Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

I agree, RIR, Light Brahma, probably a Gold Laced Wyandotte and Partidge Rock. Not sure about the last one but they all look healthy and cute.

So Miss Morgaine my BCM and head hen isn't feeling well again. Same symptoms as in January, lethargic, pale, puffed up, white runny poops all of which are outward symptoms of well any sick chicken. I also noticed yesterday when i was looking her over that she lost two toenails as she had trouble roosting last night and didn't want to come out of the coop this morning. So we're taking her to the vet to make sure she she doesn't having something contagious that I need to treat the whole flock for. So glad there is one that sees chickens, they specialize in avian and exotics and had pictures of a duck, a barred rock on their website as well as snakes, chameleons, hedgehogs and a fawn. The receptionist asked on the phone what the chickens name was. Not if she had a name, what it was. Yep that's the right place to go.

What an awesome vet!! I really need to find one as well. Everyone's doing fine, but I'd be great peace of mind to have one available. Hope your Morgaine is ok. It'll be a relief to get a diagnosis for sure. Hopefully it's something easy to care for. :fl
Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been around for a long time. Sad news...our owners showed up last month and made me get rid of my girls
luckily my father in law took them. But he lives over an hour away so I do t get to see them so much. I have been devastated
Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been around for a long time. Sad news...our owners showed up last month and made me get rid of my girls
luckily my father in law took them. But he lives over an hour away so I do t get to see them so much. I have been devastated
:( That sucks, sorry to hear that. I have sad news as well, just going to copy and paste it from FB as I don't feel like replaying it. I will only add that the husband was totally against spending more than a hundred dollars on her, when she likely would die early anyway and hasn't been contributing. I get it, I don't like it but I get it, our finances are a bit tight and she hasn't been well since December. I keep on having to remind myself that if we were on a farm we would cull her.

Had to make a hard decision and while I think it was was the right one to make given our circumstances I still feel really hallow. It was immediately clear to the vet that she was very sick. She had lost a lot of weight, her skin was yellow, her temperature was high. Her crop was full from yesterday but she only had a nibble of cornbread this morning and her abdomen was hard and very sore. It was likely reproductive but they couldn't know without and x-ray and blood test. It would have taken ivs and a stay at the clinic to get her rehydrated, but even then after over $300 she might not make it and I doubt she would get back to laying. Morgaine laid her first egg on Halloween and stopped laying at the end of November/early December. She was visibly sick in January and it took a week to nurse her back to health, but she hasn't been fully healthy in a long time. She's been pale and was puffing herself up and crouching still while the others free ranged. I had her on my lap during the last few days. Normally she would complain, Morgaine loved to complain and tell others off loudly. But she was just quiet and docile. She didn't make a peep at the vet and had her eyes closed most of the time. So we had them put her to sleep. I'm going to take in a some droppings on Monday to get tested to make sure the flock is in the clear from cocci, worms etc. But they all look great and are laying well. Rest in peace Morgaine. You weren't the friendliest chicken but you kept everyone in line and I couldn't help but love your crankiness.

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been around for a long time. Sad news...our owners showed up last month and made me get rid of my girls
luckily my father in law took them. But he lives over an hour away so I do t get to see them so much. I have been devastated
:( That sucks, sorry to hear that. I have sad news as well, just going to copy and paste it from FB as I don't feel like replaying it. I will only add that the husband was totally against spending more than a hundred dollars on her, when she likely would die early anyway and hasn't been contributing. I get it, I don't like it but I get it, our finances are a bit tight and she hasn't been well since December. I keep on having to remind myself that if we were on a farm we would cull her. [COLOR=141823]Had to make a hard decision and while I think it was was the right one to make given our circumstances I still feel really hallow. It was immediately clear to the vet that she was very sick. She had lost a lot of weight, her skin was yellow, her temperature was high. Her crop was full from yesterday but she only had a nibble of cornbread this morning and her abdomen was hard and very sore. It was likely reproductive but they couldn't know without and x-ray and blood test. It would have taken ivs and a stay at the clinic t[/COLOR]o get her rehydrated, but even then after over $300 she might not make it and I doubt she would get back to laying. Morgaine laid her first egg on Halloween and stopped laying at the end of November/early December. She was visibly sick in January and it took a week to nurse her back to health, but she hasn't been fully healthy in a long time. She's been pale and was puffing herself up and crouching still while the others free ranged. I had her on my lap during the last few days. Normally she would complain, Morgaine loved to complain and tell others off loudly. But she was just quiet and docile. She didn't make a peep at the vet and had her eyes closed most of the time. So we had them put her to sleep. I'm going to take in a some droppings on Monday to get tested to make sure the flock is in the clear from cocci, worms etc. But they all look great and are laying well. Rest in peace Morgaine. You weren't the friendliest chicken but you kept everyone in line and I couldn't help but love your crankiness.
I'm so so sorry about this. Of course you did the right thing, but it doesn't fill the void. I am glad to have found people that love chickens the way I do.
My Limabean hatched out a forth chick. I was shocked because she really hasn't been sitting. She's been up and about with the three chicks. Well, tonight the poor little thing was kicked out of the nest. Of course I brought it inside knowing he would probably not survive. Minutes later he gave up. I feel bad I couldn't save him, but it looks like he had some issues. He would have been terribly cute too. Must have been ameraucana x brahma because of the feathered feet. Oh well. I guess the little and the bigger heart breaks are what we've signed up for.
My Limabean hatched out a forth chick. I was shocked because she really hasn't been sitting. She's been up and about with the three chicks. Well, tonight the poor little thing was kicked out of the nest. Of course I brought it inside knowing he would probably not survive. Minutes later he gave up. I feel bad I couldn't save him, but it looks like he had some issues. He would have been terribly cute too. Must have been ameraucana x brahma because of the feathered feet. Oh well. I guess the little and the bigger heart breaks are what we've signed up for.

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been around for a long time. Sad news...our owners showed up last month and made me get rid of my girls
luckily my father in law took them. But he lives over an hour away so I do t get to see them so much. I have been devastated

Konachicks, I just wanted to re-extend my sympathies, I feel like I unintentionally took attention away from your loss. I would be much more devestated if I couldn't keep my flock than by loosing one member of it. Were the owners not okay with it in the first place or did they change their minds? How long have you been renting and is there any possibility of moving? I imagine its hard to find affordable property there. :(
Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been around for a long time. Sad news...our owners showed up last month and made me get rid of my girls
luckily my father in law took them. But he lives over an hour away so I do t get to see them so much. I have been devastated

Konachicks, I just wanted to re-extend my sympathies, I feel like I unintentionally took attention away from your loss. I would be much more devestated if I couldn't keep my flock than by loosing one member of it. Were the owners not okay with it in the first place or did they change their minds? How long have you been renting and is there any possibility of moving? I imagine its hard to find affordable property there. :(

Oh no! I must have missed this post. I don't know what I'd do if I had to give up my flock. So sorry! Hoping you can come to a compromise with them :fl

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