Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

That's one mighty fine barn. I think some people are going to be quite jealous. I know I am.
Questions....I heard that crows keep haws away? true or false?

Also, I see turkey buzzards around my house....they are just scavengers right? They won't go for live chickens will they?
turkey futures will not go after chickens, although I read an article where crows had learned they could kill baby chicks it is rare I would think. Crows do help keep hawks away as they try to chase them out of their territory , and they make a lot of noise if a hawk is around, How ever there is no guarantee the crows will be watching when the hawk comes to visit your flock,
I think we have only 1 death due to hawk in 6 yrs, others have had much more
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Okay ?
This morning when I fed the chicks only their crumbles and scratch not any other treats as I usually do. I noticed allot more sparing among the juveniles which are mixed ages. I use about 5 different feed stations because the three oldest don't share well. Roseann only shares if they approach calmly if they bum rush her they get a swift peck. Also if they spar around her she breaks them up each getting a peck if one runs she makes sure to go after them gives them a peck then resumes to her activity. I don't think shes excessively picking on them. Anyway do both girls and boys spar or these young roo's? They range from 9 wks - 5 mo.
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Yes. I have a bro and sister out there and they are always sparring.

I saw a HUGE red tail on the side of the road today. What a stunning bird. Tried to get a pic, but my luck wasn't with me. Some one stopped in my way because they thought I was broke down... Bummer. When I told the Samaritan I was just checking out a red tail, she was surprised, she had never seen one. Needless to say, the hawk flew off...
For all those friends that were interested. Still have a ton of landscaping to do. Probably bring in 12 yards of composted cow manure and spread around the perimeter and spread clover seed. As the goats get cleaned I spread the bedding around as cover. My neighbor across the road called me last night and reminded me he was picking up 4 new cows from the guy down the street that's going out of the business. He said there was one other 1200 lb cow that needed a home. I laughed pretty hard (I think he probably thinks I'm nuts now). I just took 20 meat birds to the Amish yesterday and was relieved of that burden. I think I'll pass on a cow for now. I'd rather get a heifer in the next few years...So Hillbilly, Farmerboy, Chickflick, and a few others here it is all done on the outside.
o Oh my! That is exactly what I want!! Would you pm me where you got plans and an idea On what it cost? Beautiful job, I love it! What are they asking for the cow? Trying to get things done around here but it's tough with DH still OUS on a job. I finally got to breed the new FG buck Friday, so I'll be anxious to see what they produce! There are quite a few good men on this forum! It's nice to know ... They do exist!!
One of my meyer chicks is laying. Its a brown medium egg.  I figure I can rule out the lt brahma and white jersey giants, which leaves a sumatra or one of the appenzellers.  Anyone have a clue which it could be?

My Sumatra lay a medium egg, but they seem to be very fat (wide) for the size. The others I don't know

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