Miami Township-Clermont County, Ohio--Any current or wannabe chicken owners?

Are your chickens legal or 'under the radar?

  • Yes, my chickens are legal!

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • No, chickens? Who me? What chickens?

    Votes: 4 57.1%

  • Total voters
Yes, from what I've found Milford is fine. I've seen a couple houses down there with cute chickens and coops that are not noisy or smelly. I live in Miami Township and on a corner with a lot of traffic. I've been wanting to get chickens for years and decided this was the year to do it. I've heard so many different opinions because many of my friends have them and have been told by the zoning lady that if their neighbors didn't complain that was all that mattered. Then, someone else told me you had to have an acre. I think the real answer is that currently they are considered farm animals and I wish to change that. I've been doing even more research and have found Montogmery put together a wonderful Chicken Manifesto and now chickens are legal. So, I plan on doing as much research as I can and presenting a change in the zoning laws so all us happy chicken people can be legal!
That's great! If you need s copy of the Montgomery presentation, just let me know. Keep us posted how it goes.
I also live in Miami Twp. I will definitely sign a proposal. I looked up the zoning and we're supposed to own at least 5 acres of land in Miami Twp and have a coop at least 200 ft away from homes which is just ridiculous.
That IS ridiculous! Chickens are less noisy than most of the dogs and motorcycles around my house. :)
Chicksomeday, if you have a copy of the Montgomery presentation I would very much appreciate a copy. I've read it online but in order to download it you have to pay $9. I don't really mind but if you have a copy that I would be able to make changes to to reflect Miami Township that would be great! Thanks!!
Faithchicks--sorry, I checked and the link I had was for the scribd copy as well. There is detail posted here on Backyard Chicks from the group that organized for Montgomery-- . Perhaps they would send the original if you commented? And I completely agree that chickens are not the biggest noise offenders. My dogs barking at the endless procession of deer through our woods would win that prize!
Yes, I can attest to dogs barking. :) One dog in the neighborhood sets everyone on a crazed vocal adventure. I think I will download it, thanks though, I appreciate the thought!!!
I went down to the zoning and got to talk to a guy named Lou. He said that they are going to be addressing a zoning ammendment this fall...2013!! He said they know that everyone around us allows chickens. It will take 3 meetings for it to change but he doesn't see any reason for the zoning ammendment to be a problem! Yay for Miami Township chickens. I gave him our name in case he needs any community support at the meetings or any info like the Montgomery manifesto.
That is awesome! I do wish we didn't have to wait till fall. I think I'm still going to go with my undercover chickens if my neighbors say it's ok, but it sure would be nice to do it all legally. Please let me know if they would live community members to show up to the meeting. I would love to be there to show my support.

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