MG or Coryza?! I'm kinda freaking out!!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 27, 2013
Portland, OR
Okay, I'm new to keeping chickens and my 15 week old hen developed a swollen eye yesterday. About 2 weeks ago we bought 2 hens from a local farm store and I was completely ignorant and didnt quarantine :/ Now that I've done some research I'm starting to freak out that she has Coryza or MG! Our rooster who was raised with her and the other 2 hens seem fine. I have her separated and giving her tetracycline and antibiotic eye ointment. Should I treat the other chickens? Am I going to have to cull my flock?!! I'm starting to freak out and I feel really stupid and guilty bringing the new hens in. We had started with 3 chicks, lost one to our dog when she jumped out of the brooder and one turned out to be a rooster, I was lazy and didnt want to brood more chicks but I'm afraid I screwed the whole thing up. Advice, please!!!

Here's a pic of her eye. I put some antibiotic ointment on it after this and it seemed to help a little. There is no sneezing, no odor, and only slight discharge from her nostrils. Any thoughts?

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