Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??



Rhode Island Red


Dark YelloW

Red sex link (golden buff)


LiGHt yellow

White rock or Deleware
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She's also got a black under eye liner that's really cool. They're all so fun! And individual even at a young age
Yup... chicken TV! I could watch them for hours. And since you just got a few you can really give them lots of attention and they should become really
people friendly. But sometimes it's just their personality and they'll be friendly or skittish. Enjoy!!! Glad they're doing well.

Top pic were my 2 RIR at a few days old and then the 2nd pic one is right at the tip of my fingers. Top pic they look pretty light but the 2nd pic shows her
back and it looks like yours. I had a pic looking identical to the pic of yours you posted but I must have deleted it; I can't find it.
Yup... chicken TV! I could watch them for hours. And since you just got a few you can really give them lots of attention and they should become really people friendly. But sometimes it's just their personality and they'll be friendly or skittish. Enjoy!!! Glad they're doing well. Top pic were my 2 RIR at a few days old and then the 2nd pic one is right at the tip of my fingers. Top pic they look pretty light but the 2nd pic shows her back and it looks like yours. I had a pic looking identical to the pic of yours you posted but I must have deleted it; I can't find it.
Yes the second pic with her at the tip of your finger does look just like my little girl!! My DH said he wanted to name her, then asked what breed she was and said "ugh that kind"
I said she will be red and lovely when she's older lol he's such a stinker! Lol now he wants to name the Ameraucana and I said sorry! Her name is Isis, because I had a close up of her and it looks like she has kohl lined eyes
The dark one I believe is my Blue Ameraucana. Then there's the Amber colored ones and two yellow. But they are different shades of yellow. One is darker and one lighter with almost white wings. They all (except the black one) have yellow legs. Oh the darker yellow seems to have white wings too lol I'll try get close up pics of each after my toddler goes down for his nap and doesn't cry cause he wants to hold them lol:/

So cute and fun to watch! Glad they arrived safe and sound. We ordered two Buff Orph roo's with our pack and they were more of a buff color, less yellowish.....I will see if I can find a pick.

I am just really happy they got to you healthy and happy. They are, of course, beautiful. I can't believe they shipped all that way from the mainland to the islands.:thumbsup


Here are a few of my BLR Wyandottes. All from Meyer, they are really awesome birds, very good type compared to some of the other breeds Meyer offers.


Beautiful girls!

Someone got a welsummer in the assortment. Which would have been the bees knees lol but I'm good with a RIR.

The pattering is really neat! I cannot wait till they start feathering
that was us, we got two Welsummer's from our pack of 25.

So I had to post this pic of what I found in the coop this am...





It was just under 10 grams......have no idea who popped this out, lol.
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No feathered feet I can see. Here are some individual close ups
Dark yellow

Brownish Amber one
Yay, babies! Congrats! I would guess New Hampshire, it *could* be a Golden Buff, but mine have more distinct, thinner stripes on the back and a golden v on the top of her head.

Here are a few of my BLR Wyandottes. All from Meyer, they are really awesome birds, very good type compared to some of the other breeds Meyer offers.

Beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

Just wanted to share my eggs. I love Morgaine's deep purple tinted brown ones, she's laid three days in a row :) It is next to Amelia's the Golden Buff's big medium orangish brown which she faithfully lays every morning. Front and center is Baby the Buff Orp's pretty pink speckled one and the blue-green one's are Clara the EE. Clara was acting broody this morning. She made a big comfy nest in a huge mound of straw and was sitting on her egg and screeching at anyone who dared enter the coop. I can't blame her, its wet and cool outside. But I took her egg and scooped her off the nest and she hasn't returned. Baby has been sitting on her eggs everyday until I picked her up, then she was good, yesterday she got off the nest herself, so I'm not worried.
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