Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Can't remember if you have the EE named Clara? Or was that someone else. Here is a pic of our only clean faced EE and I thought she looked similar to yours...

She is the one in the front.
Yep you remembered correctly :) Clara is my five year old son's chicken, unfortunately she is the most skittish so he didn't want another EE this year, much to my disappointment. I love their eggs and their variety. They are similar. Clara has the gold and black, looks like the breasts are about the same. Her head and neck has more concentrated black, her back is a bit darker brown and she has a dark tail. I would love a blonde headed EE like your girl behind. Is that Beyonce?

I had to go back quite a bit to find a full body shot where she isn't washed out by snow or sunlight. This was a week before she started laying. She's a bit more fluffy now.
Yep you remembered correctly :) Clara is my five year old son's chicken, unfortunately she is the most skittish so he didn't want another EE this year, much to my disappointment. I would love a blonde headed EE like your girl behind. Is that Beyonce?
Yes that is Beyonce in the back, funny because most of ours are lighter, except maybe Little One. Also our clean face EE is very skitterish, her and Beyonce. i don't get to hold them often. love how the dark against the gold feathers give Clara a unique look.
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That's funny, I would say our EE is one of our friendliest. She doesn't run from you, squats if you just look at her, and is easy to catch and hold. She's not like some people's girls on here that jump in their lap or like cuddle time, but none of our birds are like that.
I know nothing about breeding chickens. Well, I've read a lot, but who knows what I've retained at this point.
If I hatch eggs that Peppy has fertilized, I will not end up with a bunch of black chicks? Right? I think they will all be different.
So this is what I've been thinking...since I'll be hatching the wheaten/blue wheaten ameraucanas, I'm going throw in a few of my eggs. I know some people say to stay away from hatching pullets eggs, so I may only try a couple from the younger bunch. I definitely want to put a few buff brahma and wellie eggs in. Do you think I could sex the new BB/AM chicks using the one or three rows of peas trick? And maybe wellie/AM with the eyeliner? I feel a lot more comfortable hatching chicks that I might have a chance sexing, so I know which ones to keep of course!
That's funny, I would say our EE is one of our friendliest. She doesn't run from you, squats if you just look at her, and is easy to catch and hold. She's not like some people's girls on here that jump in their lap or like cuddle time, but none of our birds are like that. 

We have three other EE that are very friendly and squat as well. LittleOne has been insistent on lots of snuggle time when I go out. She has been jumping onto my lap and buring her face in my arm pit. She is our friendliest in our flock, I assume from hand feeding her crickets at day two when we didn't think she would survive.

The other two run when I come near, lol
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I know nothing about breeding chickens. Well, I've read a lot, but who knows what I've retained at this point.
If I hatch eggs that Peppy has fertilized, I will not end up with a bunch of black chicks? Right? I think they will all be different.
So this is what I've been thinking...since I'll be hatching the wheaten/blue wheaten ameraucanas, I'm going throw in a few of my eggs. I know some people say to stay away from hatching pullets eggs, so I may only try a couple from the younger bunch. I definitely want to put a few buff brahma and wellie eggs in. Do you think I could sex the new BB/AM chicks using the one or three rows of peas trick? And maybe wellie/AM with the eyeliner? I feel a lot more comfortable hatching chicks that I might have a chance sexing, so I know which ones to keep of course!
Good question. Not really the one to answer but yes I would think you would get lots of different colors with varying amounts of black in them. I don't know if the Wellie cross would retrain their wild type sexing. But if there is eyeliner and stripes down the back I would bet on them being females, like in EEs. Good luck, very exciting, we'd love to see when they hatch!

We have three other EE that are very friendly and squat as well. LittleOne has been insistent on lots of snuggle time when I go out. She has been jumping onto my lap and buring her face in my arm pit. She is our friendliest in our flock, I assume from hand feeding her crickets at day two when we didn't think she would survive.

The other two run when I come near, lol
Too cute! We have two snugglers and three that are a balance of cautious and curious, Clara's curiousness just doesn't win out as much as the others.

**edited by Staff**
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You better bring someone with you to the TSC!!! Especially with a coupon.
I can hear you now... " let's see, I can get 6 chicks but since I have a coupon it's like I'm getting 2 free so I'll get 8. But if one ends up being a rooster then it's only 7 and I could lose a few in the cold so I better get 10. Ahhh, let's make it a dozen. Or a baker's dozen"
Well, that would be me anyway!!!
I am so far behind on this thread. I am playing catch-up today.

I know, I need someone to help me resist! I plan on going this week and since we have family coming in over the weekend for the baby shower, I think that will help me resist. I have a lot of cleaning, shopping, preparing and cooking to do this week. The worst part is that it is time to get our business taxes ready too and this is my busiest time of the year for work. So I think I'll be able to resist. This time, anyway.

Just a little overwhelmed!

I just got my shipment of chicks from meyer today, was supposed to be 15 light brahma pullets, but they only sent 13 chicks for some reason, so I've contacted them. But they are adorable and very feisty already. As soon as they were in the brooder they were running around and trying to eat everything in sight.
Love the pics too!

Sitting here with Miss Victoria, my husband's Silver Grey Dorking (pictured in my new avatar). Poor dear somehow broke/lost the majority of one of her nails on her back feet. I was going to shut the girls up in the coop for the day as the wind was really picking up when I noticed splatters of blood on the straw. I searched all the girls for signs of injury. She had been hiding out in a nest box but stepped out when I brought in a small dish of water. She had blood on her feathers and feet so I rushed her in. Cleaned her up, spayed with Vetricyn, dabbed with Blu-Kote and later applied some Sierra Sage Green Goo Salve I just got in the mail and bandaged her back toe up. She's a good patient. When I was cleaning up the dried blood on her underside I noticed she has a bare spot on her belly. She's still molting, but there are no pin feathers coming through there. Waiting for the husband to get home so we can carry the brooder/infirmary in. So until then it's Dorking snuggle time. No school for the boy today or tomorrow due to the dangerous windchill here.

Poor Victoria. Sounds like you're taking good care of her. I hope she's doing better now.
Got s few shots today of our gang today, found the two Wellies side by side in the nest box and I just so happened to have m phone.

Nutmeg, Saffron left after a few shots, didn't get any close of her.

Shots of Rocco. I don't think I posted here but on Valentine's Day my BF and I culled and processed Bruno, our second in command BO roo. Probably four days after my wrist surgery, the gang was out free ranging and it was duskish so figured better go get everyone rounded up and into the run. When I got out there all the hens were in the run and the two roo's were still in free range area. At first glance I thought they had found something like a mouse and where standing over it, but when I rounded the corner, my heart sunk. They were both bloody and they were fighting, not just squabbling but fighting. They were exhausted and I was able to grab Bruno with my good arm and yelled at my dear BF to come help. He grabbed Rocco, both were very bloody and it was dark, I have a bad arm and my BF couldn't deal with them atm due to work. So we put Bruno in the small coop and let Rocco be with the flock. I was so sad, why....I know chickens do this, but still, they had never fought. Anyway, the next day, I reviewed the video tapes from the chicken areas and found that they had been fighting for forty minutes, maybe longer as the beginning of the fight seemed to happen somewhere off camera view. The next day, I was able to look at them both and Bruno took the brunt of it of the top of his head and comb as evidenced by the missing feathers and blood. Rocco seemed to have healed from frostbite just fine, only to have some of his wattles ripped off during the fight. The flock is adjusting, Rocco is very Leary of me and looks a bit smaller than he used too, I think due to the frostbite on his wattles and now the stress & recovery from the fight. I am trying to win his heart by hand feeding him his fav snacks, grapes, BOSS and kale. A lot of the girls have bald backs from the boys obviously competing for dominance, so that helped seal the deal for Bruno. I have already seen some of the girls starting to get pin feather again.

Sorry this last shot isn't better, like I said he runs now when I start to come close.

I am still reading just can't type a whole bunch due to wrist, got my bandage or soft cast removed Monday, have about 4 inch incision. Restrictions for another 6 weeks. I am going batty now that I am feeling better, but can't push/pull/lift anything more than 2 pounds. Chickens included
so lots of reading and BYC.
Love those Wellie pics. Still need one or two of those here.
Glad to hear that you've resolved your rooster issue. Sometimes we have to think of the whole flock and do the deed. Not easy, I know.

Good to hear too that you're recovering well. I imagine that it is so frustrating not being able to do what you normally do. I hate to ask for help myself. I hope that you continue to heal up quickly.

Exciting to have found this thread... My Meyer hatchery order will come in April. Can't wait!

I did the coloring on the vent trick today for our CCL and BLRW. I'm pretty sure they are both laying but I want to see which is their egg. I remember when I got a dozen of the CCL eggs to hatch I put one of our EE eggs in there and I couldn't tell it apart so I think that may be happening here. We'll see. Sorry I didn't get any pictures taken, I pulled my phone out and it was dead.

DH and I spent quite a bit of time in the run today. We held the two head roosters and let poor Carter come out of the coop for awhile. He hasn't been on the ground in a long time. He was really nervous at first but after he realized he wasn't going to get attacked he started scratching in the new straw I put down today and even mounted our little bantam EE. Our CCL roo is attacking him now too. Poor Carter is missing 2 toenails now. :(

We also made plans for some window coverings (about 4'x6') that will be able to be lifted to make shade in the summer and lowered to protect against rain/snow/wind. And talked about how to turn a small fenced off area in the goat pen into a place for meat birds.

I've been working on my garden plan slowly and got some seeds started inside. We are lucky and have a ton of raw space to work with but it's almost too much space, it's overwhelming trying to plan it and get it ready before spring is here.

We are supposed to get a big storm this weekend. I think I'll go out Sat morning before the snow starts and make sure everyone has enough food/water to last until Monday so I won't have to go out in the middle of the storm. We'll have the Sunday's eggs freeze but I'd rather that then go out in it. lol

We worked on our laundry room this morning. It used to have 2 sets of small cheap mismatched white cabinets in it. We took those down and put up the kitchen cabinets from our flooded basement kitchen. It gave us enough room to get the shelving unit we had in there out and it feels so much bigger now. We're hoping our next litter of puppies will be able to be kept in there instead of our kitchen. Eating and having a puppy poop right next to you is not the ideal thing. lol

I got our beehive and got that put together. Just need to paint it and it will be ready for our bees in a couple months. :)

Now I have some toddler boots to crochet, a dresser to paint, a garden to plan, a couple rooms to paint, and I need to pack for my trip next week.
Whoa, you've been busy. I totally understand too. I have so much to do around here as well. I did get a few tomato seeds started inside. I also have trimmed our fig trees and used the trimmings to sprout new trees too.

We got our greenhouse up too a couple weeks ago and then the winter storm hit, so I have not put anything in it yet.

Those inside projects can really disrupt a lot. We did our laundry room years ago, but never put in cabinets like you, we really should do that one day. Our laundry room was in the basement and open to all who came down, so it really wasn't a room. So about 7 years ago, my husband and I put up walls and a door to separate it from the basement. I wanted the laundry area separate and he wanted the rest of the basement for his huge man cave. We each had our own motivation!

I crochet and knit too. I almost have a baby blanket ready for my new granddaughter and a matching hat. Found a pattern for baby booties too to match in the same yarn.

The shower is this Saturday!
My family is coming in for it. Fortunately, we are doing separate showers, her mom took care of her side of the family and I am having one for my side. The combination would have been too much for everyone to be together.

I have a diaper cake almost done too. Those are really fun to make and decorate. I'll have to post pics of all the stuff I have made for the shower. I need to make cupcakes, a cake, a few dips and shop for more snack items to help feed everyone. I think I have all the decorations I need now and so far the games I have chosen are:

pin the pacifier on the baby
match the socks
guess the diapers in the diaper cake
guess the M&M's in the jar
guess the Jordan Almonds in the jar (Need to find a source for those, so far they're pretty expensive)
guess the day the baby will be born

Uh oh, I know I have more, but now can't think of them.

I need to figure out the party favors too. I have pink mesh bags, but need to put something in them. I probably will put Jordan almonds in them. Guess I should check Amazon.

Yep you remembered correctly :) Clara is my five year old son's chicken, unfortunately she is the most skittish so he didn't want another EE this year, much to my disappointment. I love their eggs and their variety. They are similar. Clara has the gold and black, looks like the breasts are about the same. Her head and neck has more concentrated black, her back is a bit darker brown and she has a dark tail. I would love a blonde headed EE like your girl behind. Is that Beyonce?

I had to go back quite a bit to find a full body shot where she isn't washed out by snow or sunlight. This was a week before she started laying. She's a bit more fluffy now.
Beautiful. I had one like her with my first bunch and really would like another.

That's funny, I would say our EE is one of our friendliest. She doesn't run from you, squats if you just look at her, and is easy to catch and hold. She's not like some people's girls on here that jump in their lap or like cuddle time, but none of our birds are like that.
The EE's are funny and each one has a different personality. Our first one, Olivia, will squat when she decides too and does a deep squat and stomps the ground when she wants to be rubbed on the back, but you have 3 seconds to rub her or she is done. She only does this once a week too, other times you cannot touch her. Ellie, from our last batch of chicks can be picked up carried around, etc, her sister who looks a lot like her cannot be touched at all and will not squat at all either.

The one we had like autumnhearth's would squat too but did not want to be touched otherwise. I really would love to get another dark headed EE, like Maddie again.

Welcome to all the newbies on here!!! Good luck with all the new chicks!!! Good luck to everyone with all these winter storms too!!!

I am officially caught up!!! Well on this thread anyway...
Here's my diaper cake so far. I still have a few more little gifts to add to it.

I know it is not chicken related, but there are ducks on it, so does that count.

Poor Victoria. Sounds like you're taking good care of her. I hope she's doing better now.

She's doing well, yes :) I actually didn't end up keeping her inside, my brother called an hour later needing a jump and I couldn't keep her in the house alone with out the brooder. But she roosted just fine, I've cleaned and changed her bandage several times, it keeps coming off.

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