Meyer's Ameracaunas

My Ameraucana pullets from Meyer all had muffs and beards. Leg color varied from willow,green,charcoal. I am not an expert on the differences. Mount Healthy Ameraucanas were more inconsistant with variations to total slick faces.
If they aren't one of the standard accepted colors, they are EEs.Accepted colors are: Black, Blue, Blue Wheaten, Brown Red, Buff, Silver, Wheaten & White. Ameraucanas do not have willow/green legs. Even the picture they posted on the site is an EE. And the description says the eggs can be olive green, also an indication to me of an EE. Doesn't mean they aren't nice birds, but couldnt be considered Ameraucanas IMO.
Yes, won't matter to me

Anybody have any pictures of their Meyer's EE/'Ameracaunas'?
Meyers has EE like most hatcheries!

but, they are calm and they really have many colors (also blues) their leg color does vary!
they are also good layers!

I have had 3 EEs from Meyers before-- none of them laid a blue or green egg. Two of them laid a beautiful brown (clay-colored) egg. The other one laid an off white colored egg, almost pinkish.
I have 2 EE's from Meyers I ordered last year. One is a wheaton (buff) color & the other is a beautiful blue and gold color-she has lacing on her feathers (sorry at work so no pics here to post).

Both are very calm & sweet-tempered & both lay greenish-blue eggs medium-large & very consistent. Both have muffs & beards.

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