Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Hello again, I have a 2 day old Ancona chick to get rid of, she had spraddle leg but I corrected it, she makes a racket like you would not believe if she is separated, but when she is not she attacks all the other chicks. If you want her I will gladly give her to you with 1 pound of non gmo, corn and soy free starter feed. I really don't want to have to put her out in the wild to be dealt with the natural way. I think she would turn out fine if she was put with a broody that could knock her into line, I unfortunately don't have one at the moment to do that with.

Thanks. (BTW I am in the Howell area)

and you cannot sex it yet, right? My hen could definatley teach her some manners, I know it:rolleyes:
I would definatley need to know the sex before I got it though, due to city living in St.Clair
Horseychicken, welcome to BYC and I'm sorry that you lost one of your birds to a predator. Unfortunately that is one of the sad realities of raising chickens. I live in Howell, and while it may be too much of a drive, I have ISA browns the same age as the bird you lost and would be willing to give you one.
Aw, well thank you sooooooo very much! Thats so kind to offer:lol: and yes, I have been realizing some of the "cons" of chicken raising.. but the pros absolutely outweigh them! And thank you, I do feel very welcome here :hugs
Okay, thank you for rhe info! Im going to be on a chicken search lol
thank you 'thechickenflock' and opa! Opa won chickenobi... omg I lovee itttt :))))
Guys, thanks to my parents, my other chicken survived.
they heard her squawking outside so my dad ran downstairs and got one of the four foot sharp floor scrapers and booked it outside qith my mom . They saw two sets of two eyes, one on the geound and one jn the trees. He scared them away and took out Nugget, who was STICKING HER HEAD THEOUGH the holes in the fencw. Close call... hahah.
welll, they put her in my dogs kennel in the garage with half a corn cob and some water and she was so happy, clucking aoftly and all. Lol were setting live traps tonight with bait and putting Nugget in the garage again tonight.
My cousin also saw 4 baby kittens and momma last njght under our car.. so were thinking either raccoons or cats. Well obviously send the cats to the humane society if we catch them, because the mom looks sick and the kittens are very tiny. But if its a raccoon.. welll my dad will shoot it lol
Shooting the coon won't make it safe for nugget. Home depot, lowes, or your local hardware should have 36" hardware cloth. 1/2 " will work, bury a foot of it under ground and securely attach it to the fence you have, it keeps coon fingers out and chicken heads in and prevents predators from digging under the fence. That way you don't have to worry about predators as long as your pen is otherwise secure. I'm so glad she survived.
Shooting the coon won't make it safe for nugget.  Home depot, lowes, or your local hardware should have 36" hardware cloth.  1/2 " will work, bury a foot of it under ground and securely attach it to the fence you have, it keeps coon fingers out and chicken heads in and prevents predators from digging under the fence.  That way you don't have to worry about predators as long as your pen is otherwise secure.  I'm so glad she survived.

thank you, we are going to try everything. I do believe we will end up getting rid of the coon, though, and thats so sweet youre happy that she survived as well! Thank you sooo much. Now I know to bury it deep.. that will be our project for today and tommorow. Aell keeep her inside at night until I get this fixed. thanks so much, it really does mean a lot :D;)
There will always be a coon or other predator that will follow behind the one you dispose of. The more secure your coop/rum is, the less risk there is to your birds.

I'm surprised you guys didn't catch this...... have ta keep me rum secure.
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