Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

[COLOR=006400]Umm, I do detect a sub-theme there at the end (TLC). No Scrubs for you....[/COLOR]

Wasn't that "Don't go chasing waterfalls..." or something to that effect.  LOL

Lol ok you caught me. The injured bird is Left Eye due to her injury, it just sort of happened. She is a Delaware and we have 4 of them, so obviously we named two of the others. We can't really tell them apart,except Left Eye. So maybe the fourth one we will just call TLC.:rolleyes:

And my fav was Moe short for Mo Money Mo Problems... yes, my teen boy named her...

My Welsh Corgi is named Marrock which is a Welsh word for A Knight that Secretly Becomes a Werewolf!  and he is so not a werewolf... and his middle name is Reese which means Peace...Here he is begging with his eyes to get out of the run because they were pecking his butt. 

Too cute. Ok dog names

Diego - Anatolian Shepperd
Draco - Shepperd mix, res dog
Osha - bully mix
Indi - bully mix
Ok got some shots of our mystery black birds today.... Sorry for the amount of pics but this is the first time I have really been able to get all of them.

Cornish? Or I have no idea. I know not the best shot since I didn't get her head, but her lacing is nice.











I can't get a decent picture of Pants, she is very shy and petite but looks like Squeeks as far as feathering and color. Any of you with more experience know the breeds?
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When the states stop doing the pointless testing non stop throughout the school year maybe????? I KNOW. It's a shame. I think if I had kids now I would have to think about home schooling.
Although then I couldn't go shopping.
Never mind.

SERIOUSLY! I don't have kids yet, but the thought of sending them to school scares me. The schools here teach the standardized tests because they rank so low in the country. Yikes!

It's one of the reasons we homeschool.
A million! You should see how many pictures I have of chickens on my phone. Multitudes more than anything else. And it's just because you have to take a million to get a good one.

We have an Apricot too. The only themes we have is that all EE's get named after a type of honey and any color rocks get named after rocks. The EE theme started with our first EE, Honey. She was unfortunately a casualty of the cat just a few days old. He has since lost interest in these noisy things in the house. Next was Amber (still have her), now we have Clover and Blossom.
Out of the 7 chicks we got at Big R, 2 are roosters. The SLW which I was pretty sure would be a girl due to a flat comb, has sprouted a huge red comb and wattles overnight! The EE I was worried about from the start due to ridges on the comb is also getting a much larger comb than the other EE. I'm not 100% on the EE yet, we'll have to see how the feathering comes in (splotchy color = boy, uniform color = girl).

Our animal names:

Roos -
Carter (Blue CM)
King (Silkie)
Dinner (mutt)
Elvis (CCL)
Poppy (SLW) - who we will be rehoming or eating

Hens -
Amber (EE)
Sky (BA)
Marble (BR - RIP)
Mona (PR)
Flower (Mille Fleur D'Uccle)
Boomerang aka Boomie (SLP)
Sterling (Blue Cochin)
Snowball (frizzle white cochin)
Summer (Welsummer)
Gilfy (bantam EE)
Crystal (silkie)
Fuzzy (frizzle black cochin)
Sadie (BLRW)
Apricot (BO)
Elvira (BCM)
Eva (CCL)
Clover (EE)
Blossom (EE)
Granite (BR)
Pegmatite (aka Peg - BR)
Freckles (SS)
Sweetie (mystery)

Dogs (there are 2 themes here) -
Basil (pug)
Barley (pug)
Jasmine (husky mix)

Cat -

Rabbit -
Cinnamon (aka Bun Bun)

Horse -
Oooo are we listing animal names for someone? I totally missed that posting. Just for giggles here is ours. No rhyme, reason, or pattern for ours either. Names them after their personality of what they put me in mind of when I saw them.
Princess Penelope Pink Pumps
Mo (Mohawk)
Red (there are 5 red sex links that look identical so they all get called Red although at one time they had individual names one was Nancy and one was Donna)
Jazz (roo)
Sir Scuttlebutt (Roo)
Walnut (Sonnie and Scuttlebutt's) (Roo)
Shadow (Sonnie and Scuttlebutt's)
Ms Copperbottom

The Brown Girls (3 identical buff ducks)
Rose (drake)

Oooo are we listing animal names for someone? I totally missed that posting. Just for giggles here is ours. No rhyme, reason, or pattern for ours either. Names them after their personality of what they put me in mind of when I saw them.

Princess Penelope Pink Pumps
Sir Scuttlebutt (Roo)
Ms Copperbottom
I love these. Too funny.
Ok got some shots of our mystery black birds today.... Sorry for the amount of pics but this is the first time I have really been able to get all of them.

Cornish? Or I have no idea. I know not the best shot since I didn't get her head, but her lacing is nice.




I can't get a decent picture of Pants, she is very shy and petite but looks like Squeeks as far as feathering and color. Any of you with more experience know the breeds?
They all look like they have pea combs, which would make them all Dark Cornish. Barnevelders have single combs, so there is no way that one would have a pea comb.
It's one of the reasons we homeschool. 

:thumbsup. I don't think I would have the patience I could teach other kids but not my own. So many good programs out there
now too. Good for you!

Oooo are we listing animal names for someone? I totally missed that posting. Just for giggles here is ours. No rhyme, reason, or pattern for ours either. Names them after their personality of what they put me in mind of when I saw them
Red (there are 5 red sex links that look identical so they all get called Red although at one time they had individual names one was Nancy and one was Donna)


I'm going to have 3 or 4 GB, I hope I can tell them apart but if not I'm sure I will be calling them The Red Girls
And gotta love the name Lunkhead! Any reason for that?

They all look like they have pea combs, which would make them all Dark Cornish. Barnevelders have single combs, so there is no way that one would have a pea comb.

ok thanks!

did you order dark Cornish? Sorry, I forget the story behind these. Are they to eat or eggs?
I'm going to have 3 or 4 GB, I hope I can tell them apart but if not I'm sure I will be calling them The Red Girls
And gotta love the name Lunkhead! Any reason for that?
They (the red girls) started out different but ended up looking identical and I refuse to put tags around their legs. Plus they all love Jazz (the rough roo) and live in a pen and coop with him-separate from the rest of the flock. Well mostly separate, 2 of them know how to slip under the fence to get in the big pen when they want a break from their man.
Lunkhead is a silver laced cochin that looks to be leaning towards the full size body instead of smaller size like our blue cochin. I named her that cause her head was and still is so much larger than everyone else. I just looked at her and said "lunkhead" and it stuck. She is very sweet though and constantly runs over for attention
I love these. Too funny.
Princess Penelope Pink Pumps- a buff brahma my husband named cause she has feathers on her feet. She was the first we ha gotten with feathered legs and felt she needed a special name.
Sir Scuttlebutt (Roo) He is a black and silver silkie we got about a year ago. I think he was around 1.5 to 2 yrs old already. He went crazy when he saw our silkie female. He was very smooth dancing for her. I think his coloring is dignified so the "Sir" came in and when he dances he reminded me of a crab so "Scuttlebutt" came around.
Ms Copperbottom- is a partridge cochin i love the deep brown/coppery color of her and it put me in mind of the movie Robots and the copperbottoms.
Spaz is a silver laced Polish and she is a spaz. She freaks and runs from her own shadow.
Ornery is VERY ornery. She is a blue swedish and refuses to be touched at all! She doesn't want me to look at her sideways half the time.

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