Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Some might say that I have put myself in to this position. I can't entirely disagree with that.
I'm in this position because I chose to stand up for my rights and I challenged the judge on his arbitrary ruling.
I guess I made him mad when I challenged his absolute authority by requesting a valid trial.

Side note: My sentencing hearing is Tuesday at 10:00 am. I have been given notice of that. It should be open to the public.
I found out through a legal source that there is also a "closed post-sentencing hearing" for me on Wednesday at 2:00 pm. That hearing is NOT open to the public. Nor has the court notified me of that particular hearing.

I only have Monday to file FOIA requests and motions with the court.

I think I am pretty much screwed. Anyone available to take care of my critters for a while?

(PS I have a FOIA report that says that the city does monitor this website. Be careful with replies.)
RaZ, as a very wise young man once said, "there is no justice following unjust laws." Aaron Swartz (my personal hero) RIP
Yes, the legal system does not like it when we stand up for ourselves, they expect us to follow the rules, no matter what. I used to be a straight and narrow path kind of girl until I realized it was the path they wanted and expected me on. You have done nothing wrong and they know it. They think they hold the power. Standing your ground is tough. If I could be there in that courtroom with you I would. I'm behind you.
If they do read this...

Shame on you! Punish a real criminal and put my hard paid tax dollars to real use instead of something so stupid.

Its teriable to see you get in so much trouble for this and yet the nonliceanced 2nd time offence drunck driver who almost killed my husband back in Feb got a slap on the wrist and no jail time.
Oh and by the way... He learned his lesson too. Saw him back at the bar drunk as a skunk shortly after his court date. I'm only guessing he was celebrating his freedom and slap on the wrist.
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@RaZ Best of wishes to you. I don't know how you stay sane with such insane harassment. You are doing exactly what our constitution is all about. Standing up for your rights. Will be thinking of you on Tuesday and Wednesday. Wish I could do more!
Raz, ugh. So sorry you are in such a position.

Some might say that I have put myself in to this position. I can't entirely disagree with that.
I'm in this position because I chose to stand up for my rights and I challenged the judge on his arbitrary ruling.
I guess I made him mad when I challenged his absolute authority by requesting a valid trial.

Side note: My sentencing hearing is Tuesday at 10:00 am. I have been given notice of that. It should be open to the public.
I found out through a legal source that there is also a "closed post-sentencing hearing" for me on Wednesday at 2:00 pm. That hearing is NOT open to the public. Nor has the court notified me of that particular hearing.

I only have Monday to file FOIA requests and motions with the court.  

I think I am pretty much screwed. Anyone available to take care of my critters for a while?

(PS I have a FOIA report that says that the city does monitor this website. Be careful with replies.)

Oooo goody!! First of all my chickens are in a legal spot for them. Second, it is the reason i don't give my whole name and location. Stupid, stupid, stupid!!!!! I pay these MI taxes too and i am furious to see money that should go to roads and children being used to foster such a joke of a trial. These are ordinance violations, NOT LAW. Stupid petty city ordinances that have their place in keeping things tidy but NOT to serve jail time for.

Are you sure they don't want your house or something??? I thought you were a year from paying it off a year ago??? Were i you i'd broker that house through a realator from far away, that they could not harrass. That is not defeat, that is bluntly telling them they will no longer have power over you and go bang on someone else's door. Inspecting IN your house! That is called invasion of privacy. Over ORDINANCE violations. Got nothing to do with what you got in there. I'd have to wear my holiest boxers, were i you; you have to cover but they can deal with it while they are being snoops.
On a different note i sucked it up and went to the auction today, no touching and no buying but was missing my hen. Been looking for dove breeders perhaps. Of the two little breeder groups of chickens i have only the roos compare with that line (my hen was the last of my breeding i have spent these last 5 years on) of birds for sheer human bonding. Starting to wonder if i should give up and get a pretty parrot, but i like my birds. Too bad there are not blue cockatoos. Why does there have to be such a line in the sand over birds? I have been looking for a home where my chickens and i could share the same yard but it has been grim.
Great pictures Silly

Raz I don't know what to say. I have no idea what I would do in such a situation. Good luck.

It has been a bad week for birds here. I lost 3 hens to a hawk, I'm sure it must be a Red tail or something large like it since it carried off standard size hens. I also lost a button quail boy but that was just old age so it was to be expected.

People ask me why I free range when there is that danger. Here is part of the answer.

Not a great picture, we were gone yesterday and when we got home this is how I was greeted. It isn't all of them but a large amount have to come out and say hi. I was working in the garden last week and the turkeys spotted me and they and all the younger guineas had to walk all the way over just to check me out and see what I was doing.
I just took out all the stail cereal chipes and old food from the fridge. A loaf of bread and a watermelon out to the feather babies and they are on cloud nine. Also turned them loose for the day to free range since they only get to once a week.
I kicked the newborns out too with momma's as they need to see the world outside the corner of the coop.
I swear a hawk had a clutch in the woods by my coop! My birds are terrified to come out for more than a minute and after your experience mindy i kinda am too. :( i can hear them constantly in there.

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