Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Hey there.

You guys see this? Anyone we know? http://www.mlive.com/lansing-news/i...efighters_rescue_ch.html#incart_river_default
That is precisely why the original RTF was enacted in 1977. Rural areas like South Lyon, Howell, and other areas had a housing boom as city folk moved to the country and then didn't like living next to a working farm. They "ordinanced" the farmer off of his land. So state law was enacted to protect the family farm. Then in the late 80's and 90's, the big ag business bought up family farms, expanded the CAFOs and then bought and paid for a new state law to address their interests. It gripes them that us little guys were using "their" law. 

I hope you can attend the meeting. Maybe we can carpool from A2.
Thank you. 

That's why I'm raising the alarm. MDARD only released the notice the other day and it was on the QT. If they really had any intent of hearing public comments then they would allow more than 2 weeks and would have meetings across the state in both peninsulas. 

Yea we can carpool.. I have a van that seats 6 if others want to meet in AA to go.

I am willing to go. When and where is it? If anyone in my area is going, I am willing to carpool. Makes me so mad about the Big AG and Gov suppressing us little farmers just trying to live our dream and make living to support our families.

1 pm

Michigan Municipal League
1st Floor Training Room
208 N. Capitol Avenue
Lansing, Michigan



State Secondary Complex - General Office Building
Room A
7150 Harris Drive
Dimondale, Michigan
Hello Fellow Michiganders,

Thanks for your postings during the cold weather...I was reading all of them and was happily reassured. My one polish hen and two mix breed bantams did just fine, even with no heat or insulation in their little backyard coop. We did tarp them off and added extra straw and that seemed to do the trick.

I am wondering if anyone in Michigan might have some bantam faverolle hatching eggs for sale this spring? I have had polish and silkie eggs shipped in and haven't had a whole lot of luck with hatching after shipping. I would like to try picking up the faverolle eggs and seeing if I have better luck that way. I live in Brooklyn but will be traveling a lot this year (including up north), so I can pretty much pick up eggs from most anywhere in Michigan. Please let me know if anyone will have bantam faverolle hatching eggs or if anyone knows where I can get some.



I have a pair that I hope to get good eggs from. Right now she lays almost every day but they are not separated. Her egg also has a extra curlicue of calcium on one end so I'm not sure if that would affect hatchability. I am way up north by Mackinaw but it seems like someone is always traveling.
Thanks. I actually will be going to the Traverse City area in the spring, so maybe we can pick up some egg then. I will send you a PM.
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[TR] [TD] MICHIGAN COMMISSION OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT MEETING [COLOR=606060]TUESDAY, JANUARY 14th 1 pm Michigan Municipal League 1st Floor Training Room 208 N. Capitol Avenue Lansing, Michigan[/COLOR] [/TD]
Argh..for the first time in my career I haven't had to travel in the last 12 months. Next week I will be on Pax River. I would've taken a day of vaca to attend, especially living so close to Lansing. :he The more I read these posts, the more I am beginning to understand the far reaching implications. And the angrier I am getting...
Had a disaster of an evening last night. Dh called me at work to pick up the kiddo because he said he would be late. I then ran around like a crazy woman trying to get everything I needed done in an hour because I had a meeting to get to. So when he saunters in 3 hours after his work and 20 minutes before my meeting I wasn't happy but gave him the benefit of the doubt and all was well after he explained, until he made a comment that I must not have been too busy since I had the time to message my friend. We had just discussed the fact we both had meetings and would have to talk another time. So I wisely kept my mouth shut and left for my meeting......only to back into the garage door that I had left open and he closed.
I so tried not to make things worse to no avail.

One of the chores I had to take care of was my one Polish girl Curley had a frozen crest and beard and since I didn't have the time to deal with it, I now have 3 chickens in the basement. I hope to send them out this weekend when it warms up. My little hen is now standing so I think she will heal ok. I have to work today and tomorrow but I picked up a couple bales of pine shavings when I was in town, knowing I will have major coop cleaning to do with the coming thaw.
Had a disaster of an evening last night. Dh called me at work to pick up the kiddo because he said he would be late. I then ran around like a crazy woman trying to get everything I needed done in an hour because I had a meeting to get to. So when he saunters in 3 hours after his work and 20 minutes before my meeting I wasn't happy but gave him the benefit of the doubt and all was well after he explained, until he made a comment that I must not have been too busy since I had the time to message my friend. We had just discussed the fact we both had meetings and would have to talk another time. So I wisely kept my mouth shut and left for my meeting......only to back into the garage door that I had left open and he closed.
I so tried not to make things worse to no avail.

One of the chores I had to take care of was my one Polish girl Curley had a frozen crest and beard and since I didn't have the time to deal with it, I now have 3 chickens in the basement. I hope to send them out this weekend when it warms up. My little hen is now standing so I think she will heal ok. I have to work today and tomorrow but I picked up a couple bales of pine shavings when I was in town, knowing I will have major coop cleaning to do with the coming thaw.
EGADS! So sorry about you night!

Sounds like we have the same chores .. have a TSC list for DH today while I am home teleworking.
Spazzie has been in house for 10 days & is going back out today...AFTER we do the same; MAJOR coop clean while a bit warmer (& before we both go out of town on Sunday & have someone else staying here to look after all the kids...want things as EASY as possible for him & I am STILL gonna worry about them next week; first time I have left the chickens to someone elses care...)

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