Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

So does anyone know the typical timing for when hens lay eggs again after molting? Seems to be taking mine a log time.

Everything I've read said the molt takes about three weeks and they will start laying about at that time. Dellie never really stopped laying, just slowed a little. My RIR started to lay again right about at that three week mark. My brahma is at about six weeks and counting, although she has been going into the nest boxes, so hopefully soon!
This morning when I went to let the girls outside I found Victoria, the husband's Silver Grey Dorking, in a nest box, strewing straw around herself! I let her have a bit of privacy but came back out 15 mins later with my phone to take pictures only to find that Amelia had taken over the center nest box. Victoria tried out the left and right but clearly wanted the center.

She even tried to go in with Amelia and Amelia to her credit didn't get nasty, but she didn't move either and Victoria didn't stay.

Eventually she settled on the left nest box and started to add bits of straw and down, she was so vigorous in doing so that she pulled the curtains into the nest box.

But she didn't stop there, she stepped out and started tossing straw around, even taking some from Amelia's nest box that after all she had helped dress.

Tossing straw behind her but not actually getting it in the other nest box

When Amelia laid her egg Victoria stuck her neck out to see if she was done.

However she waited to long, as Baby who had been waiting and watching and chattering on my lap took the coveted center nest box first!

Little stinker! Not only that but she took her sweet time laying and didn't want to leave even after I took her egg out from under her.

Eventually she came out to my lap and snuggled with me quietly. That is until Victoria started to push, then Baby broke out into a loud, continuous egg song, scaring Victoria right out of the nest box to the coop door, where she perched on the edge and pushed her egg out, thankfully it landed softly in the sand and she scurried down the ramp. Poor dear, Baby can be such a brat!

Little white egg :) It has a slight pink tint to it that makes it look a bit translucent in some light.

Love this color pallet!

Next to Morgaine's latest and darkest egg from yesterday.
This morning when I went to let the girls outside I found Victoria, the husband's Silver Grey Dorking, in a nest box, strewing straw around herself! I let her have a bit of privacy but came back out 15 mins later with my phone to take pictures only to find that Amelia had taken over the center nest box. Victoria tried out the left and right but clearly wanted the center. She even tried to go in with Amelia and Amelia to her credit didn't get nasty, but she didn't move either and Victoria didn't stay. Eventually she settled on the left nest box and started to add bits of straw and down, she was so vigorous in doing so that she pulled the curtains into the nest box. But she didn't stop there, she stepped out and started tossing straw around, even taking some from Amelia's nest box that after all she had helped dress. Tossing straw behind her but not actually getting it in the other nest box When Amelia laid her egg Victoria stuck her neck out to see if she was done. [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] However she waited to long, as Baby who had been waiting and watching and chattering on my lap took the coveted center nest box first! Little stinker! Not only that but she took her sweet time laying and didn't want to leave even after I took her egg out from under her. Eventually she came out to my lap and snuggled with me quietly. That is until Victoria started to push, then Baby broke out into a loud, continuous egg song, scaring Victoria right out of the nest box to the coop door, where she perched on the edge and pushed her egg out, thankfully it landed softly in the sand and she scurried down the ramp. Poor dear, Baby can be such a brat! [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] Little white egg :) It has a slight pink tint to it that makes it look a bit translucent in some light. [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] Love this color pallet! Next to Morgaine's latest and darkest egg from yesterday.
I'm experiencing some serious egg jealousy
I hadn't updated on Beardies status bc I didn't want to jinx it, but she seems to be over the hump! Up a half a pound between Tuesday and Thursday :) still watching her very closely and checking her crop a few times a day (which is getting harder to do as she has returned to usual skittish self). Hoping she keeps improving!
here's a picture of her pre-molt and pre-sickness. Hoping she gets back to her fabulous self soon, I've definitely noticed her tail feathers growing in a lot in just the past few days :)

Thought I'd join in on the 2015 wishlist convo. I plan on adding 3 to my flock (which was my plan this year... I added 7 lol) I definitely want to add a white egg layer, thinking exchequer (spelling?) leghorn? I'm also leaning toward a lav orp, I have a buff orp and love her personality. I've also always wanted a polish but my gals are pastured and I've heard they are not so good with seeing and hiding from threats?? Any of you have Meyer polish that can chime in? Also pics appreciated ;)

ETA- I forgot I really want a Buckeye as well, as I feel wrong to have a flock living in Ohio without one... So maybe 4 next year? Hehe
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So does anyone know the typical timing for when hens lay eggs again after molting? Seems to be taking mine a log time.
LOL... the answer is probably 3 days to 3 months! My RIR had a light molt and laid a few eggs a few weeks after she stopped dropping feathers but now I'm rarely getting an egg. My 2 BA really didn't molt that I noticed but only getting 1 maybe 2 eggs/week from them. My 2 EE's have a light molt going on right now but I'm getting 2-3 eggs from them a week. Tough feeding all those mouths and no eggs. Do you know how many lbs of fee you are going through a week?

This morning when I went to let the girls outside I found Victoria, the husband's Silver Grey Dorking, in a nest box, strewing straw around herself! I let her have a bit of privacy but came back out 15 mins later with my phone to take pictures only to find that Amelia had taken over the center nest box. Victoria tried out the left and right but clearly wanted the center.

She even tried to go in with Amelia and Amelia to her credit didn't get nasty, but she didn't move either and Victoria didn't stay.

When Amelia laid her egg Victoria stuck her neck out to see if she was done.

Eventually she came out to my lap and snuggled with me quietly. That is until Victoria started to push, then Baby broke out into a loud, continuous egg song, scaring Victoria right out of the nest box to the coop door, where she perched on the edge and pushed her egg out, thankfully it landed softly in the sand and she scurried down the ramp. Poor dear, Baby can be such a brat!

Little white egg :) It has a slight pink tint to it that makes it look a bit translucent in some light.

Love this color pallet!

Next to Morgaine's latest and darkest egg from yesterday.
NICE egg colors!! There's always a lot of drama during egg laying time in my coop too.

I hadn't updated on Beardies status bc I didn't want to jinx it, but she seems to be over the hump! Up a half a pound between Tuesday and Thursday
still watching her very closely and checking her crop a few times a day (which is getting harder to do as she has returned to usual skittish self). Hoping she keeps improving! here's a picture of her pre-molt and pre-sickness. Hoping she gets back to her fabulous self soon, I've definitely noticed her tail feathers growing in a lot in just the past few days

Thought I'd join in on the 2015 wishlist convo. I plan on adding 3 to my flock (which was my plan this year... I added 7 lol) I definitely want to add a white egg layer, thinking exchequer (spelling?) leghorn? I'm also leaning toward a lav orp, I have a buff orp and love her personality. I've also always wanted a polish but my gals are pastured and I've heard they are not so good with seeing and hiding from threats?? Any of you have Meyer polish that can chime in? Also pics appreciated

ETA- I forgot I really want a Buckeye as well, as I feel wrong to have a flock living in Ohio without one... So maybe 4 next year? Hehe
Glad Beardy is doing well and WOW, she is so pretty!!!
I hadn't updated on Beardies status bc I didn't want to jinx it, but she seems to be over the hump! Up a half a pound between Tuesday and Thursday :) still watching her very closely and checking her crop a few times a day (which is getting harder to do as she has returned to usual skittish self). Hoping she keeps improving!
here's a picture of her pre-molt and pre-sickness. Hoping she gets back to her fabulous self soon, I've definitely noticed her tail feathers growing in a lot in just the past few days :)

Thought I'd join in on the 2015 wishlist convo. I plan on adding 3 to my flock (which was my plan this year... I added 7 lol) I definitely want to add a white egg layer, thinking exchequer (spelling?) leghorn? I'm also leaning toward a lav orp, I have a buff orp and love her personality. I've also always wanted a polish but my gals are pastured and I've heard they are not so good with seeing and hiding from threats?? Any of you have Meyer polish that can chime in? Also pics appreciated ;)

ETA- I forgot I really want a Buckeye as well, as I feel wrong to have a flock living in Ohio without one... So maybe 4 next year? Hehe
I believe trst has a polish, not sure if she got from Meyer or not. Beardie is a cutie, love her coloring.

I'm experiencing some serious egg jealousy
lol, that made me chuckle, but those re some pretty eggs, I hve to admit. I love the dark one.

Someone else said they had coop drama during egg laying time, well we have the drama with 23 girls, 9 nest boxes and the majority of the eggs are laid in two nest boxes. The drama seems to never end in the am, when most of ours due their deed. The worst two about their privacy are both EE, the petite Gretchen and Isis. When they are in a nest box if nyone so much as pokes their head in the coop, they hiss and squawk to no end. Gretchen, I am hoping will be good setter down the road. She and one of our cornish love sitting on clutches of eggs. Often not their own as I have found Gretchen sitting on 6 eggs, all of which were brown, a little suspect given she is an EE and lays pretty blue/green eggs. I sweep through the coop and nest box area about every hour in the am, to collect eggs and to remove those wanna be broodies off the nest box. Some of ours are molting more hard now, poor Little One seems to be loosing her muff and Gretchen her tail feathers. Still getting 18+ eggs a day so can't complain.
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I do have a polish. It's from Meyer. She has done fine during free ranging. I did have another polish from Meyer for awhile that had a much harder time seeing. Her crest came all the way down her eyes and she could barely make it around. I didn't have a problem free ranging but I think I would've had she been out during a hawk attack. I had to trim her feathers just so she'd stop running into the chicken wire around the run. Our friend took her and she disappeared from their house one day. No idea what happened to her. Their other polish is at my house right now and she seems to do fine. My friend doesn't like her polish but we love ours. Ours was a decent layer before all ours stopped laying too.
Our friend has a white leghorn that she really likes.

I decided to worm our chickens. I found a lot of frothy yellow poops recently. I already had some dewormer for the dogs so I looked it up, same stuff they use for chickens but doesn't do all types of worms. If they don't start laying soon I'll give them a different wormer in a couple weeks. Really hoping this is the problem.
Hey guys, just wanted to post up some pics of a few other girls........these ones have been hard to get a decent picture of, until now.

1 of 4 barred rocks, only one has a name because I can easily tell her apart from the rest.


We have 5 delaware, I can tell two of them apart from their flock mates more easily, so not everyone has a name.

We have two RIR hens, un named....

Beyonce, one of our five EE.


Second RIR hen
Hey guys, just wanted to post up some pics of a few other girls........these ones have been hard to get a decent picture of, until now.

1 of 4 barred rocks, only one has a name because I can easily tell her apart from the rest.


We have 5 delaware, I can tell two of them apart from their flock mates more easily, so not everyone has a name.

We have two RIR hens, un named....

Beyonce, one of our five EE.


Second RIR hen

COChix do you have any pics of how the delawares looked as chicks? I might have one but am trying to figure out for sure
X2.... love the SLW. Yours was so pretty. They are so lady like.

Do we get a vote? LOL... I say EE or SLW. EE's are always so much fun and great layers too!

Yes of course, would love to get others thoughts! One reason I was thinking of starting pullets was because I wanted to pick out the EE colors, I know the surprise is meant to be part of the fun, but I'm a bit of a control freak ;)

I hadn't updated on Beardies status bc I didn't want to jinx it, but she seems to be over the hump! Up a half a pound between Tuesday and Thursday
still watching her very closely and checking her crop a few times a day (which is getting harder to do as she has returned to usual skittish self). Hoping she keeps improving!
here's a picture of her pre-molt and pre-sickness. Hoping she gets back to her fabulous self soon, I've definitely noticed her tail feathers growing in a lot in just the past few days

Thought I'd join in on the 2015 wishlist convo. I plan on adding 3 to my flock (which was my plan this year... I added 7 lol) I definitely want to add a white egg layer, thinking exchequer (spelling?) leghorn? I'm also leaning toward a lav orp, I have a buff orp and love her personality. I've also always wanted a polish but my gals are pastured and I've heard they are not so good with seeing and hiding from threats?? Any of you have Meyer polish that can chime in? Also pics appreciated

ETA- I forgot I really want a Buckeye as well, as I feel wrong to have a flock living in Ohio without one... So maybe 4 next year? Hehe
Beardie is stunning! She reminds me a bit of a Dark Brahma, which I love. Love Orps, would love other colors one day. A local breeder near me is starting Red Orps in the spring, soo pretty, but I will have to wait. Yeah, I feel like we should have a Buckeye too, but I'm not sure about trying again this year. Anyone remember who got the three Buckeye chicks a few months ago? Would love an update on them!

I decided to worm our chickens. I found a lot of frothy yellow poops recently. I already had some dewormer for the dogs so I looked it up, same stuff they use for chickens but doesn't do all types of worms. If they don't start laying soon I'll give them a different wormer in a couple weeks. Really hoping this is the problem.
Good luck! I hope you have healthy, happy, laying chickens soon!

Hey guys, just wanted to post up some pics of a few other girls........these ones have been hard to get a decent picture of, until now.

1 of 4 barred rocks, only one has a name because I can easily tell her apart from the rest.

We have 5 delaware, I can tell two of them apart from their flock mates more easily, so not everyone has a name.

We have two RIR hens, un named....
Beautiful girls! I love the looks of RIR and Delawares. How are their personalities?
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