persistent about laying in the hottest part of the day. She was panting so hard I ended up bringing her in

Have my first order from Ideal arriving next Thursday!
Can't speak for the chicks, but customer service has been quick to respond.

Those were the only thing from Meyers that tempted me today...
Beautiful Buff! Good of you to bring her in! :)
The only one I'd be worried about is the americauna. It's not about size but ridges. At a young age I could tell the boys from girls in our straight run order by liking for ridges. The girls are basically flat where the boys you can see 3 distinct ridges.

Oh I am worried! My first and only hatch gave me three ameraucana boys and no girls. None of them had a comb like this yet. :(
Round 3 with Meyer orders . . . I will say they've been wonderful from the outset! Today's order was to replace/ fill out the missing / DOA / ordered-but-unavailble chicks from Mon 8/11.

**I mistakenly thought *** that Sunday night was the sweet spot *** for finding last minute availability *** so ordered the only large breed with pullets available (Sunday afternoon).

Then, THIS MORNING . . . Oh MY Goodness ! Marans !! Partridge Rock ! Blue Orps ! it was a chick wonderland !!

Laura was so nice - helped me change my order . . . (5 BCM pullets !!)

Then I got the dreaded hatchery call - there was a problem filling my order . . . 5 Marans were not available . .

But 3 were !!!!! And 2 Blue Splash Marans !! And it's marked SHIPPED !! And I cannot wait to see them !!

This will make 5 total BC Marans, 2 BS Marans, and 7 Bielefelder's - all pullets + 9 Bielie cockerels, 5 Frying Pan Bargains, and a Meyer Meal Maker

Come on Mr. Postman !!!!
Got the SHIPPED email at 4 pm EST. I should have talked sister-in-law in to a road trip since they are only 3 hours away. Ah well. I should get the phone call around 8:10 EST tomorrow morning like last time.
Round 3 with Meyer orders . . . I will say they've been wonderful from the outset! Today's order was to replace/ fill out the missing / DOA / ordered-but-unavailble chicks from Mon 8/11.

**I mistakenly thought *** that Sunday night was the sweet spot *** for finding last minute availability *** so ordered the only large breed with pullets available (Sunday afternoon).

Then, THIS MORNING . . . Oh MY Goodness ! Marans !! Partridge Rock ! Blue Orps ! it was a chick wonderland !!

Laura was so nice - helped me change my order . . . (5 BCM pullets !!)

Then I got the dreaded hatchery call - there was a problem filling my order . . . 5 Marans were not available . .

But 3 were !!!!! And 2 Blue Splash Marans !! And it's marked SHIPPED !! And I cannot wait to see them !!

This will make 5 total BC Marans, 2 BS Marans, and 7 Bielefelder's - all pullets + 9 Bielie cockerels, 5 Frying Pan Bargains, and a Meyer Meal Maker

Come on Mr. Postman !!!!

Meyer has Bielefelders????? I'm confused

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