mice in the henhouse

Well the point is just to coat the bucket inside...not to fill it. You could use just olive or vegetable oil but I'm not sure about freezing temp.
Ohhh....might work, tho I don't think it would stick in a smooth consistent layer to the plastic...and still a mess to clean up.
A few(3-4) inches of liquid is all it takes to keep them from jumping.
Ohhh....might work, tho I don't think it would stick in a smooth consistent layer to the plastic...and still a mess to clean up.
A few(3-4) inches of liquid is all it takes to keep them from jumping.
:idunnoShawn Woods does it all the time especially now since he gets demonitized if he shows the mice dying
What is it with people and death? Some people can't even say, "He's dead". Instead, it's, "He passed."

Several years ago, I was present at a close friend's death. Also present were half a dozen other close friends. Everyone but me stood back and watched in horror or dread or whatever they must have been experiencing. I went to her as she was in death throes and held her close until she died.

It must be some ancient superstition that death is catching if you so much as even mention it, let alone actually watch it happen.
What is it with people and death? Some people can't even say, "He's dead". Instead, it's, "He passed."

Several years ago, I was present at a close friend's death. Also present were half a dozen other close friends. Everyone but me stood back and watched in horror or dread or whatever they must have been experiencing. I went to her as she was in death throes and held her close until she died.

It must be some ancient superstition that death is catching if you so much as even mention it, let alone actually watch it happen.
I think you are right on the avoidance but not on the reason of superstition...more like adaptive reasoning. I had to watch my grandpa inlaw on his deathbed. They had him all hooked up with tubes and wires. I was sad but I also felt unnerved as if my body was saying that death is here. For shawn woods it is more that people see it as animal abuse instead of getting rid of a pest. There are tons of videos from foreign countries that have stolen his videos and images to promote their videos. Those people use PET mice and rats. That is animal abuse. Unfortunately youtube makes no distinction on this. If you go to mousetrapmondays.com you can see his whole rant about this as well as the full videos on how the mousetrap works
Okay, yeah, death freaks most of us out as we do not really want to dwell on the thought that one day it will be us.

But back to the topic, why kill something when you can just avoid attracting it with proper sanitation and a good feeder?

No love for rats or sparrows but the best solution to an excess of both is being a responsible flock owner. I do remember starting out and how expensive it was so there is that argument, but if a good feeder investment pays for itself eventually even tightwad me gets that it is the best solution.
Okay, yeah, death freaks most of us out as we do not really want to dwell on the thought that one day it will be us.

But back to the topic, why kill something when you can just avoid attracting it with proper sanitation and a good feeder?

No love for rats or sparrows but the best solution to an excess of both is being a responsible flock owner. I do remember starting out and how expensive it was so there is that argument, but if a good feeder investment pays for itself eventually even tightwad me gets that it is the best solution.
I do agree with you that simple management and prevention is key but this wont help the OPs situation as the mice have found a warm location and have probably stored food now. At this point it is almost like an "I told you so"; not that that is your intention. I'm sure the OP is now reconsidering their feed situation as well as pest elimination. We had to do this ourselves recently due to raccoons getting into the feed. We eliminated the access point but this caused the raccoons to then seek out a way into our birds. Had they been allowed to remain in the vicinity they would have chewed through the roof or walls to get in. Even with good maintenance pests can find a way in
Ningasquirrel makes a valid point, several points. And I forget that a thread is about the OP and tend to offer general advice or points to ponder. If the critters have stored food they are going to be tougher to evict.

And the coons searching for a weak point shows the need to consider what is the consequences of closing one problem. Kind of like putting one of those long and strong door jamb plates on an entry door so can't be kicked in might mean getting your windows smashed in instead. Fixing the door jamb after a break in might have been cheaper.

Still, we have to circle back and admit that prevention will always be less costly and less complicated than the cheapest solution to a problem. In this case, protecting the feed might well require poisoning to solve the problem. But others might learn from the OP's quandry and solve this problem before it every shows up in their coop.

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