Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

I've raised chickens on and off for 65 years and as this threads resident curmudgeon I often give advice that some view as harsh or callus. For instance, I don't believe in trying to find a vet that will charge you over $100 to try and save a $5 bird. Nor do I believe that chickens can be affectionate. Any interest they show in you is based on food. Plain and simple.

When introducing new birds to a flock, I always add them in the dark. Come morning they don't have the sense to realize there are new birds. I see no reason to spend days with them in close proximity in the belief that there will be fewer problems. There will be absolutely no difference. However, you may have some difficulties that you need to monitor. There will be some re-establishing of the pecking order. Often birds of a different color will receive quite a few problems with the more dominant members of the flock. Also birds of a much smaller size should never be added as they often are killed.

I know many people talk about how gentle and loving their birds are, but as a friend once told me, if you fall in a chicken coop they will eat you.
Love that bit about falling in a chicken coop. made me laugh a lot
!.....I got 4 new hens a month ago and after getting lots of advice (some conflicting) I used a bit of common sense and not much fuss in introducing them to my other 5 and my girls pretty much all got on fine from day one with only a minor squabble here and there.....I think I've been pretty lucky all in all, now if I could just get even 1 egg from any of them I'd be happy

Here's my new boy I bought. He's being shipped in from SD and should be here tomorrow or Friday. He will be a great addition to my pet quality hens to pretty up the babies they produce.
What is it a tribble??

Got a lovely message from my brother tonight while at work. Turns out my father has been admitted to the hospital due to excessive fluid buildup, most likely from him not keeping his diabetes in check. Haven't been there to see him yet, but guess that's on the agenda for tomorrow. I was hoping to set up my chicken tractor tomorrow to have it parked for winter.
What is it a tribble??

Got a lovely message from my brother tonight while at work. Turns out my father has been admitted to the hospital due to excessive fluid buildup, most likely from him not keeping his diabetes in check. Haven't been there to see him yet, but guess that's on the agenda for tomorrow. I was hoping to set up my chicken tractor tomorrow to have it parked for winter.
prayers and healing vibes for dad
Thanks guys. He's my newest and last silkie boy to add to my flock. He will go nicely with my 2 paint roos and hopefully keep the color interesting between them. I have 12 hens for these boys and hopefully can add 5 more nicer girls in the future for them that way I have a nice lil flock. And that way plenty of girls to go around for them boy's.

Tribble.... I like that. Maybe that will be his new name. He dose look like one. Lol
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My zipper broke on my hunting coat. I don't have any way to get it fixed in time for Saturday so we went to Dunham's and I got a $180 coat on sale for $75!!
Tribble.... cute name for him!
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LOL, I changed my post because I read the comment about tribbles wrong......... I can't seem to think straight today, falling asleep from benedryl I assume. '

powdered sugar has started to fall in Ann Arbor.. WLP is supposed to get 1-3 inches... Holland to GR..
It's hit us here, 30 miles west of Kazoo....they're saying 6-9" by Fri pm.

This was 7am...another inch since then and still falling heavy intermittently, lake effect.

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