Michigan Chickenstock Has Returned for 2022! Sign In. Sign Up. Show up.

Not really. I have not had many replies.
Okay. Just got off the phone with our friend Kendra. She'll come with us and her friend Randy. She'll bring some food as will we. I'm throwing some charcoal and starter in the truck so we can cook what ever. I'm pretty sure I said way back I'll bring the raffle tickets, sign-in book, and Cindy would probably bring a salad bar type thing. I'll bring one item for the raffle as can anyone...one item. I'll probably bring some other food just because. I know it's been a couple of years due to COVID but I'm not seeing all the usual folks that attend much less post at all. Hope they are all happy and healthy.
I think I still have the old original sign-up book from years past and a box of stuff. We took it all a few years ago and brought it back last time. I'll let a few of the peeps that usually come know in case they are not looking. Not sure right now about us so I'll get back later. Is there going to be the usual raffle? I believe I have the tickets also.
I am not sure if hub will go but more likely not. I am bringing all plates, utensils, cups and napkins. I can make some crocheted chicken coaster for the table. A few sets of 4 coasters if you like. All hand made in different colors. I might bring a few blankets as well for the table. I am not a professional crocheter but I enjoy doing stuff. Just need before the date a ballpark number of people attending to make sure I bring enough. I am not a baker and not everyone likes Puertorican food,lol I do not know how to cook mexican food as I know everyones loves mexican food, 😢
I am not sure if hub will go but more likely not. I am bringing all plates, utensils, cups and napkins. I can make some crocheted chicken coaster for the table. A few sets of 4 coasters if you like. All hand made in different colors. I might bring a few blankets as well for the table. I am not a professional crocheter but I enjoy doing stuff. Just need before the date a ballpark number of people attending to make sure I bring enough. I am not a baker and not everyone likes Puertorican food,lol I do not know how to cook mexican food as I know everyones loves mexican food, 😢
For the raffle one item is all you need but people do sell things in the past. Oh, I like PR food. Sure did when I worked there, in PR. Fried plantains and land crab...
I called Kat and she plans to be there. Cindy and I will be there and we are bring Kendra and Randy. Kendra came last time we had one in 2019. Cindy will probably bring a sald bar/veggie tray like usual. I'll ask Kendra what she'll bring and get back. I forgot to ask Kat. I'll also bring maple syrup if we do the raffle. Don't forget the raffle. I kind of explained it for those that don't know.
Thanks for that. I've been trying to remember some of the people who attended before. Kat was one. I lost all of her contact info when I moved up here. She lives not far from Sam (Opa). Another person I've lost contact with.
I'm not sure if I'm a bad person for neglecting old friends or just a victim of old age forgetfulness,
I'll reach out to some FB friends that used to come and let them know that CS22 is on.
If someone actually DOES want my rooster, I will bring him. But only if they want him to be a rooster, not dinner, ok? Though if he gets more butthead-y, I might change my mind.

He is good with the girls, but "forgets" I'm the boss. My neighbor (who hit the straight run lottery and never got a boy) would probably take him, but no way I can give him to her. She has little kids, and I wouldn't trust him around them. They have no cockerel experience.

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