I am SO upset.
Ordered 16 chicks (and a meal maker) from Meyer hatchery in Ohio and they arrived 8 days ago.
Within 48 hours, 4 chicks died.
Then another 1 died two days later, and another 1 two days after that.
Last night 3 died, this morning 2 more. Some have trouble breathing, some have diarrhea (started Corid), some just die. I have them under a heat plate in a heated room (room temperature - advise from the hatchery). I keep them under the same conditions as I did with my previous batch of chicks with 100% survival. IMHO, and I am not an expert at all, if chicks keep dying under these conditions, there is something wrong with them. They either have an illness or it is genetics.
From the 17 chicks total I am down to 6 left . And who knows if they are going to make it
Chatted with the hatchery and of course they will only replace the 4 that died in the first 48 hours. That is their policy. Well, thank you. I will NEVER order at Meyer hatchery again.
Just my experience, unfortunately.
Ordered 16 chicks (and a meal maker) from Meyer hatchery in Ohio and they arrived 8 days ago.
Within 48 hours, 4 chicks died.
Then another 1 died two days later, and another 1 two days after that.
Last night 3 died, this morning 2 more. Some have trouble breathing, some have diarrhea (started Corid), some just die. I have them under a heat plate in a heated room (room temperature - advise from the hatchery). I keep them under the same conditions as I did with my previous batch of chicks with 100% survival. IMHO, and I am not an expert at all, if chicks keep dying under these conditions, there is something wrong with them. They either have an illness or it is genetics.
From the 17 chicks total I am down to 6 left . And who knows if they are going to make it
Chatted with the hatchery and of course they will only replace the 4 that died in the first 48 hours. That is their policy. Well, thank you. I will NEVER order at Meyer hatchery again.
Just my experience, unfortunately.