Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Here are some pics of DD yesterday as she took the older chicks outside to our grow out / breeding pen... field trip. LOL. DD is momma hen for sure & a few of them wanted to be in her lap (or on her shoulder, or head...). In the last picture she was nicely scolding one of the leghorn chicks because she flew up on DD's head with some "not so clean" feet. Some of the hens had to come over to check out the new kids too.

I just saw the wicked witch fly by on her bicycle...
In her wake she left me a present.

Half of the patio roof is also gone.
And for good measure, the truck is STILL in the repair shop.
Bummer too bad she couldn't have picked up your whole place and took it out of garden city for you ... you got a busy day ahead of you... any of it salvageable?
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So sorry to hear about all the storms and damage. Hope no one has been injured. After such a long winter I hope our spring and summer come and go with out too much more incidents.

Have a safe week everyone!
Phew. Glad everything was ok! I always worry about everyone and their critters when stuff happens. I still haven't had a reply back from myfriend in sparta about whether she can stay in her house so i'm assuming she's elsewhere and can't. I hope ins covers the tree damage and don't call it "act of God"
Yeah it pretty much was damage central in the Muskegon area. Trees down everywhere, roofs off, houses crushed. We got the one inch hail and winds but did not lose a tree. We did get flooded pretty bad as most fields have.

Hopefully we'll dry out in a week, or so. I have tree orders to plant next weekend. Hope everyone is okay.

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