Mice in the coop

Alpen Way Chickens

5 Years
Jun 3, 2017
It seems now that the weather has gotten cooler we have a mouse that is making it's home in our chicken coop. It seems to be able to get behind the nesting boxes. We've only found droppings in the chicken dropping tray under the roost, not in the nesting boxes or on the floor of the coop. We don't keep any feed in the coop that would attract it. Is this a big problem? Should we pull the coop apart to try and figure out how it's getting in?
The best thing to do is trap it because yes, mice can become a big problem pretty quickly. Chances are if you see one there are more around. You can take a bucket or some other kind of container with a lid, cut a small mouse sized hole along the bottom, and bait and set the trap in the container. That way you can put it right in your coop without harming your chickens.

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